
why are the following things happening?

fhookefhooke Registered Users 32 Posts
Diamond count not accurate. System counts about 90 percent.
Win streak loss after crash or exiting game.
Gold not received from free downloads. Google refers to glu.
Game crashes after upgrade and free gold. Android used.
Why does glu allow hackers to play game. If you are not going to stop these actions then put out a cheat code so everyone can cheat.
Tesla and heavy weapons areas disappear after 4 or 5 plays.. why does areas expire when we paid real cash for access?!
We should have unlimited access to these areas. After all we did pay glu real cash!


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    [RR] Sage[RR] Sage Administrator, Moderators 1,129 Posts
    Thanks for the feedback. Feedback like this though is probably better served in the specific game forum. On payouts for special offers, your best bet is to contact the offer provider first (TapJoy, Fyber, TrialPay, etc depending on the game). Usually within the offer wall section there is a help in there (not the overall game help) and from there you can find the status of your offers with that provider.
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