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  • I dont know why this hasnt been mentioned yet.... but.... Android users DO NOT use tapjoy. We have SponsorPay as our promotional program... NOT TapJoy. So... obviously downloading apps thru TapJoy wouldnt work. If anyone knows of any Android "freebees", please advise. Ive been too loyal for too long and sent thousands of…
  • You're an I di ot. Those wings have been in the normal store since Day 1. Its always been very clear that they are for LOOKS ONLY. Please try to increase your real life awareness each morning from now on.
  • Either do 30-40 levels of endless or hellboy icer and iver again until your inventory is full. Then sell EVERY item you get. Except of course any item that is an upgrade. I have 130 slots so when I fill it up and sell, I easily net 100k -150k in coins. The more bag space, plus the better items you get equals more coins. I…
  • LostChar - Warrior Princess. I just loved the way his s exy thighs looked as he ran around in his very short skirt...
  • LostChar - Warrior Princess
  • Mojacko - Princess
  • Mojacko- Princess
  • From now on all running warriors will be labeled as... Zena Warrior Princess/ Zena/Princess etc... Manbest- Zena kostya198011-Zena Watching a fully armored Zena Warrior Princess run around the ring in fear of a Mage, is like watching a Cheerleader chase after a NFL player wearing a Tutu.* Glu should probably just give all…
  • From now on all running warriors will be labeled as... Zena Warrior Princess/ Zena/Princess etc... Manbest- Zena kostya198011-Zena Watching a fully armored Zena Warrior Princess run around the ring in fear of a Mage, is like watching a Cheerleader chase after a NFL player wearing a Tutu. Glu should probably just give all…
  • This is absolutely f-ing preposterous! !!. I have 3300 more gs than suggested and its impossible to beat her without many MANY pots... which I dont have. So I will not be able to beat her... ON NORMAL MODE FOR CHRISTS SAKE!!! Seriously something wrong with the brains of the devs. This unbalancing BS is not a new issue. Its…
  • Im on Android in San Francisco. Its 330pm right now and the server went down about 30-45 mins ago for maintenance.... Crossing my fingers...
  • We really need to keep this thread going people!!!!
  • Im on Android. My mage is now level 44. Im still giving Monks and especially Warriois nightmares after they fight me... ;-)
  • Forgot one... ND007-PUSIECAT ONE HIT RUNNER.
  • First, all of you who gave up on the mage just cant fight. I whoop warriors all day and nightm Monks are a little more challenging but I whoop them too. Mages are really fun to fight against with a mage. Anyway, back to calling out all the pusiecat runners. 09970003837 something like that. Warrior- one hit runner IvanG-if…
  • Bunn- warrior-pusiecat, minus the cat. dash, run run run run run , pot, dash run run run run run. Youd be running in real life if I knew where you were.
  • Amen to you! You deserve a standing ovation. From now on glu admins, anytime someone complains about a class and its skills or demands change... Stamp this guys quote right on top of that crybaby shjt. I whoop monk and warrior loafpinchers ALL DAY with my mage. A battle with another mage just makes me even better at timing…
  • I was on the other end of this. Got my **** spanked by someone 3k +gs, almost double the hp and every other stat. Once he noticed that he wasnt getting hurt, the guy literally danced around under my Orb as I launched volcanoes up his ****. Then his Orb killed me in 2 strikes. GGGGLLLLUUU!!!!????? IS ANYBODY HOME ? WHAT…
  • Im not one of those people you talk about but so far my mage has been whoopin warrior ****... and shes only 3400gs lvl 39. Cant wait to try my lvl50 11gs monk though. The mage can be effective. I consider myself an above average player. I enjoy each class for different reasons and i end up doing pretty well in each also.
  • Tanutaro-Warrior-runner: If ahead, will run entire time. Once behind, Dash or Tornado then back to being a douche.
  • Glad someone started this because I was going to if there wasnt one going. My first name of many many more to come... tanutaro- warrior against my lvl39 mage: Dash or tornado to deal enough damage to pull ahead.... then runs the entire time. As long as he is winning he is running. Youre a punk. Youre a pusiecat... minus…
  • This is a consistent problem for me. What it actually does is at the end of a lvl in which you used gems for pots imcluding revive, it takes twice the amount of gems that you spent. Lets say you used 2 blue, 1 red and a revive amounting to 104 gems. At first, it will take just the 104 gems, but after the lvl is over it…
  • How much money/pots/revives did it cost tou to beat Oni? My Monk is Lvl 50,11k+ GS, Max Mighty Mitts(purple Lightning rune), Godly Talisman (Blue Lighting), Wondrous berseker (blue lightning).... and I cant even get him under 80% health. Ive never beem so furious with a company and their blatant lack of giving a F about a…
  • Did you make sure that you are doing the correct Mode? Normal Mode or Legendary Mode. Click on the shields that have the letters A, B or C in them to change it.
  • They don't respond to tickets. Yeah, maybe you cant see into accounts and currency issues but you do have co-workers and connection to Glu Games. Send an email. Go straight to Mr. di Masi lr whatever it takes. Make an effort because no on else from glu seems to be doing so. Seriously refrain from acting like a robot by…
  • This is the biggest issue and the one they absolutely refuse to comment on. I'm sure a memo went out to all employees to keep quiet about this issue specifically. Probably because they have no **** clue what happened and they realize that they **** up in a major way.
  • Please address the fact that one day my 159+ Gold vanished and now says zero. It wiill not add even when offers are completed. This is happening on two of your games. The other is Dragon Slayer. Any insight?
  • Hey guy, how about responding to these Comments for once? Screw the hang ups. Where is my Gold? Dragon Slayer also will not give me gold. Fix it.
  • Not only are we losing everything consistently, not one of these threads has a reply from admin. Double blow to the source of their income. Theyre kicking us while we're down. Laughing all the way to the bank... we are the suckers.

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