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  • If you want to advance, yes.
  • Well, 'natch, if the sword-in-question has much higher GS, that's the weapon-of-choice.
  • What you need to know is if the reagents needed to evolve the sword-in-question are within your reach. I can't answer that as I haven't gotten that far with the warrior character I have going (he's still in his mid-twenties, such a young 'un).
  • I don't have a great deal of time either TerryQ. ;)
  • What is hilarious with the ice levels is that, in normal mode, with a GS of near 4500, the monsters can still womp on your character. With that high a GS, I just don't quite get that. Oh well...
  • Thank you for the recommendation. For the most part, I stopped gaming many years ago as my life has gone down a different path. I got this game to help while away the time while my wife underwent her cancer treatments (we're still dealing with that threat). Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have ever put a game on the iPad,…
  • Thanks Legionsblade - another gamer that "gets" it! :)
  • This response shows a complete lack of understanding of the fundamental problem here.
  • Ah... Skyfire Fists are a level 31 weapon. I have it at 1836 GS (needs to evolve), max GS is 2139. I need DCH and DCSS to evolve the gear. Both of which Legendary Nian drops. Catch 22.
  • I feel your pain. I had to suck it up and do one of those "partner" things that wasn't requiring any sort of purchase to get the gems needed to buy the reagents to upgrade my Skyfire Fists so I could get past Legendary Cyclops (this was before the update). I don't plan on doing that again as I felt a bit "slimy" for having…
  • Whine? Maybe you'd like some cheese and crackers? ;) There's no whining here, just making a point. The overall point being that I'm way over the suggested GS for that level of boss, yet the number is meaningless. Relative to the weapon, I'll see what can be had with Legendary Cyclops. I wasn't aware there were better…
  • Unfortunately can't beat Legendary Nian - too strong and I don't deal enough damage. And with that lightning bolt that drains hit points in 2 seconds...well...
  • I'm stuck at Legendary Nian. All my gear is "maxxed" - meaning I can't evolve it any further without the reagents that are beyond Nian. I have two more pieces I *could* equip, however, they require evolving and some fusing before they are better than the gear currently equipped. Most of my gear is purple level 40's. I do…
  • Thanks durc15! I'm glad someone actually "gets" the post!
  • I was not struggling before the update - everything was going just fine, with the exception of needing reagents that were beyond the bosses that couldn't be beaten. That is a problem and it has nothing to do with "gaming experience," of which I have plenty.
  • Thank you for your reply Xephraim. :) I appreciate everything you said, however, please be aware I already know those things. :) The biggest issue is that I cannot evolve the gear I do have for any better as they're maxxed out and I cannot get the necessary reagents as they are past the boss I'm stuck on. Same with the…

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