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  • Still can't play. Not sure what's wrong.
  • Soo the Gui team member I spoke to said the game was down for an update, but the update changed nothing for players as far as content etc. I probed more about his "update" claim and after dodging the question for a week he confirmed that there will be no update for Android / Kindle / anyone but IOS. Maybe someday gents!
  • did as instructed and its still stuck at the loading bar. :(
  • Well I was able to login today.. still no reply from Glu. Hoping its fixed but not putting too much faith into it :P
  • I was able to login this morning. scared to logout... lol
  • You got it.
  • Yours must be a unique situation as you can not have the same account on more than one device. I know this doesn't help you but I wouldn't count on a reply from devs/ form mod. Good luck :(
  • Same thread is in another section of forums. No one has a fix. I emailed support, 5 day wait on a reply. I'll update when they respond.
  • I emailed support. They say they are busy and someone will get back to me in 5 business days. Once I know something I'll update this post. :(
  • Still can't login any info please??
  • I too am having login issues and my device works fine. Anyone else? Also any hope for kindle update? Tons of players around still on kindle and we would like some jade forest, pvp, tournaments.... anything...
    in kindle Comment by ironXedge August 2014
  • Why not?? does the Kindle have a smaller player base? Not making enough money?? This really sucks.. I was looking forward to the jade forest and endless mode. You say we cant switch devices... is there any way would could get a credit on a ios device? So is Kindle completely done or is there a chance we could get it later?…
  • But they did and we're terribly vague and forgot to mention their entire customer base.
  • lol I look back at the announcement post and see this now: Update: 03/05/2014 Fix deployed for iOS, android to come soon: Hardest boss in Jade Forest drops top tier evo material now Storm Wings should display properly Skeleton Boss' dash attack now hits properly guess thats my answer?
  • I thought Kindle ran on Android. My mistake. Regardless maybe they should mention times for the different platforms.. that would be a big help.
  • Thanks but the fact is I still cant access the "new" stuff and not a single Dev / forum admin has said a word about why not.
  • Its all good I just want my Beast Offerings, new armor/wings/pet and Endless mode :( wahhh. I'm going to spam / bump this everyday till I get a legit reply!!! SHAKES MY FIST!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I have other pictures too but this gets my point across.. If all I have to do is "patch" the game or something I'd be very happy to do that but as of right now the game never updated/ installed / (what ever you wanna call it) the new stuff..
  • iphone offering screen, showing beast offering: Kindle without Beast offering: sorry about my ugly mug!
  • Check back in about 5 hrs. I'm at work right now :(
  • LoL Naw they have tons more did you not read? I have ew3 on iPhone now.. They have jade forest, endless tower mode beast god offerings ... I'll post pics of the different servers if you'd like. Trust me it's different.
  • are these Endless levels available on kindle?? :o
  • That looks excellent!!!! Thanks a ton!!!!!! :D

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