
Royale on the weekend??



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    dkarski87dkarski87 Registered Users, Member 3,040 Posts
    Well you are the moderator. Shut it down and tell these yahoos to stay on topic. That includes me.
    "Oops we need to restart! Yeap that's 2019 for ya!"
    – The Great Houmy
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    JEDDDOGGYJEDDDOGGY Registered Users, Member 2,460 Posts
    edited September 2019
    I thought what was being discussed was initially the reason they'd never give us a full Royale experience all weekend - being that we would be able to pull too many resources?

    They might add something for bonus games or tournaments, and like others said with the EXTRA extra bases lol, but I don't see a weekend long WOH/Royale event in our future for the reason/s discussed.
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    dkarski87dkarski87 Registered Users, Member 3,040 Posts
    It wont ever happen. For the experienced cyclers it would like a kid in a candy shop.  WOH for 3 days, heck even if they did it for 24hrs instead 12. And what are they gonna do tone down the rewards? What rewards? You cant make any pxp or  lxp as it is, there is no thing to tone down. Worse reward?  Sure that might work, 400max was last Royale so they could possibly go back to 370 primes. There little tease in the newsletter is  nothing but another grasp at straws. When did they post about the pity timer? 2 or 3 newsletters ago, and it took them that long to implement it and still couldn't get it right. I have zero expectations and hope for anything they do anymore, they ran a great game straight into it's own demise. While @DFBB doesn't  share in this opinion of GLU, he simply can't because he in now the unofficial poster boy for GLU and doing so would reflect poorly.
    "Oops we need to restart! Yeap that's 2019 for ya!"
    – The Great Houmy
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    DFBBDFBB Registered Users, Moderators, Member, Moderator 6,602 Posts
    dkarski87 said:
    While @DFBB doesn't  share in this opinion of GLU, he simply can't because he in now the unofficial poster boy for GLU and doing so would reflect poorly.
    David, you know exactly where I stand. However, I'll explain my position to those who may be confused.
    The game isn't 'forcing' us to cap legends at diamond, where the resources make it really tough(w/o cycle capping). We both know HoF/Royale is absolute cake for those with legends and good primes. All the SPs in HoF are still at level 1 and the pitchers in CvC are the same ones that were used when the game launched. Personally, I've never had a better team. When I first went diamond, I was suppose to kiss primes goodbye and legends weren't even worth mentioning. Instead, I have a team full of primes and a couple of capped legends...with a third on the way tomorrow. And I'm not the only one(you do too, as well as many others). In other words, the game has never been easier. Again, however, this is from my perspective. It's a perspective from a guy who has way too much time on his hands to play a game that rewards activity. All that considered, if you were me, what would you like me to complain about? I've already acknowledged, on many occasions, that my opinion is in the minority. 

    If you're not having fun, you're losing.
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    dkarski87dkarski87 Registered Users, Member 3,040 Posts
    I agree with you on everything you said.  But did you ever think why they left it the way it is? 1.) Everyone complained about how impossible WOH was, so we went from capped pitchers to   4,5,6 if i recall correctly last year.  5-10 being a  lv5 or 6 guy. This year they left it as is from the beginning probably  because the normal player has a hard enough time beating it, let alone multiple times. So  we  have lv1 primes, sure ok its makes it easier. If we had  g10, p10, d10 Sp in WOH. I can bet you $1,000,000 that not many people would be cycle capping. Once, twice, three or 4 maybe. Not 10 or 12 cycles. Doesn't matter how good your  team is, players,  upgrades, the RNG wont allow it.  When ATG capped last year struggled to beat g10 diaz with capped skills at 20 20. Then obviously they didn't want people  cycle capping.
    Like you said, I know where you stand. My issue lies with GLU and how they are  doing things.  Xp shortages I can live with, I spend all my diamond gold on XP anyways. I dont buy boxes simply because I cannot afford to level the players anyways without a 50% discount.
    @DFBB maybe you dont have anything to complain about because you like the way things are. But you devote a lot of your time into the game instead of what others usually here are doing, or have been. Money.  Many people have stopped spending and right fully so, I fall into this category of idiots that keeps giving GLU my money. I've spent more money since going diamond then I probably have in 2 years playing and that's because FP has become almost a must for diamond players. You yourself a F2P player, you spend little to money on the game so your perspective is not the same as others that spend 20, 50, 100 a week on this app. Again, my opinion but your point of view is different from many others for that reason alone.
    "Oops we need to restart! Yeap that's 2019 for ya!"
    – The Great Houmy
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    DFBBDFBB Registered Users, Moderators, Member, Moderator 6,602 Posts
    @dkarski87 Your WoH details are a bit off, but there's no need to nitpick, your point remains. I was simply explaining my position and it seems like you agree; that my opinion is based on my experience with the game rather than an ulterior motive. 
    If you're not having fun, you're losing.
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    retirepujolsretirepujols Registered Users, Member 4,857 Posts
    You need a LOT of time in diamond if you're trying not to spend money (even if you spend a lot of money). If you don't have the time for diamond, and stay gold let's say; I'm not sure how else to do it without spending money. Of course you can spend your time watching videos, but the time required for videos isn't very different than the time needed to cycle d6. Truth be told, it's a little embarrassing and concerning when thinking about how much time and money a lot of us spend on a simple mobile baseball game that is little more than pressing a few autoplay buttons. I'm not sure what it is that keeps us around, because it's something, but all of the issues within the game are certainly chipping away at that "something" for a lot of players. 
    "It's amazing how much work you can put in without gangly-ass legs in the way" - Sir Tdub71
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    HoumyHoumy Registered Users, Member 3,889 Posts
    dkarski87 said:
    Just to be clear, he did deserve it 100% and glad he got VIP honors. No one does more then Alex on these forums. I think they just used him and exploited him, the way I see it anyways. Alex is well known and liked here and they took the opportunity to save face. BTW, I think @Houmy was the first ever VIP of the month last year when they started doing it. So to pick sides or anything but I am  a @Houmy supporter if he ever comes back and wants to run against @DFBB.
    Thanks for the support brother. Wasn't the 1st VIP of the month I am afraid but still grateful to have been chosen. Now as far as running against @DFBB goes, how do you run against a bot? App officially deleted but I'll still be around the forums as it's more fun to me now than the game.
    "Get ready for some NFTs" - VIP NEWSLETTER ca. 2022

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    DaveMustangDaveMustang Registered Users, Member 428 Posts
    You need a LOT of time in diamond if you're trying not to spend money (even if you spend a lot of money). If you don't have the time for diamond, and stay gold let's say; I'm not sure how else to do it without spending money. Of course you can spend your time watching videos, but the time required for videos isn't very different than the time needed to cycle d6. Truth be told, it's a little embarrassing and concerning when thinking about how much time and money a lot of us spend on a simple mobile baseball game that is little more than pressing a few autoplay buttons. I'm not sure what it is that keeps us around, because it's something, but all of the issues within the game are certainly chipping away at that "something" for a lot of players. 
    Man, you got that right. Other than when I was locked out, I don't complain much here. However, my club's outside chat group is filled with it! Lol

    Still everytime I feel screwed I say "thank you Glu, can I have another?"

    Then I keep tapping away because this has been the only mobile game that's ever held my attention for more than a few months. Much less years. 
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    mythicaldragonmythicaldragon Registered Users, Member 2,418 Posts
    edited September 2019
    I don’t think we will see Royale on Weekends and honestly I hope we don’t. I’m sure I’m the minority but I never liked Royale it’s a mess.. to many events to many bonus players multiplier is ridiculous and unpredictable. I like the structure of events how they are except Royale I want sluggfest back. Weekends are nice and chill mixed in with cvc I don’t find weekends boring at all. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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    retirepujolsretirepujols Registered Users, Member 4,857 Posts
    @mythicaldragon I wouldn't be TOTALLY opposed to a royale-type of weekend event IF all of the bonus players throughout the week were bonus players on the weekend 😳 that would be total madness, and I would enjoy reading the threads on that mess 😅
    "It's amazing how much work you can put in without gangly-ass legs in the way" - Sir Tdub71
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    DFBBDFBB Registered Users, Moderators, Member, Moderator 6,602 Posts
    @retirepujols I always know you liked popcorn! 
    If you're not having fun, you're losing.
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    retirepujolsretirepujols Registered Users, Member 4,857 Posts
    Got me @DFBB lol. Seriously, though; weekday bonus guys also being bonus guys on the weekend would be welcomed 🙃 the devs probably think that would decrease gold spending on boxes, which may be the case; but it may also increase gold spending on boxes as the players would be useful for a tad bit longer 🤷🏻‍♂️
    "It's amazing how much work you can put in without gangly-ass legs in the way" - Sir Tdub71
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    mythicaldragonmythicaldragon Registered Users, Member 2,418 Posts
    @retirepujols weekday  bonus players on the weekend? I QUIT!! 😂 Nah I wouldn’t quit...🙄 I’m a tsb junkie. 🥺
    I would actually like to see less boxes Monday’s boxes being bonus mon-Thur and new boxes/bonus players on weekends. I would definitely buy Monday boxes if they were bonus mon-Thur. To many boxes and I used to really look forward to potw boxes bought them every week. Unfortunately potw as a bonus player is not worth the gold so diluted. 
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    MetsicansMetsicans Registered Users, Member 1,046 Posts

    I agree that a full WOH on weekends would be insanity.  You would have diamond guys cycle capping the reward players and hoarding enough resources to play out the rest of the year.  But if they make it harder, then people would be irritated and revolt, because nobody likes to be able to do something and then suddenly not be able to do that thing (i.e., cycle at will on Mondays, but suddenly can't on weekends).

    One thing to consider would be to make the WOH reward the weekend player boxes and a LXP/PXP box from last year.  If a diamond player wants to cycle 50 times, he can open 50 weekend player boxes, but for most people I imagine they'd be cycling 10 or fewer times.  If my experience over the weekend is any indicator, they might not even pull a player from those 10 boxes, or maybe on the 10th box if the pity timer is in effect.    

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    BOZZCOBOZZCO Registered Users, Member 102 Posts
    I may be in the minority but I would enjoy having royale on weekends for the bonus games as well. I play bonus games all weekend anyway so it would be nice to get some points.
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    DFBBDFBB Registered Users, Moderators, Member, Moderator 6,602 Posts
    BOZZCO said:
    I may be in the minority but I would enjoy having royale on weekends for the bonus games as well. I play bonus games all weekend anyway so it would be nice to get some points.
    I actually feel similarly. The last couple of weeks, I've barely played Royale woh. The reward and resources paled in comparison to what I was getting for bg/tourneys. 
    If you're not having fun, you're losing.
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    2003cobra2003cobra Registered Users, Member 2,725 Posts
    If we did have it all weekend the people would have the time to truly enjoy the event and also be able to use all of their bonus players for the individual events. I know that their are plenty of us that use Wednesday for tourneys and bonus games and barely touch the other events. Maybe they could put a limit on woh to prevent guys from cycling 50 times. They could cap it at 25 or 30 and then that event wouldn’t be available any more. 
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    MoenPDCMoenPDC Registered Users, Member 615 Posts
    this game would be so much more enjoyable with Event Royale on the weekend without the multiplier. I love Wednesdays but sometimes I find myself focusing on one event, or if I didn't get a bonus player just cycling. An entire weekend royale would be the greatest thing ever . Prime games for three days is boring
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    BlackFang4BlackFang4 Registered Users, Member 515 Posts
    For players like me who weren't going to spend $20 each week on this game, the game became pretty boring and stale. Play cvc on the prime event days, go hard for twelve hours on Monday and Wednesday, and that's about it. 

    Simply put, the time investment when you go to platinum (with the intentions of going to diamond) is VERY large. You will need to absolutely grind out bonus games and tournament games, and this is pretty costly for anyone much less Android users. You then must invest this gold into the premium XP in order to cycle cap primes and eventually legends, when they were released.

    As @dkarski87 mentioned, the game still has severe issues. The cvc panning bug is still around, extra bases was literally just cvc with leaderboards, (which they still couldn't get to work originally), and Tuesday and the weekend are just super lame. Prime event was the absolute worst. 

    The promises have been underwhelming. I understand not everything will be perfect on the first go around, but extra bases was an absolute crash. The pity timer took weeks to deploy, and even then, it was underwhelming. All star in walk off hero was pretty much a waste of time. If you cared about the extra odds of getting the player but weren't good enough to do woh, you probably didn't have the resources to cap him.

    I think Glu has done some pretty cool things in this game. It's fun, it's visually pleasing, and so forth. I also 
    like that they made an actual advocate for the game @dfbb the moderator. But the game has too many issues and almost no novel ideas. And, as @retirepujols mentioned, all the "small" issues in the game eventually mounted up to something that just simply wasn't worth it.
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    TheLegend17TheLegend17 Registered Users, Member 373 Posts
    This has been a great thread to read. Debate. 

    I miss being able to cycle WOH for the bonus players on Mondays and Wednesdays. I understand that isn't ideal for diamond players looking to cap the HOF player. But it gave guys who loved playing the game a chance to get several bonus guys without spending the ridiculously overpriced cost of the boxes. The anticipation for the boxes was huge. 

    What has killed the game this year is the lack of solutions for the glitches. We are 6 months in and problems that were problems in Tsb18 are still very prevalent. I would love to see the devs focus more on the current game play rather than trying to add new features. Fix the broken parts first!  

    If there is a TSB 20, it's going to fail miserably. Guys just aren't going to keen chasing the dragon. 
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    MetsicansMetsicans Registered Users, Member 1,046 Posts
    This has been a great thread to read. Debate. 

    I miss being able to cycle WOH for the bonus players on Mondays and Wednesdays. I understand that isn't ideal for diamond players looking to cap the HOF player. But it gave guys who loved playing the game a chance to get several bonus guys without spending the ridiculously overpriced cost of the boxes. The anticipation for the boxes was huge. 

    What has killed the game this year is the lack of solutions for the glitches. We are 6 months in and problems that were problems in Tsb18 are still very prevalent. I would love to see the devs focus more on the current game play rather than trying to add new features. Fix the broken parts first!  

    If there is a TSB 20, it's going to fail miserably. Guys just aren't going to keen chasing the dragon. 

    I wanted to give this both an agree and disagree, so decided to just respond.  I don't think TSB20 will fail.  The game, like most mobile games, makes it's money on the top 5% who spend, and those guys are not going anywhere.  New people will find the game, and many of the complainers will learn they're too addicted to leave (me included).  The game will be fine financially.

    But I definitely agree that they need to clean up the game's glitches.  Just a few tweaks here and there would dramatically improve the experience.  Maybe their revenue stream suggests otherwise, but the paucity of premium xp has really detracted from my enjoyment.  Cycling HOF is supposed to be an achievement, but for me it's a mixed blessing -- glad I did it, but ultimately frustrating in that I got a player I can never really use.  I simply don't have the time or resources to cycle 10+ times, I couldn't cycle cap in Classic with my schedule.  Three HOF cycles was my record yesterday, and that was with a rare Monday live boost. 

    Is a little more LXP too much to ask for?  Just put it in the CVC mvp boxes, at least. 

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    MattattackMattattack Registered Users 1,971 Posts
    It would be interesting how they implemented it to coincide with CVC.   For me I have always been one that puts CVC rewards ahead of events on Tuesday, Thursday and the weekend.  However the cvc rewards havent really changed in some time and they were constantly evolving last year.   I'd also question if maybe there are certain segments of Friday, Saturday and Sunday that the royale is active for.  I find it hard to believe you would have woh running for 2.5 days straight, it seems like there would have to be breaks.  Regardless the weekend event is something has been needed to be tweaked for sometime so I look forward to see what happens.
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    Base15Base15 Registered Users 504 Posts
    I agree with @Metsicans. It definitely won’t fail. I was in a top 5 Madden Mobile league for the last 3 years. EA made that game worse (overly complicated, labor intensive, poor gameplay mechanics) each year. I was able to walk away this year, but most of the folks in those top leagues continue playing and spending even though they know the product is bad. TSB is no different. They may lose a few, but they’ll be replaced by others. 
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    Cooz19Cooz19 Registered Users 1,256 Posts
    If you'll all allow me to say a few things...just my useless $0.02. 

    1. I am not going to be able to find a reasonable and logical counter to the idea that Royale would be held on the weekend. You won't either. Digging into the rewards, or potential outcomes or whatever else is missing the forest for the trees; why on earth would the one event of the week that houses every other event be held for one day? It absolutely should be the weekend event, and that's so obvious, I just assume there's a coding issue preventing it to be that way (the game started several years ago with the prime event being the weekend, like it is today).

    2. I love getting rewards and I love building my team. But ultimately, I play this for fun. I just like to win. I enjoy hitting that walkoff bomb to beat 5.10 (rare) and firing off whatever crude, obscene and outright gross string of trash-talk DMs to @retirepujols as quickly as I can type it. It's the game outside the game. It's fun. Sure, we need incentive to spend our time working toward that end, but the act of improving to the point you get over that hump is fun. Maybe beating it 648 times in a row is fun, I wouldn't know. But stating a reason for not wanting to do it is "I'll have to play more" or "imagine how many times Player x will cycle" isn't valid. 

    Bottom line, I'd like Royale to be a weekend thing because it's hard to imagine it was designed to be done over one day. It's built as a long-play event. I'd just really like something I can compete in for myself and for a club of like-minded peers against similar and REALISTIC competition for rewards that aren't most similar to participation ribbons or those stupid-ass stickers they keep giving me. 
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    DFBBDFBB Registered Users, Moderators, Member, Moderator 6,602 Posts
    @BlackFang4 I'm sure glad you're still lurking the forums. I've always respected your passion for the game and that's often reflected in your posts. 

    From the perspective of an android user, it appears that the new anti-hacking measures came at the expense of the clean players. It frustrates me to no end that android users basically got kicked to the curb. On top of that, as mentioned multiple times, many of the same issues that have plagued the game all year(and even dating back to '18) are still an issue. I won't pretend to understand the nuances involved, but it leaves for a very unpleasant experience.

    Royale on the weekend is a fantastic idea. The event itself is great. However, it also puts those with 'normal' jobs in a bind. At the VIP council, the biggest complaint about Royale (other than the rebracket) is that we simply don't have the time to play everything or even the events we want. It's overwhelming as is and when you're on a time crunch, it takes away a lot of the fun. They would have to make some adjustments, but I don't imagine it would be difficult to implement. I mentioned in the council thread that I didn't think the idea was well received, but the newsletter gave me hope. I agree with @Cooz19's sentiments regarding Royale. It makes so much sense as a weekend event. Maybe the current iteration can be tweaked, but the demand is certainly there. The onus is on GLU to make it happen and have it make sense for all involved.
    If you're not having fun, you're losing.
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    retirepujolsretirepujols Registered Users, Member 4,857 Posts
    Perhaps Royale on the weekend with some sort of "end point" would work. I've seen this mentioned, but I'm too lazy to find where, but having a limit of the amount of woh cycles over the weekend would allow/force other game modes to be played. Royale is a great idea, but in it's current state it's simply used for the big boys to run through bonus games and tournaments to rack up billions of points. A weekend Royale with some sort of limitations to encourage each game mode to be played would be pretty cool. 
    "It's amazing how much work you can put in without gangly-ass legs in the way" - Sir Tdub71
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    2003cobra2003cobra Registered Users, Member 2,725 Posts
    Pujols that’s was my suggestion. I was thinking 20 times would be a reasonable number. I did 19 on classic yesterday with plenty of time to spare. I usually get past royale woh once to get the player and then do tourneys and bonus games like you’re saying. Prime events are pretty much useless and the weekend rewards are horrible if you don’t finish top 5-ROI is not worth chasing players even with the pity timer. Weekend royale would give us time to participate in all events. Glu needs to figure out how to get us more engaged and this could do the trick.  
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    Wicked0WildcatsWicked0Wildcats Registered Users, Member 1,040 Posts
    "Have been requested for a long time" can only mean one thing.  New team mascot stickers are on their way!
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    Base15Base15 Registered Users 504 Posts
    I’m hoping for a variety of “Ladies PM me” stickers. 
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