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  • U r able to its just that it is really hard to get GC connected on that game for a android
  • @person that post original thread Well that wouldn't be right because u can't by love u have to earn it by convincing that u deserve theirs So it would be realistic Hope u get back together and see why they do it that way
  • But that isn't really this part of the forums Plus for stuff like this Just type the following Questions and answers ask4all That is the main forum I use Cause many people use it and have had problems like these
  • Not really The only way I can say might help is do movies with ur fiancé until u max it After try to go on a date cause then they will probally trust u after u cheated
  • It isn't mean if it's true
  • On this game it does It's very rare if u get a fiancé on this game in less than about 2 weeks
  • Well thats the thing u have to been dating for a while u cant just get at 1249 and get engaged quickly In real life it normally takes about at least 1 year to get engaged And 1 day is basically 1 month on this game so u have to wait for about 2 or more weeks
  • I like idea #1,3,&5 but 3:is in the next update and 5:is in stardom:the a-list Plus for 5 it would take over about 4 updates maybe for it and if they did that then they would focus on 5 and not new missions and glitches/crashes on the game
  • Hey if u would like that stuff just play the sims it everything u just listed and I also agree 5 days is way too much 1 day is just enough because u get ur energy back for u to be able to do it And also the game can't just fix something for just 1 person so that they're happy they need to focus on things more than 1 person…
  • Actually that's way to low because it's easy to get that much money considering that me and many others have over 1 million dollars which means it'd be easy plus when u go to the store u can see that wouldn't match the the same price of stars and money divided like of u buy like 100 stars then for $10.00 and $100,000 for…
  • Or for u to be able to generate ur own characters like up to 3
  • Now I know a lot of u will hate me for saying this because that may not do this idea and I agree it is a good idea But to be honest that isn't the point of the game at all also adding mini-games wouldn't fit the right fit for a game like this since the game didn't start with any plus those kind of things r for games u can…
  • She did appear for me but ever since then the valley has been glitching and crashing so now I can't make my own perfume until I can finish a movie at Headly studio
  • I have a whole list of names on GC but it's too much Here's mine:BountyAngel I got enough stars to send everybody the gifts they don't have which I do now and then except now cause I don't want to lose fans and for a mission I have to do a movie in the valley and that is glitching and crashing when I try to reach middle of…
  • Well that means u have to wait for next update which I hope is soon because on my game the valley is glitching and crashing on me so I can move onto the perfume commercial anytime soon until I can finish movie in valley
    in ISpy 2 Comment by BountyAngel June 2013
  • Hey I had the same exact problem before all u have to do is go on GC account and log out then log back end but before that u have to close out stardom Hollywood If that doesn't work u may have to add someone that plays the game in that case here u go GC:BountyAngel
  • Also if u do add me some people said when they do add me and have me as their co-stars in movies they get more exp,money,fans,etc. throughout movie since I am #1 with max fans like others on my GC friend list
  • I've honestly broken up with her like over 20 times cause I don't go on dates on the time and I focus on main goals and keeping 106.2 million fans to stay as #1 in front of everybody on gamecenter Also if u want free gifts all at once add me GC:BountyAngel
  • U can actually date people still I think because I had to for a mission to celebrate with this guys neice by going on a date while it said if I did cheat on her then I wouldn't be engaged But I honestly don't care if I do break up cause I got like 20,000 stars/charms

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