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  • Since the update I've made 15 Tower of Heroes runs, 7 froze after 2-3 levels, 7 just booted out to home screen of Android after 4-6 levels. Think all of those wasted tokens. SMH
  • The requirement is that simple? Only 12k GS? What about mods and hacks that players need to use to keep up with the rest of your guild?
    in DevilJins Comment by Ethanbugs May 2014
  • shee? Aren't you a Senior Officer from Goodfellas? Sorry, I'm just curious why you posted here.
  • Just logged in and I saw in my mail the Guild rewards which were 10 Ancestral and 10 Silver coins. I'm also from FairAndHonor who won the last Spender Tournament for the Guild bracket. But when I claimed it, only the Silver offerings were mentioned as received. I double-checked my Ancestral offerings if it was credited…
  • Great parrying skills. Didn't took a single hit. Level 55? That must took awhile to reach. What runes did you have?
  • This is becoming pointless. jason++++ is still active after hacking his way to 2 Hall of Fame. He's now on his way to his 3rd. Is this what GluAdmin meant about the cheat team being notified? Just notified I guess. Working on them on the other hand might be a different matter altogether. That's 3 weeks of rampant cheating.…
  • Was he even banned in the first place? Gluadmins posts suggests otherwise.
  • I do hope they sift through those plethora of hackers and not do it like last time where they they did took their time to hand out the prizes and then still give the hacks and cheats the prizes and their place on the Hall of Fame. The nerve! Even banning wasn't done last time.
  • Seriously? jason in Android has been placed in the Hall of Fame after hacking his way since the last Survival tournament and and is well on his way to another place and you just take notice now? How thick can you get?
  • I hope so that it stays on our side. It is very frustrating on our part. Even some of my friends in Android who didn't experienced it before are also getting it now. Thanks man for the well wish Sir.
  • @Rentoc cool avatar :D On topic, I'm guessing that was it. The survival and offerings tournament were the variation Moloch hinted as the ones that's new aside from the Fusion and Evolution tournaments LOL.
  • Please do take a look into this. Anywhere else in the game I crash if after some amount of time passes, be it endless, world chat, private chat, inventory, offerings or quests. It wasn't like this before the update. It's hampering everyone's progress or at least those who are experiencing this.
  • Please do take a look into this. Anywhere else in the game I crash if after some amount of time passes, be it endless, world chat, private chat, inventory, offerings or quests. It wasn't like this before the update. It's hampering everyone's progress.
  • Sup Cate :D
  • Nice to meet you as well Dziah :D As for PvP, ahahaha I'd rather not. Unless it's Obar's monk. Do I need to click that "Contact me here" for PvP tips?
  • Sup Dread Ditto.. On my account as well.. Several times in a day since the update that I was booted from the game, whether I'm doing endless, chat or even while I doing the offerings.
  • Ahahaha, we are a very diverse group so do expect a bit of everything from us though hack and cheat is not and will not be part of it. And most of us doesn't have English as our primary language even I. The ones who do, don't participate here. My IGN is the same as my username, Dziah.
  • Sup all-mighty troll :D LOLZ with making a thread just for this. To clarify though, we don't compete in survival and offerings tourneys. So we don't require any rank or vp for our members during those tourneys. No one gets kicked for having 0 during those tourneys.
  • You're not the only experiencing this. I too was kicked around 8-9 times yesterday after the update. Anywhere in the game this happens, whether it's endless, quests, chatboard or even in the offering window. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling several times to no avail. Worked fine before the update (though an…
  • Yup, L Nian drops both Transcendent talisman and ring. Based on my experience.

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