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  • Thank you Yijun
  • What items do you use to fuse runics?
  • Hmm, I see. You should def buy Nyxx she is the best healer and even have a massive very useful AOE spell. I like using Rognan a lot he is my best damage hero.
  • Well, that's the thing I will not have enough skill points for both of them so I have to decide either Ice shot or rapid shot?
  • I started doing 2 skills point for every level a little later and now want to ask which skill for Kassia is better in a meaning is more useful for bosses and stuff, the ice shot or the rapid shot? Thanks in advance.
  • Very useful information as usual Rewand. I have another question, what are the best 4 heroes that you can defeat almost every challenge? I know you def need Nyxx but what about the rest 3, or its all about strategy and you have to adjust?
  • I see, thanks, I am hoping to get an update and a new hero perhaps, would be nice, Not that I have maxed out my heroes but just saying :)
  • I see. So it is better to wait and get the item to its maximum tier before starting to fuse it, right? And what is the maximum tier? I just reached tier VI.
  • I am still a little confused but I guess I have to play and see. My question was just if I fuse one runic item to green color and it is tier V will it later become tier VI and will its statistics increase?
  • I am not sure but really want to know why are all events so hard meaning impossible. I do the first difficulty and then it gets impossible and I cant completely finish any event... :(
  • Rewand, thank you for answering to my posts. I guess my question is for runic items in their primal stage, you know how they their stats, lets say for an armor from stage IV to stage V. If I make the runic item green will thearmor continue to increase its stage to VI? And how many stages are there?
  • By saying runic items do you mean exquisite and when you fuse and item and it progresses to the next level rarity does it increases its level as you progress in the game, or you have to wait to increase to the max level and then start fusing to get it to legendary?\ p.s. what is the maximum level for exquisite items?
  • Good posts. I have a question for two other heroes that could be purchased only with credits. Which one is better Felmor or Narghal? I am asking because I really want to buy Felmor so I can do his missions and get a scroll, I assume the scrol you can put on the two available slots like rings and necklaces. Thank you in…

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