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truthracer · Junior Member


  • What is falcon's best time?
  • Nice joke.... But seriously make a nice reasonable demand
  • I can give any amount of rrc u want... Make a demand
  • Diamonds I hope u remember me... Is it maxed? What's ur demand?
  • [QUOTE=[RR] PhoenixX;n4932212]I see that your ticket is only 5 days old. Someone from support should be getting to your ticket within the next couple of days. I see that you included all necessary info, so you should be okay! :)[/QUOTE] I still got nothing from the support... Damnn my whole profile is getting destroyed..…
  • [QUOTE=[RR] Sparkle;n4929662]Looks like you have the proper information on the ticket. There is about a 10-12 day wait for response currently.[/QUOTE] No I meant that can u check ur database or whatever it is for my email and tell me approx. what's my number and likely when will my turn come? Already asking 6days have…
  • [QUOTE=[RR] PhoenixX;n4921629]Unfortunately, no. There is no way to speed up support for anyone. But if you can provide me with the email address you used to submit the ticket, I can give you an update. :)[/QUOTE] Can u please give me update??? I posted my email in the above post quote
  • [QUOTE=[RR] PhoenixX;n4921629]Unfortunately, no. There is no way to speed up support for anyone. But if you can provide me with the email address you used to submit the ticket, I can give you an update. :)[/QUOTE] Yeah sure, here is the email address I sent the email from: murtazaalisyed49@gmail.com . please delete this…
  • [QUOTE=[RR] Sparkle;n4918666]The forums are not Support. You will need to wait for your support request to be answered. However based on this post you have likely included all the necessary information.[/QUOTE] is there anyway to speed up the process? i really need my account back quick
  • [QUOTE=[RR] Sparkle;n4918666]The forums are not Support. You will need to wait for your support request to be answered. However based on this post you have likely included all the necessary information.[/QUOTE] is there anyway to speed up the process? i really need my account back quick

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