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  • I'm crazy jealous!!! I couldn't land him to save my life!!
  • 49-1 I think lol 
  • I used Sign Segura with late innings boost and 80 gold boost stack and beat kimbrell one try... The problem is I'm 0-10 on Buehler with maxed Game changer Acuna sitting at 350 with 80gold boost still not doing anything 😡😡😡
  • Sorry I just seen this. I pulled the original 550 and no skill since then he's dropped with a skill added.
  • Well I feel a little played but not as bad as its not just a me thing. I feel your guy's pain 😢
  • That's the key word attainable. I cycled but it cost me 1500 goldish. To me that's fair since the box containing the reward is 1500 I don't mind. It's when it's so far from obtainable I don't even wanna try or spend because I get really frustrated 
  • As a VIP myself I didnt pull the legend either. I hardly feel wronged in any way. Everyone knows the risk and in reality just like anything you can pay your way to the top if you want. Honestly it's all luck. It's no different than anyone else complaining. Everyone seems to hate Glu until they win on a pull...then they…
  • That's actually a really good point I hadn't considered. I'm probably not going to move into diamond thou with the lack of actually having a reason to. If not for gold and other level up rewards diamond and plat offer no incentives I don't believe.
  • What do you mean cashing in? Like they exchange for something I'm missing ?
  • Sorry for the rant, just something on my mind is all
  • I've gone 0-10 so far on Diaz refusing gold cause I know it's just gonna be curve after curve. I mean at least give me a shot !
  • There's gotta be a trick built in somewhere. Legend has it if you purchase the special deal youll get 1 and a half prime players haha 
  • That is amazing luck lol. You need to go play the lottery or something
    in Twitter Comment by SakaV2 September 2018
  • There's nothing more irritating than boosting for the round only to be dubbed multiple curves lol. Talk about being bent over haha! I suppose ill keep hacking away at it and eventually will draw enough luck on my side ! Thanks for the advice fellas!
  • Also what's the deal with non stop curveballs? Diaz is so stubborn with the fast ball he caused me all sorts of headaches 
  • I appreciate the advice. I have no luck in boxes to pull primes or high end guys. I usually do go for potw and potm as they give me great boost. I just feel like the amount of struggle I get is crazy and it's reassuring to know guys bigger than me are struggling. It's like you gotta cycle to get better but can't cycle…
  • I have Google pixel 2 and it's super easy to deal with. It's annoying but all you have to do is hit the menu button on your phone. (White middle dot) to go home and then click on the app again and your control comes back!
  • I just mean the 20$ amount of gold 
    in 20$ Comment by SakaV2 June 2018
  • I believe all upgrades and intangibles apply to all game modes across the board but I could be wrong. Good luck!
    in Intangibles Comment by SakaV2 June 2018
  • @Graves1551 I really think once you've made a few purchases they dissolve away. I mean I was bludgeoned to death with Kris Bryant ads and now it's a ghost town. If anyone can confirm what triggers ads that would be great !! 
  • I wonder if that makes better more consistent players who appear as POTW will be more worthwhile purchasing ? I like my odds with my Ohtani as potm!😂😂
  • Clubs can be a lot of fun depending how cool everyone is! We have fun and get competitive at times creating a lot of friendlies against each other. In all seriousness, there is a lot of hate for the game and at times it's somewhat deserving but for what it is ( a mobile baseball game) it's a ton of fun and the right club…
    in MLB TSB 18 Comment by SakaV2 June 2018
  • Be incredibly patient. I know how frustrating it is but GLU actually got back to me in about a day and a half and we're very helpful from there on out! Give them time to process everything and work your case. I just did this last weekend so I know how it feels. Good luck 
  • I just went through this exact thing with my team. I upgraded my phone and was afraid I'd lost my team. I reached out with support and gave them anything they asked for and I was dealt with in quick time. They helped me and I had my team in about 2 and a half days ish. Good luck and remain positive. Remember they are…
  • The game has its ups and downs like any other. The game progressively gets tougher as you go through. Remaining competitive takes time and commitment but not impossible. If you plan to play competitively you will need real money from time to time but deals will help with that. If you're like me who just wants to enjoy a…
    in MLB TSB 18 Comment by SakaV2 June 2018
  • I still think people should still strive to be VIP. I mean sure the game is becoming incredibly competitive but think about all the events you were able to have a leg up with your rewards that the average player doesn't have. If anything I'd say the average player doesn't have a chance until they strike luck with boxes or…

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