
Playability "beef"

JMunsonIIJMunsonII Registered Users 17 Posts

This isn't so much an issue that requires technical support, but a "general" bit of feedback (I hate the word complaint, but, this is a bit of that).

However, before I get to that...

I have been playing this particular game for some time now - with a level 43 Monk, a 20-something Warrior, and a 20-something Mage.

There are quite a lot of things to like about this game. The maps are well put together, the graphics are nicely done, etc. The gameplay is overall very good (if a touch repetitive), though I think (having been a D&D player from long ago), that calling it an "RPG" is a bit of a stretch (it is more like a 3rd person beat-em-up with some character building). The weapons, elements, abilities, are all quite "cool."

The nicest thing is that it provides a "mindless" break from all the activity of my day.

Overall, I think this a very well done game with lots of room for enhancements.

Now, I'm not sure what the overall "goal" is relative to the game and the monetization scheme, so, I'm going to assume that it should be slanted more in the players' favor than vice-versa. I could be completely wrong.

If indeed this is slanted to the player, meaning that ultimately the game can be completed for free, then there is an issue as one climbs levels - especially in the Legendary mode.

I've noticed that, even though my equipment has improved, what I would expect to be corresponding playability behavior has not. In fact, it sure seems like, at times, despite equipment improvements, I'm worse off.

What I mean is, my armor has been improved significantly, but it doesn't appear to lessen any damage at all nor provide more of the benefits (Resolve supposedly gives on the ability have a higher chance at item finds).

Perhaps I am just "striking the bad side of the probability wheel."

After a couple of days of that, I'm not so sure.

In Pom Lai, remember we're talking legendary mode here, the Champion Bugbear causes major havoc. Causing havoc is fine (this is Legendary mode after all), but, when one's GS is near 1k over the suggested, yet the boss womps on the character as if it weren't, well, that's an issue. The Catkin Queen in a previous level is another example - she appears to do the same damage no matter what my equipment level.

It seems no matter the equipment improvement, it really doesn't change the success rate of completing the level as I believe it should.

And I just discovered a delightful little trick of Legendary Nian - a lightning bolt that completely drains hit points in two seconds, against which there appears to be no defense.

In Normal mode, this isn't an issue.

So, to combat this, one should get better equipment. Having the better equipment isn't so much a problem as is upgrading it when the reagents needed are past the boss you cannot beat.

That is, of course, if the game's monetization scheme is slanted for the player.

I am aware of how the gem system works and how to obtain them. I don't want, or need, any of the gems from the "partners," so I'm left with the option of buying gems. I had downloaded and started playing the game when I read it could be beaten (even if it meant a much longer time) "free," as, unfortunately, I'm not in a circumstance that allows for spending money on games like this one.

Once the update was put in and the element runes added, I had gotten hopeful - until I found out the monster difficulty had correspondingly rose too (nearly double the toughness - before the update one hit would do the job, after it took 3-4 hits).

The towers are proving of little help at this point as the reagents dropped are below the level of reagents I need, and beating the levels where I can get those reagents isn't possible given that my equipment is of little use past the levels I'm on - 80 for Heros and 20 for Lotus.

So, as I write this, I'm nearly "stuck" again - no way to evolve equipment (i have two pieces of equipment that are higher caliber, but can't evolve/fuse them and have them be better than what is currently equipped), and no way to get past the Legendary Nian.

This doesn't mean I'm going to stop playing of course, but it will mean I may not ever finish - which would be a shame I'd say.

Peace, Love, and Light,

/s/ Jon C. Munson II


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    XephraimXephraim Registered Users 130 Posts
    It is true that the game became MUCH harder since the last patch.
    I have to say it's still a game which is "beatable" but now you need a lot of more time.
    I have no recept for you (especially since you play monk) but a few tips won't hurt.

    - tower of heroes became easier. try to farm for better gear and reagents there as much as you can.
    - farm and use tokens to get gear which you can't get the looting way yet.
    - change to warrior or at least mage. Many people also monk players say that he is "weaker". espacially in the endless mode.
    - gear up your character with runes you need. Remember the get use of the element triangle: Lightning is good against fire, Fire against Ice, ice against lightning. Here you can see the elements of the enemies: http://ggnbb.glu.com/showthread.php?...nt-on-campaign

    - Primer: http://ggnbb.glu.com/showthread.php?66193-Eternity-Warriors-3-Primer

    You will maybe see yourself only using up your ship tokens and closing your game again.
    With my monk I am stuck at leg Hellboy so I also have my problems: lvl 40; GS 3,5k
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    JMunsonIIJMunsonII Registered Users 17 Posts
    Thank you for your reply Xephraim. :)

    I appreciate everything you said, however, please be aware I already know those things. :)

    The biggest issue is that I cannot evolve the gear I do have for any better as they're maxxed out and I cannot get the necessary reagents as they are past the boss I'm stuck on.

    Same with the Towers - I am unable to surpass the levels I'm at as the monsters just do too much damage for my character to survive it.

    Yes, this is the monk character.

    As stated I do have the Warrior and Mage going, they're in Normal mode.

    Leveling up past the 40s becomes extremely laborious, so, overall, I do recognize the whole thing is going to quite a while - most likely far longer than I can anticipate.
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    UltraSceptileUltraSceptile Registered Users 1,969 Posts
    If you were struggling really bad before the update, then you need to put more effort into the game. I would have suggested you go read JonWayne and Christot's Primer. Now? I don't blame you for struggling. The developers made the game a lot more harder, and unless you want to spend a month farming for stuff to upgrade your gear, i suggest you quit the game.
    UltraSceptile~Forums King.
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    harry potterharry potter Registered Users 741 Posts
    I took started with the monk. To finish the normal campaign I resorted to buying $100 of gems. The warrior and mage are a lot easier. The mage is easiest to play 1-1 against bosses I would say, because of her ability to freeze bosses.
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    UltraSceptileUltraSceptile Registered Users 1,969 Posts
    I took started with the monk. To finish the normal campaign I resorted to buying $100 of gems. The warrior and mage are a lot easier. The mage is easiest to play 1-1 against bosses I would say, because of her ability to freeze bosses.

    Hellboy was awful. I ended up buying 20 bucks worth of gems to get demon soulshards to finally kill him.
    UltraSceptile~Forums King.
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    durc15durc15 Registered Users 124 Posts

    Very good thread. Summed up almost all the issues that general players are experiencing at the moment.

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    XephraimXephraim Registered Users 130 Posts
    You could explain where you are stuck at the moment and what gear you are looking for.

    @durcWhat does Kudos" actually mean?

    I think the warrior (also my main) is the easiest by far.

    "Warrior Pro Guide"

    Step 1: Attack
    Step 2: Parry
    Step 3: Collect loot
    Optional: Let yourself get damaged to have more dps.
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    JMunsonIIJMunsonII Registered Users 17 Posts
    If you were struggling really bad before the update, then you need to put more effort into the game. I would have suggested you go read JonWayne and Christot's Primer. Now? I don't blame you for struggling. The developers made the game a lot more harder, and unless you want to spend a month farming for stuff to upgrade your gear, i suggest you quit the game.

    I was not struggling before the update - everything was going just fine, with the exception of needing reagents that were beyond the bosses that couldn't be beaten. That is a problem and it has nothing to do with "gaming experience," of which I have plenty.
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    JMunsonIIJMunsonII Registered Users 17 Posts
    durc15 wrote: »

    Very good thread. Summed up almost all the issues that general players are experiencing at the moment.


    Thanks durc15! I'm glad someone actually "gets" the post!
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    JMunsonIIJMunsonII Registered Users 17 Posts
    Xephraim wrote: »
    You could explain where you are stuck at the moment and what gear you are looking for.

    @durcWhat does Kudos" actually mean?

    I think the warrior (also my main) is the easiest by far.

    "Warrior Pro Guide"

    Step 1: Attack
    Step 2: Parry
    Step 3: Collect loot
    Optional: Let yourself get damaged to have more dps.

    I'm stuck at Legendary Nian. All my gear is "maxxed" - meaning I can't evolve it any further without the reagents that are beyond Nian. I have two more pieces I *could* equip, however, they require evolving and some fusing before they are better than the gear currently equipped. Most of my gear is purple level 40's.

    I do have the Skyfire Fists, so there's no help there relative to overall attack ability.

    Not much else to do I'm afraid except to keep playing the current tower levels, etc.
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    TraineluTrainelu Registered Users 482 Posts
    If you can beat Nian you should try moving on. Fog Road is a decent place to find DPH.
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    JMunsonIIJMunsonII Registered Users 17 Posts
    Trainelu wrote: »
    If you can beat Nian you should try moving on. Fog Road is a decent place to find DPH.

    Unfortunately can't beat Legendary Nian - too strong and I don't deal enough damage.

    And with that lightning bolt that drains hit points in 2 seconds...well...
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    LietoLieto Registered Users 141 Posts
    // And I just discovered a delightful little trick of Legendary Nian - a lightning bolt that completely drains hit points in two seconds, against which there appears to be no defense.

    In case you want to get advice and not just whine here are few:
    0. Your suggested GS should be invested in weapon. Means that for suggested GS to become true your weapon needs to be the best piece of equipment that you have.
    1. Farm LCyclop. You are looking to get Reeve's sword or Shonnels sword. Upgrade to 15/15
    2. Put frost damage runes into jewellery and sword and maybe some lightning resist into armour.
    3. Get to around 4500GS with that weapon.
    4. You can start farming Nian at around 20-30% win rate. Its ok, he will drop you gear soon enough and it will become 90%+ at around 5100Gs with fully evolved level 31 golden weapon.
    5. Strategy that works for me

    P1 — before he becomes golden
    Use dash whenever he is facing you directly to damage him, if you have enough damage you will stop channeling of his lightning and it shouldn't damage you all too much. Don't really bother with parry, just dps, you can take some damage to finish him faster

    P2 — he becomes dazed first. Start hitting him, when he is about to reach 50% press parry to mitigate his damage from golden mode. At this point use whirlwind, right after he turns yellow. From there do whatever you was doing but at some point there will be a lightning hitting you from the sky. Its hard to avoid first lightning from the sky but try to run (or parry) from 2nd and sometimes there is 3rd.

    At this point he should be dead. But again — key to defeating him is 31 gold weapon (or level 36 purple weapon), decent armour and some runes. Farm cyclop till you get it. You will need gold from him anyway so it won't hurt.
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    JMunsonIIJMunsonII Registered Users 17 Posts
    Lieto wrote: »
    // And I just discovered a delightful little trick of Legendary Nian - a lightning bolt that completely drains hit points in two seconds, against which there appears to be no defense.

    In case you want to get advice and not just whine here are few:
    0. Your suggested GS should be invested in weapon. Means that for suggested GS to become true your weapon needs to be the best piece of equipment that you have.
    1. Farm LCyclop. You are looking to get Reeve's sword or Shonnels sword. Upgrade to 15/15
    2. Put frost damage runes into jewellery and sword and maybe some lightning resist into armour.
    3. Get to around 4500GS with that weapon.
    4. You can start farming Nian at around 20-30% win rate. Its ok, he will drop you gear soon enough and it will become 90%+ at around 5100Gs with fully evolved level 31 golden weapon.
    5. Strategy that works for me

    P1 — before he becomes golden
    Use dash whenever he is facing you directly to damage him, if you have enough damage you will stop channeling of his lightning and it shouldn't damage you all too much. Don't really bother with parry, just dps, you can take some damage to finish him faster

    P2 — he becomes dazed first. Start hitting him, when he is about to reach 50% press parry to mitigate his damage from golden mode. At this point use whirlwind, right after he turns yellow. From there do whatever you was doing but at some point there will be a lightning hitting you from the sky. Its hard to avoid first lightning from the sky but try to run (or parry) from 2nd and sometimes there is 3rd.

    At this point he should be dead. But again — key to defeating him is 31 gold weapon (or level 36 purple weapon), decent armour and some runes. Farm cyclop till you get it. You will need gold from him anyway so it won't hurt.

    Whine? Maybe you'd like some cheese and crackers? ;)

    There's no whining here, just making a point.

    The overall point being that I'm way over the suggested GS for that level of boss, yet the number is meaningless.

    Relative to the weapon, I'll see what can be had with Legendary Cyclops. I wasn't aware there were better weapons than the "Skyfire" series (for example).

    As my monk is the character in Legendary Mode, the suggestions you've made won't function, however, I'll adapt the strategy once I've figured out if the gold-level weapon from Legendary Cyclops will be workable.
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    LietoLieto Registered Users 141 Posts
    ah sorry. Anyway you need level 31 golden weapon from cyclop.
    one more thing about nian — when he teleports try to run towards him and approach from the right side and not directly into his face, he is having super hard times actually hitting anything with his melee attack.
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    nellydesignnellydesign Registered Users 10 Posts
    JMunsonII wrote: »
    Whine? Maybe you'd like some cheese and crackers? ;)

    There's no whining here, just making a point.

    The overall point being that I'm way over the suggested GS for that level of boss, yet the number is meaningless.

    Relative to the weapon, I'll see what can be had with Legendary Cyclops. I wasn't aware there were better weapons than the "Skyfire" series (for example).

    As my monk is the character in Legendary Mode, the suggestions you've made won't function, however, I'll adapt the strategy once I've figured out if the gold-level weapon from Legendary Cyclops will be workable.

    I'm in a similar situation but stuck at Lcyclops. I can beat (or have once) but used all my revives and health potions to do so. He is nowhere near to being on farm. I can't beat the new Frost level without re-runing all my gear and it's pointless since it only drops demon reagents anyway (horrible choice btw Glu). Can't beat the level immediately after Cyclops so the reagent drops from there can never be collected.

    I'm a level 37 Warrior. I have some decent gear in my bag but it is useless because I can't evolve because it requires Demon Champion reagents, which I don't have the GS to farm. And my reagents from token spins are now at Demon Prince, which rules out that avenue. I'm slowly, SLOWLY trying to get all my current gear up to 15/15 where possible so that I can maybe farm Lcyclops and try to get a gold weapon. Currently I only have a 31 blue which is ****, I know. Currently farming normal Hellboy which seems to have had its drops fixed. Should I hope for a better weapon from there? Currently the weapons he drops are below mine. Even the purples.

    Also I am cash poor. I'm using drops to fuse so I'm making no money and am 3 talents behind in my training. It's tough when they cost 200,000 gold to train. there seems to be a huge problem with when and where Demon Champion reagents drop. I have a 31 weapon that requires them to upgrade, but there seems to be no way to farm them at that level and gear score. Even at level 37 I'm stuck. I guess they REALLY want me to buy gems...
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    JMunsonIIJMunsonII Registered Users 17 Posts
    I'm in a similar situation but stuck at Lcyclops. I can beat (or have once) but used all my revives and health potions to do so. He is nowhere near to being on farm. I can't beat the new Frost level without re-runing all my gear and it's pointless since it only drops demon reagents anyway (horrible choice btw Glu). Can't beat the level immediately after Cyclops so the reagent drops from there can never be collected.

    I'm a level 37 Warrior. I have some decent gear in my bag but it is useless because I can't evolve because it requires Demon Champion reagents, which I don't have the GS to farm. And my reagents from token spins are now at Demon Prince, which rules out that avenue. I'm slowly, SLOWLY trying to get all my current gear up to 15/15 where possible so that I can maybe farm Lcyclops and try to get a gold weapon. Currently I only have a 31 blue which is ****, I know. Currently farming normal Hellboy which seems to have had its drops fixed. Should I hope for a better weapon from there? Currently the weapons he drops are below mine. Even the purples.

    Also I am cash poor. I'm using drops to fuse so I'm making no money and am 3 talents behind in my training. It's tough when they cost 200,000 gold to train. there seems to be a huge problem with when and where Demon Champion reagents drop. I have a 31 weapon that requires them to upgrade, but there seems to be no way to farm them at that level and gear score. Even at level 37 I'm stuck. I guess they REALLY want me to buy gems...

    I feel your pain. I had to suck it up and do one of those "partner" things that wasn't requiring any sort of purchase to get the gems needed to buy the reagents to upgrade my Skyfire Fists so I could get past Legendary Cyclops (this was before the update). I don't plan on doing that again as I felt a bit "slimy" for having done it...

    Anyway, the gold thing is rather easy - just enter the Tower of Heros, start at the bottom level, and keep going until you are dead. Collect everything of course, then sell it all - skip the fusing for the moment. Your skills are much more important than the fusing as the abilities will really help on the later levels/bosses.
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    JMunsonIIJMunsonII Registered Users 17 Posts
    Lieto wrote: »
    ah sorry. Anyway you need level 31 golden weapon from cyclop.
    one more thing about nian — when he teleports try to run towards him and approach from the right side and not directly into his face, he is having super hard times actually hitting anything with his melee attack.

    Ah... Skyfire Fists are a level 31 weapon. I have it at 1836 GS (needs to evolve), max GS is 2139. I need DCH and DCSS to evolve the gear. Both of which Legendary Nian drops. Catch 22.
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    nellydesignnellydesign Registered Users 10 Posts
    JMunsonII wrote: »
    I feel your pain. I had to suck it up and do one of those "partner" things that wasn't requiring any sort of purchase to get the gems needed to buy the reagents to upgrade my Skyfire Fists so I could get past Legendary Cyclops (this was before the update). I don't plan on doing that again as I felt a bit "slimy" for having done it...

    Anyway, the gold thing is rather easy - just enter the Tower of Heros, start at the bottom level, and keep going until you are dead. Collect everything of course, then sell it all - skip the fusing for the moment. Your skills are much more important than the fusing as the abilities will really help on the later levels/bosses.

    Wouldn't I need to go until I know I can go no further and not until I'm dead? Can't collect if I'm dead...
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    VykusSouldrinkerVykusSouldrinker Registered Users 173 Posts
    I'm in a similar situation but stuck at Lcyclops. I can beat (or have once) but used all my revives and health potions to do so. He is nowhere near to being on farm. I can't beat the new Frost level without re-runing all my gear and it's pointless since it only drops demon reagents anyway (horrible choice btw Glu). Can't beat the level immediately after Cyclops so the reagent drops from there can never be collected.

    I'm a level 37 Warrior. I have some decent gear in my bag but it is useless because I can't evolve because it requires Demon Champion reagents, which I don't have the GS to farm. And my reagents from token spins are now at Demon Prince, which rules out that avenue. I'm slowly, SLOWLY trying to get all my current gear up to 15/15 where possible so that I can maybe farm Lcyclops and try to get a gold weapon. Currently I only have a 31 blue which is ****, I know. Currently farming normal Hellboy which seems to have had its drops fixed. Should I hope for a better weapon from there? Currently the weapons he drops are below mine. Even the purples.

    Also I am cash poor. I'm using drops to fuse so I'm making no money and am 3 talents behind in my training. It's tough when they cost 200,000 gold to train. there seems to be a huge problem with when and where Demon Champion reagents drop. I have a 31 weapon that requires them to upgrade, but there seems to be no way to farm them at that level and gear score. Even at level 37 I'm stuck. I guess they REALLY want me to buy gems...

    Nelly I am in the SAME EXACT situation as you. I am lvl 38, and I am at LCyclops. I don't have him on farm yet, but I can defeat him usually 3 out of 5 times in about 2 mins. What helped me was putting 2 green thunder ruins in my gear, and loading up on fire resist.

    Anyway I am also getting only demon prince reagents from spins, yet all my better gear needs demon champ reagents to evolve. The drops rate for demon champ reagents is pitiful, and I can only farm the 2 levels after L Cyclops, and barely, still die sometimes.

    I really don't know what to do. I am trying to keep fighting Lcyclops to get a gold 31 weapon, although I have no idea how I would get the reagents to upgrade it. Its so frustrating. Collecting ruins and trying to save gold I guess for now.
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    LietoLieto Registered Users 141 Posts
    Dunno i never had your problem i guess you just wasted all your reagents from offerings and tower rewards on something useless. I was saving those for weapon and i always had enough reagents to upgrade weapon. Sometimes i missed 1-2 reagents which i bought with gems that i had from quests.
    Wouldn't I need to go until I know I can go no further and not until I'm dead? Can't collect if I'm dead...

    Your loot is automatically collected every 5 levels so its np if you die

    p.s. you can start farming cyclop if you can defeat him at least one out of 5 times. Its really worth it since he drops nice epics. Also i find it hard to die @ cyclop as warrior since he is very predictable and you can parry everything.
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    ThinIceThinIce Registered Users 463 Posts
    This game is not worth your time. I've noticed a pattern. By the time you reach a level of playability (without gems), a new update comes and then you get screwed over.

    There's no time for someone who plays (without paying ridiculous amounts of money) to smoothly progress from one stage to another.

    That is why I deleted this sh!t.
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    rewandrewand Registered Users 588 Posts
    JMunsonII wrote: »
    Thank you for your reply Xephraim. :)

    I appreciate everything you said, however, please be aware I already know those things. :)

    The biggest issue is that I cannot evolve the gear I do have for any better as they're maxxed out and I cannot get the necessary reagents as they are past the boss I'm stuck on.

    Same with the Towers - I am unable to surpass the levels I'm at as the monsters just do too much damage for my character to survive it.

    Yes, this is the monk character.

    As stated I do have the Warrior and Mage going, they're in Normal mode.

    Leveling up past the 40s becomes extremely laborious, so, overall, I do recognize the whole thing is going to quite a while - most likely far longer than I can anticipate.

    So you're stuck because of upgrades. Everyone hits this wall several times in the game. It goes like this

    - I want to pass Ivar (Nian, etc.) but I get killed too fast. Need better stuff
    - I can't max out my gear because I don't get the needed agents until after Ivar (Nian etc)
    - I can quit the game, try to get agents from offerings, spend $$ OR...
    - resort to farming the old boss forever, get the very best legendary item available, max it out, and then be able to beat Ivar.

    This roadblock hits over and over in the game and doesn't stop when you can mop the floor with LHB. You need a maxed purple level 44 weapon to play for godly gear in the endless tower and you can't get it from LHB...

    Nothing new here...
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    nellydesignnellydesign Registered Users 10 Posts
    Lieto wrote: »
    Dunno i never had your problem i guess you just wasted all your reagents from offerings and tower rewards on something useless. I was saving those for weapon and i always had enough reagents to upgrade weapon. Sometimes i missed 1-2 reagents which i bought with gems that i had from quests.

    Your loot is automatically collected every 5 levels so its np if you die

    p.s. you can start farming cyclop if you can defeat him at least one out of 5 times. Its really worth it since he drops nice epics. Also i find it hard to die @ cyclop as warrior since he is very predictable and you can parry everything.

    Thanks for the info about loot collection. I had an inkling that that was happening but never made the connection. I usually stopped when I could just barely beat a tier.

    I've never gotten high enough in the tower to get Demon Champion drops. I got a few from the quests right after starting legendary and used them for the best weapon I had at the time. I also got a few from offerings but in my current stuck situation i can only get a couple offerings a day doing the daily quests and the offering rewards switched to demon prince on me pretty quickly. I really don't understand why they kept demon drops after beating normal hellboy. The quests for that portion reward demon champion but the drops are still demon which is stupid. That's what really screwed me. They did the same with frost levels which is just asinine to me. I have no incentive to gear up for frost when the drops are so ****py. They give me nothing I need.
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    VykusSouldrinkerVykusSouldrinker Registered Users 173 Posts
    rewand wrote: »
    So you're stuck because of upgrades. Everyone hits this wall several times in the game. It goes like this

    - I want to pass Ivar (Nian, etc.) but I get killed too fast. Need better stuff
    - I can't max out my gear because I don't get the needed agents until after Ivar (Nian etc)
    - I can quit the game, try to get agents from offerings, spend $$ OR...
    - resort to farming the old boss forever, get the very best legendary item available, max it out, and then be able to beat Ivar.

    This roadblock hits over and over in the game and doesn't stop when you can mop the floor with LHB. You need a maxed purple level 44 weapon to play for godly gear in the endless tower and you can't get it from LHB...

    Nothing new here...

    Well that was fine before the update. I know exactly what you are talking about, and I hit those walls along the way as well, however they were easier to overcome for several reasons:

    1)Bosses dropped more reagents and multiple reagents therefore it was easier to evolve gear.

    2)Bosses and dungeons were easier to beat, meaning faster farming=more reagents, gear, gold etc.(The new rune system does not offset the increased difficulty, I started a thread to that point)

    3)Drop rates in general were severely nerfed, which has been confirmed by mods. I used to farm reg Hellboy and get at least a blue or purple pretty much every defeat, gold drops every so often, and sshards 1 out of 20 times. Now I am lucky if I farm 4 or 5 hours straight and see one sshard, still haven't received a legendary item AT ALL(had 5 gold swords alone drop before the update including 2 Holy Blade of Nobilus his best sword).

    4)As I mentioned before, the increased difficulty of the game is NOT offset by the rune system. Many people have quit, others have had to go back to previous bosses they were farming, some simply cannot advance.

    These are posts we see over and over on the forums, so its not just a select few people.

    If you don't think the new update is "anything new" and that the game difficulty is the same as before then you are sadly mistaken, or you spend a lot of money.

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    JMunsonIIJMunsonII Registered Users 17 Posts
    rewand wrote: »
    So you're stuck because of upgrades. Everyone hits this wall several times in the game. It goes like this

    - I want to pass Ivar (Nian, etc.) but I get killed too fast. Need better stuff
    - I can't max out my gear because I don't get the needed agents until after Ivar (Nian etc)
    - I can quit the game, try to get agents from offerings, spend $$ OR...
    - resort to farming the old boss forever, get the very best legendary item available, max it out, and then be able to beat Ivar.

    This roadblock hits over and over in the game and doesn't stop when you can mop the floor with LHB. You need a maxed purple level 44 weapon to play for godly gear in the endless tower and you can't get it from LHB...

    Nothing new here...

    This response shows a complete lack of understanding of the fundamental problem here.
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    VykusSouldrinkerVykusSouldrinker Registered Users 173 Posts
    JMunsonII wrote: »
    This response shows a complete lack of understanding of the fundamental problem here.

    Sure does!
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    LegionsbladeLegionsblade Registered Users 103 Posts
    This thread really sums up the issue with game logic and playability. Glu still doesn't understand that the flow logic of the game is probably the worst I have ever seen. Boss difficulties do not equal the gear required. That right should show everyone that Glu is struggling with how to properly produce this game. Grinding for hours on ipad for nothing, no ty. I will pay my fees for WOW, D3 and Elder Scrolls online since I know the game logic was properly tested and new ideas arent schemes for more money but ides are for the advancement of the game design and playability.
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    JMunsonIIJMunsonII Registered Users 17 Posts
    This thread really sums up the issue with game logic and playability. Glu still doesn't understand that the flow logic of the game is probably the worst I have ever seen. Boss difficulties do not equal the gear required. That right should show everyone that Glu is struggling with how to properly produce this game. Grinding for hours on ipad for nothing, no ty. I will pay my fees for WOW, D3 and Elder Scrolls online since I know the game logic was properly tested and new ideas arent schemes for more money but ides are for the advancement of the game design and playability.

    Thanks Legionsblade - another gamer that "gets" it! :)
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    LegionsbladeLegionsblade Registered Users 103 Posts
    Aion is a great free to play pc mmorpg. U can buy stuff if u want but more than $20 a month would be spending a lot for Aion. Hopefully Glu will realize that they are taking this game down the wrong path.
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