
Harami Bernie Sanders’ Hollywood Supporters Stage Another Protest At dalo

pakipk026pakipk026 Registered Users 2 Posts
Hillary Clinton flexed her Hollywood show biz muscle Tuesday night at the Democratic National Convention, with Meryl Streep, Alicia Keys and an all-star music video touting her candidacy for president.

On Wednesday evening here, erstwhile Hollywood backers of Bernie Sanders struck back with a press conference in which they aired the latest grievances of the defeated Vermont Senator.

Sanders appeared to bow out gracefully Tuesday, coming to a microphone on the floor of the Wells Fargo Center to offer a unanimous slate of delegates from his home state in support of making Clinton the first woman persidential nominee of a major party. But one day later, Sanders’ fierce acolytes — including Susan Sarandon, Shailene Woodley, Danny Glover and Rosario Dawson — told more than 100 members of the media that Sanders had been wronged one more time, even as he capitulated to Clinton’s insurmountable delegate lead.
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