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PythonDjango · Experienced Member


  • It's not equipping the gun that increases you matchup difficulty, but merely crafting it. Regardless of whether it's equipped, the most powerful gun you own is what's used to calculate your PvP match opponent power. You might make a request to glu to un-do your crafting the gun, or even to delete it from your inventory,…
  • I'm currently at 1310 APs in the event, but that's good enough for 50th place in the Amazon group. 30th place has 1685 APs.
  • The question of how ties are ranked seems legitimate to me. If the screenshot is in league play, then some people in that list will earn more parts than others with the same score. Or in the case I'm dealing with right now, first place in a silver room gets 17 parts for a heavy gun rather than the last global's sniper…
  • I posted a question about the PvP event timer in the thread that Handles has been posting in (titled "Event - 08-13-2015"). Hopefully there'll be a response.
  • Handles, As was noted in another thread about this event, the PvP event timer in the IOS screenshot ends a day early (compared to the normal 4 day event, and the VIP Event timer) -- please refer this issue to the developers and let us know if that's a mistake, or if that's how the event will actually work.
  • I bought the early access, and thought it was a very good deal. The Raven Elite sniper rifle was equivalent to the top-10 prize Rook rifle, 40 Med packs, and I used the challenge match diamonds to accelerate a couple tier 12 base upgrades. That was worth 600 gold to me. Anyway, about your actual post subject, I've felt…
  • I'm in the Kindle Android group, and the Clan tab still displays "Next Clan Event Coming Soon" rather than a countdown timer to the event. Does that indicate a problem, or perhaps has the content update not been pushed to the Kindle group yet.
  • 7/16/2015 - There's no global event on any of the platforms, and I can't find any post by a moderator acknowledging that Glu is aware of the issue or an expected time when it'll be corrected.
  • This is an assumption on my part, but a couple seemingly unrelated issues appear to have been intertwined. Apparently, Glu pushed another fairly significant patch to IOS in conjunction with trying to release the "Dressed to Kill" campaign. Looking through the posts about IOS, the issues that they attempted to correct are…
  • Forceofone and kane would put him in the Amazon group. I'm in comegetsome. One of our guys had the same thing happen recently; he dropped out until he could get it resolved so so that we could bring in a temp.
  • Thanks. Has anyone heard why they did it? I assume that folks are pretty unhappy at being shutout of having any chance for the next gun, but they're not going to be any happier when they can't even say anything about it. OK, I just saw Handles note in the "Are we allowed to post?" thread.
  • I posted earlier that, in my opinion, because everyone will be crowded into bronze league rooms, without any global heavy gun parts, that I think there's little or no chance that any Android players will crafting a heavy gun next week. When I submitted it, I received a notice that my post would only be visible after…
  • Removed - I didn't fully read the comment I was replying to.
  • Sorry guys, seriously. The issue has been fixed now, but I was pretty sure it was a glitch that I kept receiving lower than my normal level PvP matchups, which are tier 11 long and tier 12 short, having almost double the normal payouts, always 37.2k, no variance. I prefer to attack generated/NPC bases because I know that…
  • It won't matter in play for the gun, but milestones will be much more difficult to achieve unless Glu adjusts them. The 4k AP -> 50 gold milestone will probably require buying more energy than the 50 gold is worth.
  • That being the case, why is there still no Android League Event today (Amazon at least, I assume for Google as well, but am unable to verify)? Also, will you adjust the next Global Event's Android Milestones to accommodate losing a day of the Global Event?
  • I concurr. When Tier 10 was released, I expressed concern that the accelerating increase in weapon and base defense power makes it increasingly difficult for newer players to succeed. Now that more new players are buying/winning high power guns, they're essentially frozen out of PvP because their health isn't up to taking…
  • 1) Pretty much correct, you get 2 points for a PvP win, 0 for a loss, and -1 if your base is successfully attacked by another player. 2) Also correct; I don't believe that defense losses are deducted from League VPs, only all-time. Otherwise, you get 2 points for a PvP win, 0 for a loss. 3) Assassin points are specific to…
  • I just got confirmation from a fellow ComeGetSome clan member that she's locked out with the same error too.
  • The only non-potentially damaging thing I've seen is there's a "Sync and Check For New Items" option to tap under Settings, but that hasn't resulted in an update, so I assume that we're just all down (again).
  • It appears that everybody in the Amazon group may be getting a 106000 network error.
  • Yep; I'm getting 106000 too. Looking at CK:S in the Kindle Appstore for Android, I'm not seeing an indication of whether they even have an app update to download. I've been searching for a way to force a download, and the only thing I've found is deleting an app from the device, then downloading it again from the cloud,…
  • I'd rather Glu focus on resolving version 3 bugs before developing another campaign. There's still a lot on the bug list, especially as regards upgrading drone components, which is essentially broken.
  • Not exactly a bug, but can you please delete forum user sinsinseller and all of his posts trying to sell stolen credit card numbers?
  • bump, ba dump bump...
  • Since we've now missed a second day of league play, I would request that GLU award all Android platform players 35 Narwhal parts. This doesn't address the missed league milestone award opportunities, but will at least allow players having incomplete Narwhal rifles to craft them.
  • There are several other threads about the Android platform silver league event not starting today, but I'll post it as a bug report. The day's almost half over, and the silver league event still hasn't started. There are lots of angry players who are unable to complete crafting their Narwhal Tesla rifles.
  • I asked one of my clan members why she didn't have a heavy listed, and she simply didn't own a heavy gun, so i'd say that's accurate. However, their drone stats are for your drone, not theirs (at least that's a bug in the Amazon distribution).
  • I'll probably end up with a Narwhal without spending any gold for energy because I play a lot and am in the Amazon league. I doubt that I'll win it straight-up, but should be able to complete it without much difficulty during silver league play. It'll be nice, but I'm having no trouble knocking over tier 10 bases with my…
  • I've got the same problem; I'm level 90 and my Bastet is nearly fully upgraded, but my short-range success against top-level tier 10 bases is probably only 70-80% right now. I bought 220 med packs when they had the 20 packs on sale for half price a couple days ago to compensate. I'm hearing on clan chat that some folks are…

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