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  • I do wish the earnable top and skirt were more colorful, considering the theme, but I can imagine them being very versatile as they are, so I'm still looking forward to earning them. I LOVE the Trendsetters dress and shoes! I've placed anywhere between 1st and 4th in previous SYS events, so here's hoping I still do as well…
  • The earnables are fantastic! I'm wild about them. Might even use that hair in the SYS...The GB hair and shoes have a fun style to them, too.
  • Should probably be the same as always, at 5 AM EST. The weekend/weekday events start time and the revamped SYS start time have had a 6 hour gap between them so far.
  • This Kollection was released a long time ago and is the first and only Kollection thus far to use Kash. Unfortunately, only the first roll costs Kash. The rest of the rolls cost an increasing amount of K-stars.Edit: Here, from the Cost of Female Kollections thread: it takes $5,000 Kash & 435 K-stars to complete.
  • * I'd love to see more skin tones added. The one I've been using this whole time is quite a bit lighter than my real skin tone, and the current selection of darker tones don't really match my skin, either. * White, pink, and red clothing items in theme with Valentine's Day would be welcome, along with relevant…
  • Ooh, that's rough timing. Maria has only been offering me discounts on furniture for about 2 weeks now. Hard pass, sis. I may not like seeing those green buttons in my homes but I hate spending 1-2 gift boxes' worth of K-stars on furniture even more!
  • My closet still has the same number and colors of skin tones as always. OP, what platform are you on and when did you notice this change? Can you post a screenshot? I'm on iOS and a few hours ago received the mini-loading bar that means this weekend's event has been downloaded and it hasn't changed anything for me.
    in Skin colors Comment by Pez January 2019
  • Earnable items: I'm not crazy about any of these, but it's always nice to have more silver shoes, and the color of the dress and hair bow is pretty. I'll earn the shoes because of what I plan to buy (the Bel Air chihuahua) and stop there. Gift box items: (I haven't played Kylie's game) I really like the dress and the hair…
  • Yes, imagine a gown with a train that long in the game...
  • The parrot and the green feather boa from an old St. Patrick's Day event are constantly menacing me... They're gonna get me one day, and I'll be so annoyed that I sunk so much time into grinding that I won't even feel relief that I'll never have to see them again in a palette. After playing for four years, I can't believe…
  • The core storylines and the Comebacks were what drew me into and kept me engaged with the game. Once I completed them all, I've looked forward to and completed every single weekend storyline since, as it felt like something to -do- with what felt like a game -character-, instead of just dressing up as a paper cutout / toy…
  • I LOVED the items on the redheaded doll when I saw them in this promo banner and I'm SO happy to see that they're earnables! My doll will be rocking that outfit for a long time. It'll probably even go in my Lookbook. Not yet sure how I feel about the changes to the setup of the male dolls' earnables. I'm really interested…
  • I was really puzzled by this too. Of all her outfits...This was the only line of dialogue she had: ''some''(Okay, my doll wasn't dressed for the beach either, but... Kim, sis...)
  • I laughed when I saw that the GB bag has an image of a $1 bill on it. It's still cute but lol, a measly one! That may be all I have in my pocket IRL, but my doll is rich as piss. Can't stunt with a one. She's not posing with anything less than a Benjamin. :-P
  • Agreed. If it was an option, I would *maybe* consider spending K-stars *that I already have* (earned through grinding) to purchase extra tickets (similar to how we could choose to spend K-stars to speed up rounds in the old SYS), but I have not and will not spend more IRL cash on this new scheme. Seeing yet another…
  • I haven't had Rapid Recharge or more than 4-5 videos per day for many months -- possibly even a year at this point. As a non-VIP, this update is a snoozefest, and for VIP subscribers, it must feel like a slap in the face on top of that. To be honest, I haven't given Glu any of my $$$ in months, and the recent changes to…
  • @AliBryant Right?! I don't think I've ever seen more than 5/8. I'd complain that I have no holiday items in my GB when I'm still missing 5 or 6, but look at all those partnership tiles making up for that... Actually, yeah, I'm still gonna complain, because I didn't pick ANY of them! :D But I can barely even feel mad right…
  • I'm glad some of you are having good luck with your daily GBs, cuz I'm sure not: Guess all I'm getting for Christmas is trolled :tired_face: lmao, this palette is wild!
  • Same here. I had one other outstanding gig (the celeb holiday party 8hr reality shoot at my Bel Air home) that I thought was possibly keeping any further calls from coming through, but I just finished that gig and I'm still not getting anything. I have no quests/gigs left except one of Simon's random/filler assignments.…
  • I am always impressed by the art and animation put into the holiday tappables. The snowglobe is my favorite this year. <3 A snowglobe would be such a cute handheld! But maybe it would be too tiny in our dolls' hands to fit any scenery inside. Would a candy cane handheld work? Or a lump of coal, as my doll deserves :tongue:
  • Aw man, I haven't had the option to watch a video to pick a second Daily GB tile in many months! After how rarely holiday items showed up in my palettes last year, I'm worried I won't get any of the new items this year, especially since I can only pick 1 free tile per day now and not 2. Rapid Recharge still exists, too?!…
  • Nice, thanks Kalinda. I like when Professional events overlap with the monthly updates (I'm assuming December's is coming this week) because the grinding I'm already doing for my TB helps me quickly reach the new max number of fans. Hate seeing my celeb ranking at anything other than #1! :tongue: Happy Chanukah, all!
  • I, uh, hmm. The women's gift box items. Well, the texture of the gift box hair is very nice, though I wish there were more details in the section behind the shoulder filling in those blank solid color spaces.Of all the women's event items, I like the earnable skirt the most! It's a pretty color.
  • My doll could be such a cat lady in public... wearing the orange or gray cats that sit on the shoulder, carrying the black or white kittens in their bags, 3 cats walking at her feet... all the fur on her black clothes, though!
  • "Spoilers and treats, pretty pretty please!"
  • (iOS) I also got the new SYS event and Trendsetters. So far I've earned 449 points through 11 submissions. - Like others, I'm not receiving my free tickets when I should be. I'm only receiving them when I open my game, and it's at that point that the timer resets to 6 hours. - I watched a video to unlock a recently-used…
  • For anyone wondering, the Bel Air kitchen does *not* hold another party guest or reality show guest. (Probably none of us were expecting it to, but I figured I'd test it out.) She called me too even though I didn't flirt with her last month. I almost always flirt if it's a choice in a storyline/quest but her outfit was…
  • 150, 170, and 180 K-stars are "good prices"? :neutral: That's a great joke Glu, y'all should take that on tour I like the chef's frying pan handheld. I could use one of those (to whack certain characters with). And I REALLY like the French fry bag @KaylaJ posted! Thank you to everyone sharing pics!
  • Ohhhh my gosh, I hope the raven shows up in my Halloween Kollection palette!! I was reluctant to chase him last year (was saving up for Black Friday) and I've regretted it ever since. I really like the tights underneath the hoop skirt.
  • Thankfully not! I just finished Paris. The fashion tournament quest gigs end there. I moved on to designing my fashion collection and just finished the 3hr street shoot in NYC. Good news!: (Oh hi Luther.) All 12 possible dresses appeared in my closet, 40 K-stars each. (I don't know how long "for a limited time" is -- maybe…

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