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  • i also have this problem on xperia play since some month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • they have closed fb app because there was one more thing what can make problems. remember on the tie glitch. so they had to look to fix this. and with the time they have need for fix this glitch they also couldn´t work on other parts on the game. that was still the reason i think.
  • ryyst i send u the code of the new version of my program. after your okay i post the beta V 0.9.1 as exe file this is still thinked for players without a mobile device (or they have trembling fingers like me) it is just a hotkeytool not more and not less. the player have still to do all thinks like mobile device but only…
  • @ geo: thx. it´s still my first beta. the accelerate is the problem what i have still to make better i know. the hotkeys are called at my opening post. @ RR Sparkle: i still know that i will have no support for the adroid emulater from side of Glu.(but it´s still legit because it run like android or not) However, I suffer…
  • i still have write a littpe progamm for windows users so that they can run the game as much as on facebook it is my first hotkeyprogramm. it is for resolution 1600x900 beta V0.9.0 http://netload.in/dateiHKbbxwpi5y/RR...00x900.exe.htm hotkeys are ü, "Programpaused" ESC, "Exit Program" DOWN, "gas" UP, "Nos" LEFT, "gear down"…
  • i would like to see the toyota celica in the game i still like the model from 1989-93 (T18) Attachment not found. I know that this model as a front fwd and was 4wd available depending on the engines. it also gave some rally cars from it Attachment not found. i hope you get the right of toyota, that this cars also can get…
  • after a update (like 5? month ago) i wasn´t able to play the game on my xperia play so i have make a swap to fb. now i only can say if fb realy gets closed: good work RR i get more and more tremble fingers and the keybord the is best way to play this great game for me. so i think i can put this game in a trashcan an can…

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