
Weekend Event 5/15/2015 Perez' Great Clothes Stars all week- Heck! Let'sParty!



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    trevoractortrevoractor Registered Users 1,114 Posts
    I got the shoes and the pants from the gift boxes and that's good enough for me. I usually aim to get two of the four items without spending more than 200 K Stars
    A+++ Lister // GameCenter: TrevorActor :cool:
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    LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
    Those are some fine dudes, Trevoractor! And one of them has the messenger bag I've been dying for!

    Speaking of things I want but won't soon get, I want a bathing suit on my guy! Trevoractor, can you get rid of this darn tank top? You did it for your own doll. And NO putting his head on a dog or anything else! Do what you want with Luz. Sorry to seem so pervy, but I'm a perv.

    So, I'm not gonna buy any gift boxes this weekend. Why does he look sooo bad in this outfit? I can't bear it.
    Luz GC: LuzVarias
    Stellan GC: lgordon19

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    trevoractortrevoractor Registered Users 1,114 Posts
    LuzVarias wrote: »
    Those are some fine dudes, Trevoractor! And one of them has the messenger bag I've been dying for!

    So, I'm not gonna buy any gift boxes this weekend. Why does he look sooo bad in this outfit? I can't bear it.

    I lovee the outfit but its kinda pointless if you get the pants and not the top because you have nothing to wear them with.. Ofc that always happens to me, I got the pants from the ALT event and this event and they look tacky with everything in my closet
    A+++ Lister // GameCenter: TrevorActor :cool:
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    trevoractortrevoractor Registered Users 1,114 Posts
    LuzVarias wrote: »
    Those are some fine dudes, Trevoractor! And one of them has the messenger bag I've been dying for!

    Speaking of things I want but won't soon get, I want a bathing suit on my guy! Trevoractor, can you get rid of this darn tank top? You did it for your own doll. And NO putting his head on a dog or anything else! Do what you want with Luz. Sorry to seem so pervy, but I'm a perv.
    I will see what I can do :D
    A+++ Lister // GameCenter: TrevorActor :cool:
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    LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
    Yay! Also, no leaving just his head and torso on a picnic table somewhere. I'm very bossy.
    Luz GC: LuzVarias
    Stellan GC: lgordon19

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    trevoractortrevoractor Registered Users 1,114 Posts
    Is this good? :Dimage_zpsdlfpugjh.jpg
    A+++ Lister // GameCenter: TrevorActor :cool:
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    LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
    Wow, you're really fast! Did not expect that so quickly!

    Very cool, thanks! Did you draw that free-hand? Are you an art student?

    Now to just push that back into my game somehow...
    Luz GC: LuzVarias
    Stellan GC: lgordon19

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    trevoractortrevoractor Registered Users 1,114 Posts
    LuzVarias wrote: »
    Wow, you're really fast!

    Very cool, thanks! Did you draw that free-hand?
    Well I used the template from this like artist on Instagram. I wish I could draw that well.. I'm better at editing and changing colors.
    A+++ Lister // GameCenter: TrevorActor :cool:
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Do we have totals on the clothes? I haven't broken 90 on my top game, so I don't see myself getting those shoes. Sigh. 3rd pair of great shoes I'll have missed recently. But the bag is cute. is No one here rocking anything other than bracelets? Dayum.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
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    LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
    That's fantastic, thanks! Saved it. Of course I just realized that Koko will probably also save it and do something ridiculous in the future, herself. <sigh>. Well, you're the best! Now, if I post pictures of him in all of my favorite outfits, can you just give him socks in each one? <kidding>
    Luz GC: LuzVarias
    Stellan GC: lgordon19

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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Well I used the template from this like artist on Instagram. I wish I could draw that well.. I'm better at editing and changing colors.

    Trevor (can I call you trevor?) you and I should do a collab. But after the weekend. I think I'm going to claim I have a cold, hide under the covers all weekend and try to get the shoes. Did you see our forum dancers? That was fun, and I can not draw a smile on a stick figure. lol.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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    Minne623Minne623 Registered Users 335 Posts
    Is this good? :Dimage_zpsdlfpugjh.jpg

    Wow great job Trev!! Impressive :)
    GC Minne622
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    Minne623Minne623 Registered Users 335 Posts
    I have 82stars... And I've been working my butt off non stop since early too. Does anyone know how many stars we will need to accumulate in total for the whole outfit?
    GC Minne622
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    Minne623Minne623 Registered Users 335 Posts
    Guys I think this has happened because in the past weekend events we've been able to get everything by Saturday... So they decided to make it hard on us (insert sad face) lol
    GC Minne622
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    trevoractortrevoractor Registered Users 1,114 Posts
    Trevor (can I call you trevor?) you and I should do a collab. But after the weekend. I think I'm going to claim I have a cold, hide under the covers all weekend and try to get the shoes. Did you see our forum dancers? That was fun, and I can not draw a smile on a stick figure. lol.
    lol yea you can call me Trevor and there's tons of amazing artists in the Instagram community that could prob draw you any outfit you wanted.
    A+++ Lister // GameCenter: TrevorActor :cool:
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    LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
    But we need you Trevor, because you know us and won't be shocked by our stupid requests. Speaking of which, if I pm you my wedding photo, can you edit Jamie Lannister into it? With or without the lost hand. Good either way. <and no! you can't remove me and have my husband marrying him.>

    Kidding. Unless you think it's a good idea.
    Luz GC: LuzVarias
    Stellan GC: lgordon19

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    mindybunnymindybunny Registered Users 159 Posts
    Minne623 wrote: »
    I have 82stars... And I've been working my butt off non stop since early too. Does anyone know how many stars we will need to accumulate in total for the whole outfit?

    Not sure yet, but I just got the purse and the shoes are 250. It won't be too too bad if the dress is only 450.
    GC: redsoxxygal
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    Teehee1Teehee1 Registered Users 34 Posts
    Sorry to be off topic but I remember someone creating a thread about the game's upcoming anniversary. What month is it in?
    Sasha's GC: Teehee1
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    LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
    Hi Teehee! What a nice coincidence; I was just thinking of you! I wish I knew the anniversary month for you, but I don't.

    You people caused me to win one of those darn labia shirts finally! Can't believe it. Argh.

    Making the best of things in Miami with you, Teehee! Just a couple of labia ladies...
    Luz GC: LuzVarias
    Stellan GC: lgordon19

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    Teehee1Teehee1 Registered Users 34 Posts
    LuzVarias wrote: »
    Hi Teehee! What a nice coincidence; I was just thinking of you! I wish I knew the anniversary month for you, but I don't.

    You people caused me to win one of those darn labia shirts finally! Can't believe it. Argh.

    Making the best of things in Miami with you, Teehee! Just a couple of labia ladies...

    Hey Luz! Still trying to find the motivation to play more often but it's difficult. I start gigs and forget that I did and lose fans since I never got enough stars. 😑
    I love checking in on here though even though I don't say much. 😊
    Oh yea I got the top from the free gift box too, lol.
    Sasha's GC: Teehee1
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    trevoractortrevoractor Registered Users 1,114 Posts
    LuzVarias wrote: »
    But we need you Trevor, because you know us and won't be shocked by our stupid requests. Speaking of which, if I pm you my wedding photo, can you edit Jamie Lannister into it? With or without the lost hand. Good either way. <and no! you can't remove me and have my husband marrying him.>

    Kidding. Unless you think it's a good idea.
    Haha I can try
    A+++ Lister // GameCenter: TrevorActor :cool:
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    KatePillgrimKatePillgrim Registered Users 884 Posts
    LuzVarias wrote: »
    Making the best of things in Miami with you, Teehee! Just a couple of labia ladies...

    Laughed so hard at this! We should have something like a flashmob with these or do a little look contest like "Who can pull off a labia blouse?" (because personally I can't)
    My name is Kate. Playing since 2014 *whew*
    I want to be your in-game friend! Please add me on Facebook:

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    Teehee1Teehee1 Registered Users 34 Posts
    Laughed so hard at this! We should have something like a flashmob with these or do a little look contest like "Who can pull off a labia blouse?" (because personally I can't)

    Wow if it wasn't for this pic I wouldn't have realized that I accidentally took off my nose ring...😓
    Btw, is that the actual name of the top or did you guys come up with that? 😂
    Sasha's GC: Teehee1
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    Minne623Minne623 Registered Users 335 Posts
    mindybunny wrote: »
    Not sure yet, but I just got the purse and the shoes are 250. It won't be too too bad if the dress is only 450.
    Thank you!!
    GC Minne622
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    MauveMauve Registered Users 489 Posts
    I'm hoping I get something good out of this event. I really like the shoes from the main event wardrobe, so I'm striding to get them. I'm really hoping I just get k stars for the gift box. I have a feeling that next week is a VIP event. I hope not, but I feel like we are.
    〖 Ramona Alomarah 〗
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    CharliCharli Registered Users 1,670 Posts
    Mauve wrote: »
    I'm hoping I get something good out of this event. I really like the shoes from the main event wardrobe, so I'm striding to get them. I'm really hoping I just get k stars for the gift box. I have a feeling that next week is a VIP event. I hope not, but I feel like we are.

    Chances are high. We've had a party event, then a dating event. Now this is a Job Event.

    Camel toe pants and Labia shirts. This has been a popular opinion today, thanks to DMV Doll. :p
    The account says Charli, but my name's Bilal.

    I play KK:H on Android! You can add me on Facebook to be friends in-game.
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    NoonaluvfoodNoonaluvfood Registered Users 1,252 Posts
    Love the food, I may pick up the game for the first time in forever....or maybe not since its a busy weekend idk yet, lol.

    Gift boxes look ok but everyone looks like they are having fun..unless I missed something big here.......
    Sometimes you just have to roll with it.:cool:
    Feel free to PM :)

    GC: Hey guys can't add any friends, I have to work out an issue I am having with accepting friend requests on GC. Thanks anyways!
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    pizzapartypizzaparty Registered Users 94 Posts
    I lurk through this forum sometimes, but never post. I had a problem starting the game this morning, but finally got the gift box and won the earrings. I don't really like the outfit, but I've always been pretty lucky with winning good stuff from the gift boxes so at least I got something to help me earn more stars.
    I wonder why they increased the # of stars this weekend. I hope I can the shoes!
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    EffyEffy Banned Users 50 Posts
    I won the outfit from the boxes but I'm more excited about the one we have to earn. It looks like something Kylie has worn in the past
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    Minne623Minne623 Registered Users 335 Posts
    I got the boots girls I got them!! :):):):):)

    Unfortunately it's a glitch but it looks like the boots we've all and by all I mean the ladies, sorry guys... Have been wanting.


    What do you girls think!?! Will it be on the update to purchase, a gift box to buy, a weekend outfit!?!
    My guess is the gift box... Hope I'm wrong though!!
    GC Minne622
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