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RiverHippie · Junior Member


  • Yessss! The day is here! Event day! My entire krew is anxiously awaiting the spoilers! 💚💗💚💗🎀🎀🎀 Hoping for them sooooon! Thanks!
  • Hey kiko.park Have you tried to throw a party in ur glitched home BUT YOU MUST finish all your tasks available in that home BEFORE ANYONE from ur krew comes to your party & does their tasks? Our homes will finish a party but all the tasks are still there? Is that what's goin on with yours? If so try the solution above?😊😊…
  • Its a dating i hope! 😳😉😉😉
  • Its almost time for spoilers! About 1 hour from now our wonderful moderater will bless us with them! 😍💋😍😍
  • Yay the day is here! Im assuming a work it or superstar 🌠 Either way im ready. Ive saved up thousands of gems over the MONTHS☺😍 Patiently waiting on spoilers!💋 Thanks!
  • Yay the day is here! Event day. Im hoping for dating or superstar⭐ Cannot wait for some spoilers! ❤💚👍
  • Yay the day is here! Im guessing its A WORK IT ⭐ EVENT! Im excited to see the outfit! Spoilers sokn plz! 😚😊😚😊
  • Hi im a leader in a110% active krew! We are looking for 1 or 2 dolls with ALL HOMES TO JOIN & EXTREMELY ACTIVE I keep group going by making sure EVERYONE IS ACTIVE. We party all day (unless party event approaches) We send kredd all day. ALL OF US ARE CHATTY & FRIENDLY. Search HIGH LEVELS MANY HOMES (HEATHER) theres 2 krews…
  • Yay! Its event day! Im super excited & ready! Just waiting on the spoilers! Pleeasee!? ❤💚 Thanks!
  • Im still holding out hope for a good update! Kendall & kylies products are normally of great value And are well executed, so for the game to have nothing added for such a long period of time is sad. 😣 My krew is 100% active & we still are hoping and waiting for something new! Any spoilers today? ❤💚💜
  • Yes! The NOW krew leader should try to EDIT the name of krew & there will be a button that says CHANGE krew leader Or something similar. They can then choose a new leader. ( give back to the original krew leader ) I hope that helps! ❤❤
  • Yay. The day has come! Im so excited to do what today's event will be. I still love this game! Just hopeful for a really great update soon! Please drop us some spoilers ! Please 💋💋
  • Yes! Me & my entire krew are out of story line missions & have been for awhile. We just party alot lol 🎉 We're optimistic about the possible update with NEW CLOTHES, MISSIONS & CLOSET THINGS! 😚😚 I still LOVE this game! Fingers crossed🙌
  • We still need one or two active members to join our krew. please atleast 7 homes & sends kred many times a day! �� Drop your info here.
  • Hi. That will work fine! I'd love to add u to our krew! 😊 Looking forward to it. Search High levels Many homes Heather
  • Hi. We would prefer the members to already own at least 7 homes. We party alot. That won't work , But if you get up to that many homes come find us. 😊
  • Hi. If you hadn't found a krew yet, I'm just wondering how many homes exactly?
  • HI! Wed love for you to join our krew, i am looking for two people to finish it. ( inactive members get deleted after a certain amount of time) Every single player very active everyday and has alot of homes. We party everyday unless saving homes for krew chall. We are very friendly & chat a lot. 💕 Search High levels Many…
  • HI EVERYONE! 😌 we still need a member or 2 to finish our krew! 😘 Preferred to play almost everyday. Very active chat & members! Dtop info below & I'll respond!
  • After update my crashing issues are NOT FIXED. I've crashed 3xs in less than 10min. 😧😧 Very discouraging especially after the last update before this one I thought it would fix the problem. I've had the same issues for ATLEAST 5 months. Please help. 💔💔
  • Yay! You're a prefect fit! So happy you found us! Im gonna add you on here too! 😊💞
  • Hi! If you hadn't found ur krew yet We'd love to have you! 😊 Search High levels Heather & join ! 😍 Our krew is mainly for parties! All members have at least 6 homes & some have all 13. We're addicted players looking for other addicted players. Lol Looking for our final mber!
  • WE STILL NEED 1 ACTIVE MEMBER WITH MANY HOMES TO JOIN . STILL LOOKING! 😊👀 please write me on here ! Wed love to find our FINAL member ! We're a KREW FAMILY! 👪👫👬👬👭
  • Hi lori! That's great! Ugh I hated having to gain everything back. CONGRATS! We're all doing great! Got ride of a couple inactive members! GREAT to hear from you! 😄💓
  • Oh THANK YOU! I'll jot this time down !😊💖 Your the greatest KoKo.😄
  • Hi it's nice to hear from you. This krew in particular Is mainly for homes! We party all day long so we get the gift boxes . Everyone has at least 6 homes & are continually saving to buy ALL 12 or 13 homes! If you feel like you're interested in buyin more homes & to continue to buy more than we'd love to have you shortly,…
  • We still need 2 people to fill our krew. We are kinda like a krew family! 😄 Looking forward to finding our matches! There's a krew for everyone! Please send : What level How many homes you own Wed love to have you! 😗
  • Hi everyone! I love in Florida usa, And I'm wondering if anyone knows what time this event will start here in Florida usa? I'd really appreciate it! 😀
  • Hi! I've learned in Beverly Hills @ the Salon you can do a " shift of work" 4Hrs or 8Hrs. Ive only done the 8 Hour shifts at the salon. You can finish it in just a few hours& it pays Around : $340 2 or 3 Energy. And 1 K Gem. Other than that I do my gigs and pay 325Gems for the 30 day free travel. We party a lot and travel…

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