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  • If you would actually read your 5000 previously opened threads about this instead of throwing a temper tantrum, you would see that you have already been answered. Glu moderators can not help you in the forums. The only way to fix it is to put in a customer care ticket and wait.
  • nevermind...I have since found out it is a game-wide problem and has nothing to do with which version you use
  • thank you...kindle version has had problems before when other versions were fine. I was only checking. No need for attitude. have a nice day :)
    in Server down ? Comment by drain July 2014
  • Is the a game wide problem or is it kindle version only?
    in Server down ? Comment by drain July 2014
  • Yes, email is the only way...I got a phone number for them when EW 3 went down a couple of months ago and it just goes to a message that says they don't take customer calls (or something to that affect). I am surprised that it's been 3 weeks though...it usually takes about 2.
  • Firstly, no one asked you...that is why it says attn: gluadmin, not attn: ultrasceptile. Second, I have given them no reason to ban me. I asked questions in a format that would show I was speaking directly to them, not other players. Thanks.
  • So, my thinking is no one is even going to bother with us...Amazon did not bother to contact me (what did I tell you) so I called them again and got the same bs story that the technical team is in contact with glu and they will call me back to let me know when they have come up with some resolution...
  • They won't do anything about it just because you post on here. You have to submit a customer care ticket. It's a pain, I know, and takes forever, but that's the only way you'll get any help.
  • Check your email once in a while then crazy lady lol
  • I also have a ticket in with glu, but who knows how long that could take. I contacted Amazon on Sunday and they told me the same. They are supposed to call back when they have more information, but told me to expect at least a 4 day wait. That would make it tomorrow, so let's hope they can give me some info and an…

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