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  • Yes, where are they? And while we're at it, How about some more episodes like #11 through #20? It's a great game despite the freezes and other goofy software crashes and the buildings and stuff all just floating up in the air etc..... and considering all the money I've poured into it (and all the others that are addicted…
  • If I understand (my Spanish/Puerto Rican being horrible) your question. I think you are asking if the game goes any further than 10 episodes. I've been playing a long time and I don't think it does. I do wish they would make more episodes. I've spent a lot of money on this game and would like more to play!
  • I know this won't help much but I had the same problem for about a week and then one day it miraculously started accepting upgrades. I had tried all of the things you guys did but nothing worked. It just kinda worked itself out on its own.

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