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  • Friday 3-14, 7:15 CST, no update yet...., what gives?
  • Nothing on IOS yet....just opened app center, all updates are up to date
  • Thanks Kyra, this helps. Still keeping my fingers crossed.
  • Still awaiting the update the for Ios. App center says all apps are up to date. Do these go out in bundles with some folks getting them first? This is make or break for me as I havent been able to play since 2-14. (Hanging on Glu man since region 9 update) Im keeping my fingers crossed. If it fails, app deleted.
  • devilchild, do I understand you revived an update and all works well now? Please confirm. I've been dead in the water, still hangin on the glu man screen since 2-14. I have NOT recieved an update from the App Store as of yet.
  • At least you recieved an answer....I have had a ticket for a while in & their fixes as suggested were bunk. ASAP means it'll be fixed on the next update.....god knows when.
  • Still no response from Glu admin on this. The silence is speaking volumes.
  • Heerdunter, thanks for your input: however, I am unable to perform this from a desktop. Its a great idea/fix for those that are able to do so & maybe I'm in the minority of those that cannot. The fact/principle of the matter is that: a fix is out there & it should really be written into the programming & into new updates…
  • Going on 12 days now, & no word from Glu on this fix, as well as nothing on the ticket that was also submitted. Reading some other posts, it appears that they are aware of the "hang", but nothing has been conveyed on a fix. If anyone has further information, please feel free to share....
  • Same problem here since last Thursday. I have a ticket in but no feedback or support in this matter. May just delete app all together if things arent sorted out soon.....
  • You folks aren't alone, I had the same issue since last Thursday. There is a ticket in, but no word as of yet. I suspect we will be in limbo until an update fixing the bugs comes out. Every suggestion they gave me has not worked. I will definitely not re-inststall the game, cuz I have 5.3M bucks sittin there.
  • Sorry Roone, this did not work on the Iphone (only setting to block pop-ups to turn on or off). The router shouldnt matter too much as I have played the game on a 3G network since last fall without incident. This is the first and only hiccup Ive encountered.
  • I'm having the same exact issue as Bonecrusher. I rebooted the phone, shut down background programs, etc..., same results. I have a ticket in now, but havent heard back yet. I love the game & am really apprehensive to reinstall, due to the fact that I have 5.23 million bucks sitting there waiting for Region 9. I hope they…

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