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  • The mechanics on the latest updates improved the times to level up but now as I have progressed I feel stuck again in zones VII - IX. Anyone else?
  • I agree with the guy that started the post, I have posted my self before that it is hard to play the game without purchases, as I wrote before it started to be really hard to move from party level 70 to 95 and then when I went from 95 to 115 the game started to get boring, I am not an active player anymore because of this,…
  • Well I did spent a lot of gems from 1 to 75, but what I mean is that then it got harder from 75 to 95 that's even with the same amount of gems I was getting and spending from the free-gem deals at Tapjoy. Now I am just stuck because it would mean that I would have to actually start spending real money to get any further…
  • I know Sophocles it is truly frustrating!!! I feel the same about a big list of things, I have not played for weeks, I am just waiting to see in the forums if there is a huge rebalancing of mechanics soon or what, because many features just feel like you say FRUSTRATING. :(
  • Thanks for listening :)
  • My anger is against GLU team, additionally I am looking for your help as a moderator and I consider you are part of that GLU team, if you are not a member and your presence here is "incidental" (as you mentioned) then what do you mean when you say "We are listening to you all" and "Thanks for the feedback" don't get it…
  • Don't be glad, I only enjoyed the game up to party level 75, going from 75 to 95 has been a pain in the neck, the game now forces you to buy gear with gems in order to pass a new zone, and rare and legendary items from previous zones are a pile of rubbish compared with Normal/Used/Junk items from the new zones, and…
  • I agree Matheus, whenever you get a rare drop you don't need that items anymore, because in order to complete a dungeon where you get rare items first you need to spend gems on higher gear. Then when you have bought that higher gear with gems you can now finally barely beat the dungeon and if you get the rare drop, the…
  • Yes there is a design problem with this game, because whenever you join a new area you can receive a regular (non-rare) item that will have better stats that your rare or legendary items. Which is BS cause then what is the purpose of trying to get rare drops, then the drops are not rare, but just a hoax to spend more gems…

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