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  • We're talking Critical Damage here not CC. A Godly talisman give 123%, ring 128, wand 98. That adds up to 349 and change but when I equip them all my level 50 mage has 400.1% because with them all unequipped I have 50% CD.
  • - do your best to keep your mana high. - Once you drop the golden skeleton and mid-sized spider shoot the wand a few times and throw a lightning orb in the middle of the cavern. -move back so that you can hit the spider queen with the end of an eruption. - it takes some timing but the goal is to get the spider to fall down…
  • Why in the world would GLU want to match based on GS and GS alone? I'd drop armor (and GS) but keep my weapon and blow away the competition. GLU has a much harder job doing the matching and have to include things like level, and arena rank. Then they have to compare that with a possibly small pool of people looking to…
  • Five to ten percent seems excessive. A mage's fireball/errupt is 10% and her ice blink is much less. To test, just go into the first map mission and count how many you can use before running out of mana. I'd say make all defensive skills use the same man
  • 90 is good, higher is better. However, if you are trying for blood reagents in a map mission scale down iif to 60 or so. Otherwise the grey and green items get pushed to blue too often. In towers IIF has minimal effect.
    in Optimal IIF? Comment by rewand May 2014
  • I disagree. Mage has the slowest footspeed in the game. The floating energy ball gives her an expensive umbrella of protection to compensate. If you want to keep things balanced and don't want the lightning ball then how about 0 countdown on defensive skill or huge 360 degree basic attack like Warrior
  • It is correct sometimes....perhaps... I've seen 40 members of my guild flagged as logged in but the overview screen says 5/50 logged in.
  • Nah Too much farming to get one class leveled up. Thinking of leveling up the others makes me want to quit the game. Adding more won't help.
    in New class Comment by rewand May 2014
  • And how does the requirement to hit make this not an AOE attack? It covers a large circular section around the warrior. Yea, it may have a disadvantage but the warrior can MOVE. Can you imagine the mage lightning ball moving as she runs around!? Take a break, meditate...repeat every day "I can see the glass half full"...
  • Rather than ask take the time to read old postings or even search on tower timer and then read. You won't feel so alone then
  • ANY in-game method of sending a message that has more than a 10% chance of being seen by the whole guild would be welcome.
  • Ha! you thought I was suggesting you do this!? This is the SUGGESTION forum. I'm suggesting a way to have the game automatically find and report hackers. Players shouldn't have to do anything.
  • I've got a screenshot somewhere showing may current GS higher than the max GS. I suspect there are lots of glitches in these totals.
  • Check the gold offerings. If a level 44 purple is guaranteed for 10 offerings then start saving gems. I'm about 2.5 weeks into it and need another 60 or so but I'll soon have a 44 purple to farm with. Oh, and NEVER do offerings for a good weapon unless there is a guarantee of getting what you want... Offerings are sucker…
  • Lots of ways to say it. The more things change, the more they stay the same... Same stuff different day... There's a sucker born every minute...
  • From google translate: Please help my child to be cleared by my phone (temporarily) played the same game I did. What is clocked there and now I can not play. What I just did, and reinstalled several times. Writes that all the time: the data is corrupted. What do I do? Very much like the game. I'd be happy to start her…
  • There was someone on last night propositioning people. Asking if they liked --hmmm what won't get censored?....--shall I say penetration of the colonic sphincter? Even said they hoped kids were online. If this keeps up we may finally get the ability to turn off chat... like when the FBI raids GLU corporate!
  • Your bag space will change when you change your bag space. Glu gives you free gems. Sixty every twenty days. Save up and solve your own problem.
  • Yea! PvP == God mode == boring. What's the saying? "when everyone is Incredible then no one will be Incredible"...
  • Yes, it's a matter of gathering the usage metrics and comparing them to what is possible in the game. Could be GLU is already doing this though. This last endless tournament was much better than the last.
  • How about an auto-collect feature. Pay 100 gems for a Legendary magnet in your backpack. Any Legendary item dropped gets auto-collected.
  • I agree. The gaps between reward tiers seemed arbitrary. I stopped when I had jump by 70% to qualify for the next bonus.
  • I wouldn't say it was every couple of runs but I landed six godly items over the weekend. One of them was actually useful in filling out my third set but most of it was repeat gear. I also noticed an increase in Purple items dropping at levels 106-119.
  • You got it right. The way it works is they show you gold to get your hopes up and give you junk. Not unlike the coin operated machines at Walmart which show the big happy stuffed animal in the corner. It looks like the claw mechanism can easily reach it. After you pay money you find that the claw is slippery, doesn't grip…
  • yea I don't speak any of the romance languages much less Itallian but it's easy to get the gist of what s/he is saying. Really bad.
  • How does importance of a skill dictate how much mana it should require. Perhaps it's important because it requires little mana. If whirlwind and Rage of the Va'jra were free would they then be the most important?
  • As long as you don't count the huge 360 degree sword swing, the in-line dash, the whirlwind attack or the parry tsunami then you are right. No AOE attack.
  • minimum ping perhaps but wifi at an airport can be a lot worse than G3.
  • Add a button to the popup in town/guild/friend interfaces "challenge to duel". yes, yes, yes
  • I say make it better or let us turn off chat. I've had too many times when my kids have been watching "daddy kill the bad monsters" and chat has raised too many questions.

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