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  • Have same problem too... im using galaxy tab 2, lat updating yesterday brought a new hope that glu already fix the problem, but nohing diferent in region 4..it still freeze and error...
  • Im using galaxy tab 2 7".. almost 1 monh its still error... hope last update fix everything coz redonwload all maps, but when open region 4 the problem stil not fixed yet... can complete all mission in region 4..please help fix it asap..thanks
  • Infact region 4 still error...updating give a hope coz should download all map again... but unfortunately region 4 still error... i use the same device, galaxy tab 2
  • Well i think we have same problem in same device too...hope support team will fix it soon... so sick, i just free from time error, now has to facing this issue... just download reg 4 map today and got this problem...
  • I have same problem with time error.. somehowncan fix it by using wifi connection, then go home it still work using my own connection.. surprised coz i think it fixed already.. but so sad this morning got messages several times the connection was lost and the time error is back..

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