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  • I have not supported this game by paying, and I don't think there will ever be a game that I will pay for. I supported it by viewing a huge amount of advertising. I also don't mind the fact that people who pay for it are far more advanced in the game that I am. Of course they should be. But I also reached maximum (level…
  • I see someone mentioned the "video section" Does that even exist? I get some pop-ups from time to time telling me to watch a video and get a reward, but all I get is "videos not available". Any chance that might improve soon?
  • Videos? What videos? I haven't been shown a video in ages, let alone get rewards.
  • Hi ASU123, and thanks for clearing that up. I thought the AP is proportionally higher with the power of the adversary. My best streak is 6 wins in a row, so I see no chance in making another 1600 AP points till this event is done, so I could win some precious gold. But it's ok, since i had no money in it.
  • I played against someone with 1700 defense points, I won and received 2 AP. Played next against someone with 800 defense points, received 5 AP. How the heck does this work? Also I notice that some of the players complain that video watching rewards do not show. I haven't been able to even watch a video in ages!!!
  • I also did not get any gold when I upgraded from level 20 to 30, or from 30 to 40. I think I only saw like 6 or 7 videos in more then 1 month since playing and never received gold for it. only some grenades and rockets.
  • Yup. I also only could do one. East Asia or Russia
  • Yeah, I like it, but don't like the limitations, only 3 per hour, and also the fact that mostly I get either twice my power adversaries or half my power and 50 diamonds adversaries.
  • I jumped from 30 to 40 and received zilch.
  • I always get "no videos available"
    in Issues Comment by ttc December 2014
  • My last playing record is as follows: (I can't find the picture link, so I cannot post the screenshot. Maybe later.) 6 pvp lost, and - 296 diamonds stolen. How am I to do the 9500 diamonds upgrade? Only by paying a few bucks. Not gonna happen. I'm gonna give this game a few more days, and then uninstall if paying is the…

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