
Are their any real players with 369k drones?



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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    Someone actually started a "suicide" list for those that have left the game. Not sure what use that's gonna be LOL

    The Global PvP Leader Has 36,806 AP with 11 Hours remaining.

    RANK #2 and #3: 21,440 AP and 20,089 AP respectively.

    #1: 2 x 11.5, 11.0, 10.5
    #2: 4 x 10.5
    #3: 2 x 6.0, 4.5, 5.5 ... what the hell ???

    #610: 2,583 AP (me) ... like I said, any slower and I would be comatose *** SMILES ***
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    With less than 3 1/2 hrs to go here are the current totals:

    IOS First: 25321
    10th: 14452
    30th: 8395
    Me: 74th place, 5646 Playing only free energy credits

    Amazon: First: 12332
    10th: 6185
    30th: 4142
    There will only be 8 in the Gold League
    Me: 9th Place, 6307, playing only free energy.

    Amazon the place to be again this weekend.

    Scorpion, these scores represent the maximum points that I am ever going to get without a buy-in and include reinvesting the 50 Gold received as the 4000 AP milestone.
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    HalfassedHalfassed Registered Users 35 Posts
    The 369k drones are by cheaters. I was in a clan where some guy said he was going to try a hack. I just came across him in pvp and now he has a 369k.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    Halfassed wrote: »
    The 369k drones are by cheaters. I was in a clan where some guy said he was going to try a hack. I just came across him in pvp and now he has a 369k.

    The hell you say? What has the world come to ... that would explain how some of these max'd out drones are being "fused" whist I cannot even get my support drone equipped with the most basic functions. Just build one by bypassing the feature altogether ... JEEZ I suspected this, but there was no way of proving it.

    Normally I don't concern myself with cheats since their actions didn't affect me directly ... they cheated their way to the all time leader board; who cares. This is another case entirely because the battles are harder and more COSTLY due to their underhandedness ...

    ... now they're going into my pocket !!!

    Ironically eventually everyone will have 369k drones anyway. The game will get uglier (in more ways than one) and people will stop playing. This arms race has gotten out of control LOL.

    Drone warfare??? Is this what it's come down to? Totally ridiculous !!! Art imitating life?

    All of our recent discussions (since the upgrade) have been about these **** drones ... battle tactics, building them, spooks having max'd out drones, cheats having max'd out drones, broken features, broken graphics, etc.

    Convert all support drones to be used as a purely "offensive" helper to the player. No more drone in base defense. This solves two problems (1) we won't be facing drones in battle (2) those that already have max'd out drones should be happy as well (better than droppping them completely) ... just a thought. The "defensive" drone went from being totally useless (CKS 2.0) to being a game enjoyment killer (CKS 3.0) and there is no end in sight.

    QUESTION: How did we get from Contract Killer "SNIPER" to Drone Warfare? ... Beats me.

    Maybe we should sit back and let the drones fight each other?
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    NoobieNoobie Registered Users 163 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    Ironically eventually everyone will have 369k drones anyway. The game will get uglier (in more ways than one) and people will stop playing. This arms race has gotten out of control LOL.

    Drone warfare??? Is this what it's come down to? Totally ridiculous !!!

    Maybe we should sit back and let the drones fight each other?

    You have just given Glu another idea. Coming soon.....


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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    Noobie wrote: »
    You have just given Glu another idea. Coming soon.....



    LMAO How about that.

    They could throw in a remote control too. Fly over LAX and take out a Boeing 767 ... 1,000 GOLD.

    Oh hell now the MIB will be knocking on my door ...
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    This forum has always had an obsession with cheats and hackers. My earliest posts were in defense of the the players at the top of the Leaderboard. I guess I am going to do it again.

    I cannot speak to the Android platform, because I don't play there, but I can tell you I know the top players on Amazon and IOS and they are great guys, all concerned about preserving their gold and all have the same frustrations we do. I am ranked number 3 on IOS with 49270 VP and I can tell you that I came by every single VP honestly. Interestingly, hackers come and go but the people who stick with it long enough to work their way to the top, with all of the frustations attendant to that, have earned their place on the leaderboard.

    As far as the 369 K drones go, I now know a couple of players who are at 369 K and I know they came by that honestly, because I watched them play hour after hour to get there.

    I also have some ambivalence about people hacking Glu in particular since Glu does so much to rob us all, it is kind of reassuring to see that someone has found a way to put one over on them.

    Listen, I don't condone hacking, but on the list of things that need to be fixed on this game, hacking doesn't make the top 50 IMO.

    Oh, about matches against 369 K drones, that what the "Find New target" button is for.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    Oh, about matches against 369 K drones, that what the "Find New target" button is for.

    Who is this ... where is BradR752? *** SMILES ***

    Didn't mean to knock you OR the leaders. One doesn't make the TOP 30 by hacking drones. We were just having a little fun with it. I would LOVE to see them go away though.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    Who is this ... where is BradR752? *** SMIELS ***

    Didn't mean to know you OR the leaders. One doesn't make the TOP 30 by hacking drones. We were just having a little fun with it. I would LOVE to seem them go away though.

    Over the months that I have been memorizing the names on the Leaderboard, I have seen a name or two suddenly disappear from the rankings. My theory has been that Glu's computers cross-check rankings against gold buy-ins and removes people who acquire a ton of points quickly without paying Glu.

    Hmm, Glu as "Big Brother." Now I know I am getting paranoid.

    Listen, we all know how greedy Glu is, you know that they are not going to take theft from them lying down.

    And on a more positive note: At least Glu managed to get the Leagues up and running this week. Good work, Glu!
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    Over the months that I have been memorizing the names on the Leaderboard, I have seen a name or two suddenly disappear from the rankings. My theory has been that Glu's computers cross-check rankings against gold buy-ins and removes people who acquire a ton of points quickly without paying Glu.

    Hmm, Glu as "Big Brother." Now I know I am getting paranoid.

    Listen, we all know how greedy Glu is, you know that they are not going to take theft from them lying down.

    Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

    *** SMILES ***
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    Scorpion I think it was you who started a Drone upgrade cost thread. I have lost track of that thread, but here is my update:

    I am currently on Level 80 of 120 with Drone strength of 16.8 K.
    495 XP are required to advance a level and each XP cost 1800 Diamonds.

    I am now 2/3 through the levels but have acquired less than 5% of the 369 max power. This is clearly backloaded. The upgrade from level 79 increased Drone Power 1.2 K. In order to get to 369 K in the next 40 level, I have to get in average increase of nearly 9 K on each advance. Weird!
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    Scorpion I think it was you who started a Drone upgrade cost thread. I have lost track of that thread, but here is my update:

    I am currently on Level 80 of 120 with Drone strength of 16.8 K.
    495 XP are required to advance a level and each XP cost 1800 Diamonds.

    I am now 2/3 through the levels but have acquired less than 5% of the 369 max power. This is clearly backloaded. The upgrade from level 79 increased Drone Power 1.2 K. In order to get to 369 K in the next 40 level, I have to get in average increase of nearly 9 K on each advance. Weird!

    That's just too tedious. How long did it take (time wise)? I gave up around 8k because it was too time consuming ... maybe I should try again? after all that's the future of CKS ...
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    Since, at long last, I am fully upgraded buth in weapons and in my Base, I have no other place to put my diamonds.
    The one good thing that I can say about the Drone program is that it gives you a place to dump your vault, making you an unattractive target.
    I haven't put any gold into it, and of course, I can't upgrade the weapons, but at 16.8 K the Drone is finally becoming useful. He has actually killed an opponent or two. It is still a misguided concept, but at least it is a place to dump my Diamonds. I had the iPad off for six hours after emptying my vault. I had only one attack all night and it was unsuccessful.

    I figure playing only free energy, I can make a level jump every day or two. It is not a priority for sure. At my current pace I should hit 369 K about the same time I cash my first Social Security check.

    My problem now is that my "free" play is not free since I am using a Medkit on most 69 K Short attacks.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    My problem now is that my "free" play is not free since I am using a Medkit on most 69 K Short attacks.

    Nothing in CKS is free except the AMMO (Thanks Glu). I've been searching for the cheapest way to fight these battles. It's a losing proposition though. Anything you save by using KNIVES and GRENADES instead of medkits, you'll lose in precious time trying to avoid the inevitable. So my final solution is to continue to stockpile those medkits.

    Hopefully things will get easier when I get a HEAVY; remember I am fighting these shorts with the GARMR and it's challenging to say the least !!! I am getting adept at it though; sort of like David and Goliath :-)
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    HalfassedHalfassed Registered Users 35 Posts
    Brad, my drone is at 18.3k. We are moving forward at roughly the same rate, which is what I consider normal. Anyone with a 369k drone now? I don't consider that normal.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    OK I went in and spent some diamonds on my drone. I am now at LEVEL 70 with only 8,600 DRONE POWER ??? Is this correct? If not, What am I doing wrong?

    I also notice that in addition to the thousands of parts I've accumulated from 3-4 PvPs I have thousands of parts left over from CKS upgrade as well. Grrrrrrrrrr

    This really is pushing my patience threshold .....
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    Halfassed wrote: »
    Brad, my drone is at 18.3k. We are moving forward at roughly the same rate, which is what I consider normal. Anyone with a 369k drone now? I don't consider that normal.

    While it is not normal to have a 369 K drone already, it is certainly possible. I have a fellow clan member in SilentDeath clan on Amazon who maxxed out last week. He plays hard 5 hours every evening. He clearly earned his Drone.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    While it is not normal to have a 369 K drone already, it is certainly possible. I have a fellow clan member in SilentDeath clan on Amazon who maxxed out last week. He plays hard 5 hours every evening. He clearly earned his Drone.

    Playing hard is a relative thing. I can collect 500,000 diamonds (or more) a day cruising, but the TIME factor ... that's a bullet I am going to need to bite, I guess. I just don't have enough of it.

    Also, I assume that I will need to max out the support drone BEFORE I can start adding features like HEALING RAYS and ROCKETS?

    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    Playing hard is a relative thing. I can collect 500,000 diamonds (or more) a day cruising, but the TIME factor ... that's a bullet I am going to need to bite, I guess.

    My current approach is to maximize the impact of my play time be concentrating my efforts when I can accomplish two or more goals: compete for a weapon and use the points for base upgrade. To grind away the hours to upgrade you Drone is depressing, since the program is so clearly flawed, but to compete for a weapon and dump the Diamonds won into the Drone is less daunting. My drone gets upgraded only as a byproduct of my other motivations to play the game.

    BTW, the only thing that keeps me at this game right now is the Clan chat with my clan on Amazon. They are the best players on the platform and they are really funny. They keep me entertained hour after hour. They are so positive, unlike the tone on this forum. (Present company excepted, of course.)

    On the flip side, have you checked out Global Chat? Horrifying, vulgar and brain dead. Avoid it like the plague!
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    My current approach is to maximize the impact of my play time be concentrating my efforts when I can accomplish two or more goals: compete for a weapon and use the points for base upgrade. To grind away the hours to upgrade you Drone is depressing, since the program is so clearly flawed, but to compete for a weapon and dump the Diamonds won into the Drone is less daunting. My drone gets upgraded only as a byproduct of my other motivations to play the game.

    Depressing is a word and half? LOL what about the HEALING RAYS and ROCKETS?

    I gather a 369k support drone is just the beginning of my nightmares ... Glu better fix this SOON LMAO

    15 minutes to load (so far) and all I'm trying to do is "upgrade" my drone's machine gun ... the only positive side to this is I can do it while waiting for ENERGY CHARGE to complete. If I were competing PvP the way I typically do ...

    20 minutes ...

    25 minutes ... (30 and I'm rebooting my tablet ... JEEZ)
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    I don't think it is possible to upgrade weapons no matter how much time you take. It is possible, though incredibly time consuming, to change weapons when your drones reach a new power threshhold. When my drone hit 8K, I switched from the 1K weapons to the 8 power 7 star weapons. It took 30 minutes of constant pounding on the left arrow key, but I eventually got all four. The next threshold is 51 K and the 64K. I may avoid the 51 k upgrade entirely (if I ever get there) and wait for the 64 K level.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    I don't think it is possible to upgrade weapons no matter how much time you take. It is possible, though incredibly time consuming, to change weapons when your drones reach a new power threshhold. When my drone hit 8K, I switched from the 1K weapons to the 8 power 7 star weapons. It took 30 minutes of constant pounding on the left arrow key, but I eventually got all four. The next threshold is 51 K and the 64K. I may avoid the 51 k upgrade entirely (if I ever get there) and wait for the 64 K level.

    OK ... rebooting tablet now ... it's not frozen (tablet is running fine); the **** thing just won't load ...

    Why can't I upgrade the machine gun? It's currently at level 1 out of 15 ...

    and now a content update LMAO

    and ANOTHER content update ... what the hell.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    Almost every day I attempt to upgrade to see if Glu has fixed the problem. Every day the same result: I am forced to restart my tablet to get the game running again. "The Team" is clearly not giving this their full attention.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    Almost every day I attempt to upgrade to see if Glu has fixed the problem. Every day the same result: I am forced to restart my tablet to get the game running again. "The Team" is clearly not giving this their full attention.

    Here's another question ... Are there varying degrees (versions) of 369k drones? Some have max'd out support, while other have max'd out MACHINE GUNS, HEALING RAYS, ROCKETS ... man if that is true, this adds a whole other level of drone complexity I wasn't bargaining for ...

    OK CONTENT UPDATE errors have stopped after rebooting.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    Here's another question ... Are there varying degrees (versions) of 369k drones? Some have max'd out support, while other have max'd out MACHINE GUNS, HEALING RAYS, ROCKETS ... man if that is true, this adds a whole other level of drone complexity I wasn't bargaining for ...

    OK CONTENT UPDATE errors have stopped after rebooting.

    The Drone thing is not only broken, it is very confusing. Here is what I believe the facts are as it relates to Drones:

    There is only one type of Support Drone. It is upgradable through fusing parts to add power. While there are a wide range of parts available, they are interchangeable, differing only in their XP value. While you appear to "win" those parts, you still have to pay to have them fused. It does not matter which you add, the result is the same: the xps are added to your total working towards a level upgrade of your drone, when you get the required number of XPs, which increases with every level jump, your Drone level is increased and the Power and Drone Health are increased.

    You can attach 4 kinds of weapons to your Drone, Machine Gun, Healing Ray, Shield Generator and Rocket Launcher. While you win these weapons, you cannot install them on a drone of lesser power. The threshold levels are 125, 1 K, 8 K, 51 K and 64K. While it is possible, though cumbersome, you can install a higher value weapon, once your Drone Power reaches a new threshold. It is not possible to upgrade the weapon once installed, because of a glitch in the software, though it appears to me that the weapons become more useful as you increase drone power.

    Winning numerous copies of the same weapon does not upgrade the power of that weapon. On my last change of weapons, I discovered that I had "won" over 450 of the 51 K machine guns, each of which has its own icon that must be paged through to get to my endless inventory of 8 K weapons.

    That is all that I have been able to figure out so far. You ask the question: Why did they design it this way? I don't have a clue!
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    The Drone thing is not only broken, it is very confusing. Here is what I believe the facts are as it relates to Drones:

    There is only one type of Support Drone. It is upgradable through fusing parts to add power. While there are a wide range of parts available, they are interchangeable, differing only in their XP value. While you appear to "win" those parts, you still have to pay to have them fused. It does not matter which you add, the result is the same: the xps are added to your total working towards a level upgrade of your drone, when you get the required number of XPs, which increases with every level jump, your Drone level is increased and the Power and Drone Health are increased.

    You can attach 4 kinds of weapons to your Drone, Machine Gun, Healing Ray, Shield Generator and Rocket Launcher. While you win these weapons, you cannot install them on a drone of lesser power. The threshold levels are 125, 1 K, 8 K, 51 K and 64K. While it is possible, though cumbersome, you can install a higher value weapon, once your Drone Power reaches a new threshold. It is not possible to upgrade the weapon once installed, because of a glitch in the software.

    Winning numerous copies of the same weapon does not upgrade the power of that weapon. On my last change of weapons, I discovered that I had "won" over 450 of the 51 K machine guns, each of which has its own icon that must be paged through to get to my endless inventory of 8 K weapons.

    That is all that I have been able to figure out so far. You ask the question: Why did they design it this way? I don't have a clue!

    S.N.A.F.U. and F.U.B.A.R. immediately come to mind !!!!
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    S.N.A.F.U. and F.U.B.A.R. immediately come to mind !!!!

    That explains everything. Why didn't I see that earlier?
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    Houston ... We have a problem !!!

    I guess all we can do at this point is use up those OLD parts and the little "FUSEY" thingys we got during campaign play ... got plenty of those also (TIER 4 through TIER 9) ...

    ... and I'm NOT gonna ask LOL
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    That explains everything. Why didn't I see that earlier?

    Brad, my drone scored a kill on a MERC ... my little guy finally busted his cherry LMAO

    I've got a JUGG in my sights and I noticed this MERC running with his life draining away; then I realized that my drone had locked in on him and wouldn't quit firing ... I was shocked !!! Problem is I don't know if it was something I did to trigger that attack OR the drone did it on it's own?

    Also noteworthy: it was against a max'd out defense/drone LONG battle.

    Will wonders ever cease?

    *** SMILES ***
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    For those of you keeping score at home, I have now advanced to Drone Level 81. My Drone Power is now 18.3 K, which means that I gained 1.5 K from Level 80. Only 39 more levels to go. On level 81 XP points costs 2600 Diamonds and it takes 530 points per XP. This means I have to earn 1,378,000 diamonds to advance to Level 82. Wow!
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