
Need New Levels and Bases

NumbjuanNumbjuan Registered Users 1 Posts

It's been quite some time now since the last level and base upgrade. My fear is.. you're phasing out this game! Why? It was a great game until.... you brought in the whole "bot thing"...

That's where this game went south.... everything was going great... we, all players, even dealt with the whole "tower" thing.. which was a complete mess, as well.

Why.. did you change the format of a great game, to something.... not as good?

Then, if that wasn't bad enough, you changed it, yet again, and brought the bots into it!!!

Have any of you, at GLU, ever heard the following saying.."If it ain't broke...don't fix it"??

I would assume not..because you tried to fix something that wasn't broken!!

we, as players, love the game the way that it was.. it wasn't broken!!! Yet, you tried to fix it, even though it wasn't necessary!!


Now, it feels like you've completely abandoned us, cks players, by not giving us the updates that we need and expect!!

There are so many of us that have spent a lot of "real" money on this game... and then... nothing!!!

You need to make this right!!!

If you are phasing out this game.. I would, and expect, a complete and total refund of all expenditures I, and all other players, have used on this game.

I feel that is a fair deal, because we all spent money, in good faith, believing that this game would continue... at a rate that we have experienced and expect in the future!!

Just do the right thing.. update the game and let us play!!!

It's so simple a fix..

Thank you,

John Bookwalter (Numbjuan)


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    [RR] Sage[RR] Sage Administrator, Moderators 1,129 Posts
    You didn't mention which game you are talking about but for feedback like this the game forums are the best option. The customer care team has no bearing on the development choices of the games.
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