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  • Sorry my friend but I just went back and checked all the flyers, while they give off a heat signature under inferred I can't find a heart signature. I also hit several within the heat signature but not any different from any other hit. Okay help an old man out I always try to figure out the language differences either from…
  • Thanks, I got all these so must have gotten and just didn't remember.
    in Weird Comment by Tbuff49 January 2014
  • There are no vitals on a bird the bird is the vital, all or nothing. The guy telling you is either in the wrong game or funning you.
  • You can do it with practice and in the bird rounds. The qual can give the most I've got 49 in one round, on Pheasants the best I've been able to do is 35, on ducks my best has been 29. The best I've been able to do on animals is 23 with the little wolverines. Everything else seems to only give at most 20 to even shoot at…
  • You beet me by one weapon. I got 5, but never found/won the riffle. Do you remember where it came from? This old man got lost so don't know what I missed.
    in Weird Comment by Tbuff49 January 2014
  • The leopard and hyena can be killed in one shot with a brain shot. If you practice with inferred to see where to hit the shot can be done without inferred. Without inferred shoot straight on just between the eyes and just above, to a line to the mid vertical point on the back do the skull. If you hit this point they drop…
  • You must not be up to your proper level yet. The bar will not advance until you reach your level. Meaning if you play big dollars you will advance another level while trying to catch up and will take another game to catch up. Once you catch up your bar will start to advance again. You get one step up for each game you play…
    in Weird Comment by Tbuff49 January 2014
  • Levels don't progress by the number of hunts or kills it is by the amount of hunt dollars you earn. If you play 100 games in region 1 you will advance more slowly that 100 games on region 7. Push the dollars up and you advance though levels. Push the number of kills up and you advance on the advance sheet. Play club hunts…
    in Weird Comment by Tbuff49 January 2014
  • I noticed that the 9trillion scores have been removed. Thank you.
  • If you have a shot from behind line up your shot from the butt hole to the base of the neck. Or from front, notice the "V" shape under the neck shoot into the base of the V. Works here and in life.

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