
Krista Martin Goal?

JudithtalanconJudithtalancon Registered Users 133 Posts
Hello, everyone!

I was just wondering what's the best choice at the interview with Krista Martin at Cantina. I wanted to know what happens if you say "I'll work for less" because I chose the "I'll do a better job" option and now I think I lost the opportunity to work with her :( I'm soo annoyed lol

Thanks for any help! x

P.S: Now I think I have to work another 8 hour shift to get another opportunity of something new, right? Perry's supposed to call me but the goal is to work a shift at the salon :(


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    HolograficsHolografics Registered Users 200 Posts
    What level are you at? I think I never met that Krista and I'm level 15. Also, didn't you leave your job at the salon to work at 2.0 or Greg's? So much questions sorry ;)
    > K&K iOS player (Level 20)
    > Doll name: Maud
    > PM to add me on GC!

    Oh, and pardon my English, I'm French!

    Holo xx
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    JudithtalanconJudithtalancon Registered Users 133 Posts
    Haha it's totally fine! And I'm currently at level 12 :D And I've been working shifts at QSalon in Beverly Hills, so I don't think I've left my job yet? The goal with Krista actually came out of nowhere, I finished a shift with Eleanor and the dude from QSalon haha and Perry called me, saying he had made me an appointment to meet Krista at Cantina but that he made the same thing with Aubrey, I chose to go by myself and she asked me like two questions, including the one I was saying. She gives two options, "I'll work for less" or "I'll do a better job" (because she's not sure about working with you) and I thought that the best choice was to say to do a better job, guess not lol :(

    Hope I made myself clear! x
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    HolograficsHolografics Registered Users 200 Posts
    Oh now I remember it! I choose the same option as you and Aubrey got the job. :( But I think maybe it was a one way and Aubrey will get the job anyways. But I also remember being so mad at myself during that storyline part :(

    Anyways, one day you'll have the option to skip your work (Emily will ask you if you want to) and I was feeling bad*ss so I said yeah, and I got to choice to work as a waitress at Greg's or at the clothes store 2.0. But I don't think it matters since all I do in my free time is hanging out with Kendall & Kylie or attending some partys hehe :D
    > K&K iOS player (Level 20)
    > Doll name: Maud
    > PM to add me on GC!

    Oh, and pardon my English, I'm French!

    Holo xx
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    JudithtalanconJudithtalancon Registered Users 133 Posts
    Oh now I remember it! I choose the same option as you and Aubrey got the job. :( But I think maybe it was a one way and Aubrey will get the job anyways. But I also remember being so mad at myself during that storyline part :(

    Anyways, one day you'll have the option to skip your work (Emily will ask you if you want to) and I was feeling bad*ss so I said yeah, and I got to choice to work as a waitress at Greg's or at the clothes store 2.0. But I don't think it matters since all I do in my free time is hanging out with Kendall & Kylie or attending some partys hehe :D

    Oh really? Well I have to say that I don't feel so bad now that I know I wasn't the only one lol :( I was so annoyed! Especially because I thought that it was the best option, but now that you say it like that it seems like you're right. Maybe that's why they mention Aubrey, too!

    And as I said now I think that I have to do another 8 hour shift at the QSalon before anything new comes to me. I'm really looking forward to that part of the storyline you're telling me about, it sounds fun! What did you choose? Work at Greg's or at the clothes store? :D Thank you so much for replying!
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    HolograficsHolografics Registered Users 200 Posts
    It's definitely nice! I choose to work at 2.0 because I thought it sounded more "star like" lol. I mean, being a waitress or whatever at a restaurant isn't that fancy... Plus I didn't want dudes I dated to recognize me during my shift and embarrass me in front of my co workers hehe. Some of them were sooo ugly!

    Besides the part of the storyline where I am rn is really boring :(
    All I do is vlog at Perry's place for 8hrs to talk about my future career and do a forever alone podcast because I didn't want to pay 50KGems to have that junkie Angelo or that rude Eleanor to do it with me lol!
    > K&K iOS player (Level 20)
    > Doll name: Maud
    > PM to add me on GC!

    Oh, and pardon my English, I'm French!

    Holo xx
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    JudithtalanconJudithtalancon Registered Users 133 Posts
    I'm so excited!! I'm thinking about choosing to work at the clothes store, too! You're right about people recognizing you during your shift as a waitress, haha. Definitely going to choose working at the clothes store, hope it comes soon! :D

    Oh my, I couldn't help but laugh at the forever alone podcast lol! :D You made the right choice though, I regret paying the 50 KGems sooo bad! None of them are worth it :(
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    PatyPaty Registered Users 195 Posts
    When Perry tells you he scheduled Aubrey and you for the interview at the same time you have two options: one of them is something like "fine, go with Aubrey" and the other one is "please, come with me". If you choose the second option Perry wil go with you and he will talk to Krista and the job is yours. But anyway the right answer in this case is telling Krista you can do the job for less. That´s exactly what Perry tells her when he goes with you to the meeting.
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    JudithtalanconJudithtalancon Registered Users 133 Posts
    Thank you!
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