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  • Hey, Handles. Where is the June schedule of events, buddy? We kinda don't guess what's coming on friday. Waiting for the schedule, thanks.
  • Well... Ok, Handles...but...what spirits go for the new monsters? Where are the evo and fuse tourneys? Where are the cloaks?? Aren't them the high points of the new version?? Or did you guys only schemed us up for buying more medallions and inventory slots for them?? Really disappointed.
  • Ok then...Bye bye
    in Goodbye Comment by Mizera February 2015
  • Ok, "Rumpelsomething" and Fidodido777, You both know that popular saying that "enough is enough"? I gentle ask yourselves, PLEASE, SWETTIE PRETTY PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP, stop using this forum for this nonsense. As the new fashion is friends coming here to take care of each other, i am Akash's friend. NO ONE ASKED ME…
  • They just put some new wapons (T9, no changes AT ALL, only shtetical) and now the wings that give ATK CC AND CD are in the gold goddess offerings. That's SHAMILLY all.
  • This is outrageous. I almost refused to answer the survey. I invested money in this game. It can really be the best mobile game ever, but they seem to be trying to replace it. I will REFUSE to migrate to the other game and will be disappointed with Glu and will never play or reccomend any of their games anymore. I LOVE…
  • Ok, Fido. I'm not wanting to mess around the thread, just warning that he is a bad loser so if he reports someone, you will all know the real reason. Cheers friend
  • Besides, he's a 13k, T8 weapon monk. Just look at my mage. It's natural that i win him over and over again, as it happens, everytime i cross with him in the arena. No more to say, beware this crying baby.
  • I would not doubt it.
  • Yes. The Roc wings and the Sage wings, both have attack, critical chance, critical damage, and may use runes, evolve and stuff.
  • Now people are committing crimes to play a game? And others are posting tutorials on how to commit these crimes? SHAME ON YOU!!!
  • That is the worst. NOTHING changed. Same arena issues, lots of people with locked mages...sooooo many problems.
  • I want to report something different here. The player Highkick, is a bad loser. He lost for me, in a clean fight, and, immediadetely after, he add me and threat to report me as a hacker. Here i have the prove of he, threatening me, i'll post. Beware when winning this weak russian player, he May report you for no reason.…
  • You get the new wings in the VIP. No sign of droping them. After you fuse the wings, you use the feathers as reagents to evolve them.
    in Wings Comment by Mizera September 2014
  • The video is unavailable. I wanted to watch it, but nor in the search or the link, i could. What do i do??
  • I was farming this same one, before the sipder queen. Before the update, i got my lord reagents, after the update, only prince reagents. :mad:

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