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ponylatte · Experienced Member


  • Welcome LeeLee! off topic @DMV_Doll: Bird poo on the car? o_O I don't have the car because I read that some tappable items will be overshadowed by it on the streets (I think it was the bird in SoHo), and you still have to pay to switch between cities as if you were using public transportation...is it true? I was wondering…
  • When I finish watching ads for free K-stars, whether in-game or on the safari page the game opens, I get back to my game and the sound is on when previously, it was disabled. Could it be fixed?
  • I thought so, too! So...is it nearer than we thought?
  • hey @trevor didn't you predict it would be may 31st because it's the anniversary of something? Maybe you were right after all xD
  • gee I thought it was their official account xDD my bad!
  • ya know, I think we outta take our minds off this update for now it's gonna drive us nuts...it'll come when it comes u_u
  • ^They're playing with our emotions xD I bet there's not gonna be The Update today :( lol Trevor is too funny, thanks for cheering us up! <3
  • thank goodness at least we know it's this week for sure... >_<
  • lol @trevor Love it! Baby thief xD
  • Gee this is dragging on T_T
  • I play on apple and had the Cassio gig I had to bring my husband because of bad publicity so that was legit, but this glitched one I had recently was not about SOs, I chose a friend from my list just like any other time. Plus, when they make you bring your SO, can you pick him from the list or do they just appear? xD
  • ^Lol! I'm with you on this strike xD Glu better not disappoint!
  • ^No it's not something to do with SOs, it was just a regular quest I did it recently :-P
  • Ugh...please don't mention the word 'tomorrow' Lol I am hopeful, today might be the day! This is taking up too much of our lives, just release it already xD
  • Yup!! It happened to me, too! But it won't damage any relationships you are in atm, it's just a glitch thankfully. LOL
  • I am about to finish my first comeback as the Love Guru. Well, it will take some more time but I'm 36 on the list! *hallelujah* I didn't wanna do any comebacks but then I got bored and it's nice to have them. Plus, I love that they increase your energy holding capabilities. So, at first I was not into them, but now I am…
  • ^orphanages in the game xD Sad but it kinda made me laugh! I don't know if we would ever have the option of giving them up, but I would guess we would just give them back to the adoption center. So cold xD
  • I really wish!! trevoractor said they might drop it May 31st which is the anniversary of the game. >_<
  • FINALLY!!! We're almost there!
  • It's new IMO, I just finished shooting that with the three sisters.
  • Yep, I received that during Xmas. Love that hair! :)
  • Ugh! Still nothing after completing the quests... T_T
  • Well, after all, I really think finishing gigs does unlock the centre. I am shooting my show (or whatever it is I'm doing, I barely read what anyone says anymore), and I need the Kardashian sisters to make an appearance. You basically meet one at a time and they ask you to do a gig as a favor in order to get them on your…
  • It's taking too long! T_T I want the centre to open already...hopefully you can proceed with the ordeal with a dating level of 3000+ because that's where I'm at with my husband, lol. I'm trying to finish all the quests I have in hopes of unlocking the centre, but maybe it will open on its own regardless. Ugh!! I want a…
  • ^lol Did anyone suggest putting the person you're dating at the top of the list when you click the heart button for a date? Cause I gotta scroll til the ends of the world to find them. T_T
  • I would never wanna sell my houses. It's cool to have them all! I only have the Hamptons house left to buy and I'm working on it. :-P But it'd be soooo awesome if we could make profits out of renting them!!
  • ^Makes sense! Thanks for your explanation :-P Nice to meet you too. :) I can still add others on KKH so it's not technically problematic, just annoying. lol I feel like I'm seeing ghosts when I bump into them. xD
  • I once deleted someone and it took maybe a week or more to get them off my KKH list, but I still see them in places and can't talk to them! Now I deleted another one and they are still in my contacts and I can even talk to them...it's been months!
  • So...later this year...when could that be? I don't want the clingy SO/husband calling every day, but I do want the baby so I'm putting the dating off until the update!
  • @LeyshlaGisel Nope I'm nr 2! I guess that's why :0

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