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  • Did this once, and got screwed by the bench aspect. The game became so slow I could not replace the players I wanted on my bench so I lost Altuve and a couple other 5 stars I would have rather had than Pence and Puig. But, in the end, with this strategy, I got Harrison, Tulo, Jose Abreu, Trout, Cano, and a few others. It…
  • I almost exclusively play humans now that I am in Legends and Uehara is by far my strongest pitcher...he's at like a 2.37 era with 300+ saves. Betances is second by a close margin at like 2.71. Everyone gets hit hard by the Legends, I hate when I get to them because they bloat all my pitchers stats.
  • Unbelievable...just finished saving all my cash (2.5 mil) and bought $100 worth of gold with itunes cards during 75 gold first round pick promotion. I have every single player in the game. I drafted all the low rounders, then second rounders. Started using my 75 gold picks...Trout, Harrison, Kershaw, Cabrera, Victor…
  • I must say hitting the fair pole with a homer is probably the sweetest thing that happens in the game. Grounding into double plays with your best hitter up with 1st and 3rd and one out is a close second.
  • Surveys don't work at all...but some offers actually do. We should post a master thread on current working offers.
  • 2b and SS...although Reyes has been solid, Neil Walker at 2b has been horrific for me. 4 star player hitting .248, had Altuve a long long time ago, traded him when I got Omar Infante who was a solid .320 hitter until he got hit with the nerf bat during update. Used Altuve as my franchise player and he helped me beat the…
  • Anyone that has a bomb squad used real money to get there, don't let them tell you otherwise. It's a shame they feel uncomfortable to admit it. I have Posey and Pence, got them during the event. If I didn't pay for them, I'd still have **** on top of ****. Believe me, it was worth it, I play this game far more than I play…
  • What part of, "Glu is doing everything for the sole purpose of making you spend gold and thus make money," do people not understand? You are NOT going to get a good player randomly...people on here that say they built their full 5 star team without spending money are full of ****...Glu wants you to spend money, period.
  • That's it exactly...it's not broken, there's a reason why the cash payout is working and the gold isn't...and right during the event too? Convenient.
  • I'll just post from experience who I think the best at each position is: P - Darvish or Sale IMO (toughest I face) C - Posey (9,6) Hands down an animal hitting .385 40 homers and 120 rbis since I got him during event. 1B - A. Gonzalez (7,7) has been the best for me, but Joe Mauer was a rock too. 2B - Neil Walker (6,7) has…
  • I always go with the stats...I've dropped a few 5 star players in lieu of 4 or 4.5 star players. Giancarlo Stanton, Carlos Gomez, they were horrible for me. My biggest mistake was accidentally dropping Joe Mauer a while back. He was one of my most solid hitters even though he was 3.5 stars at the time. Same with pitchers,…
  • Absolutely noticeable...that and line outs...I've lined into 2 triple plays in the past 2 days.
  • I hit James Shields very easily...I think Wacha is your better choice.
  • No offense, but you're the poster boy for Glu on the forum, and I've seen your team and how much you've spent, so my question was more geared towards the average masses.
  • It's a shame, a lot of potential, but probably spent too much on the front end and now going broke. Same thing happened with the other baseball game I used to play...updated every year for a while, then poof, gone. Same will happen here, too reliant on real life money now...
  • This has to be the dumbest idea I've ever seen in a game, period. Rent a player for 5 games for the equivalent of $5 in real life money. Here's what they're saying, "Please accidentally purchase these, thinking you're getting a franchise player on your team, only to disappear 5 games later." Who in their right mind would…

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