
Help! I accidentally deleted my legendary in EW3

KucuboyKucuboy Registered Users 2 Posts
Hi, i was playing the endless tower challenge in eterrnity warrior 3 when suddenly i got a message upon lvl 95 completion that i had run out of space and needed to return back to town to clear my bag/inventory. After being booted back to town, i had 185 items in my bag.

This is where it happened. I was at the rings section of my bag speed deleting them when i suddenly noticed swords were in the tab too. By then it was too late. My lvl 36 legendary sword was sold...... I was saving it up to get enough reagents to fusion it.. I also noticed thr interface was lagging as i tried switching back and sections looking for my sword.

I had just got myself the legendary lvl 36 sword of Donstadt with stats of crit attack, crit dmg and magic find. Took me more than 5 hours of farming Nian to get it. I really hope you can please help me here. I really feel bumbed out getting booted from endless tower and next my sword showed up in rings tab....

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