
Jump to platinum



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    Base15Base15 Registered Users 504 Posts
    Thanks. Our teams share many of the same players so I’m hopeful my experience will be similar. 
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    mwilson829mwilson829 Registered Users, Member 364 Posts
    @bayoubengal It's good to hear that your transition has been fairly seamless.  I've only been gold for a few weeks, but I've already capped 11 BXP bats (all max 350 guys) and 8 PXP bats (max 380-400 guys plus Vogelback at max 420), all with skills at 8/8, pennants between 30-50, and hit/clutch upgrades maxed for gold.

    While I have been intending to remain in gold for awhile because WOH is a piece of cake and I have also beaten Royale 2-3X each week, during the Royale event yesterday I played enough bonus games to trigger the playoffs for Gold VI.  So with another bonus game event coming up today, I find myself sitting here contemplating an unexpected jump to platinum so that the bonus games I play today start accruing toward the rewards for clearing Plat I (rather than otherwise being wasted). 

    Unfortunately, as this is not a planned jump, I have almost no resources saved (only ~55K BXP, 23K PXP, 730 evo) since I've only been in gold for a few weeks and have continually being leveling new players.  So I could only take one BXP bat to P10 (and no PXP bats) until I grind out more XP, though if I could land in a discount club this weekend perhaps I could level a few guys more quickly.  Normally I use Monday WOH to cycle cap the Classic reward and otherwise bank BXP, but I fear that I won't be able to do that if I jump to platinum since I can only level one BXP bat at the moment (plus anything I can generate over the weekend). 

    Should I at least wait until after Monday WOH, or should I just take the plunge and figure it out?  Who wants to talk me off the ledge?
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    Base15Base15 Registered Users 504 Posts
    I’m not in a competitive club so I don’t have to worry about events. For me figuring it out (the struggle) is pretty fun. I am apprehensive that I won’t be able to play with new toys for a while and that I’ll have to leave a couple of primes behind, but I’m pinned at Gold VI like you so I figure what the heck. 
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    bayoubengalbayoubengal Registered Users, Member 981 Posts
    @mwilson829 If you can not bring 2, 1 left and 1 right to p10, I would hold off.  Only reason why I did was because I could have at least 2 p10 batters.  Now don't forget your draft picks to trade in for bxp.  I forgot I had those and that is what put me over the edge of doing it.   Like I said previously there is not much difference in the first few levels in Platinum for bonus games and tournaments. On the other hand season mode is a B****.  
    First, congrats on not being the 1st person to ask this question.
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    mwilson829mwilson829 Registered Users, Member 364 Posts
    edited August 2019
    @bayoubengal If I was confident that I would land a good BXP guy with double skills useful for WOH through this weekend's boxes or fan rewards, I probably wouldn't hesitate.  With a discount club and field pass, I could easily cap a second bat at P10.  The problem is that I can't be sure of that now, and if I don't make the jump before the bonus game event starts today, there really isn't much point jumping until the middle of next week when I'll need to start banging out bonus games again.  So while there's a good chance I can generate enough BXP between now and Monday to cap a second bat at P10, I should probably just be patient, even if it means "wasting" a ton of bonus games today that cold otherwise to toward earning platinum rewards.
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    dustyhunksdustyhunks Registered Users, Member 1,672 Posts
    @bayoubengal Any idea the cash it takes to bring player to P10?
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    bayoubengalbayoubengal Registered Users, Member 981 Posts
    @dustyhunks 202,500
    First, congrats on not being the 1st person to ask this question.
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    Base15Base15 Registered Users 504 Posts
    edited August 2019
    I think it’s 202,500. 264,110 for prime.  Over a million for keepers. 
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    retirepujolsretirepujols Registered Users, Member 4,857 Posts
    The weekend is a great time to jump if you're going to take advantage of the discounts. 
    "It's amazing how much work you can put in without gangly-ass legs in the way" - Sir Tdub71
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    dustyhunksdustyhunks Registered Users, Member 1,672 Posts
    Thanks guys.
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    BigpredfanBigpredfan Registered Users 3,306 Posts
    I always jumped Thursday so the bonus games counted towards the new set of playoffs. Your current team is always very likely to still win a lot of games. Then use the weekend with the discounted players to improve your team 
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    dustyhunksdustyhunks Registered Users, Member 1,672 Posts
    edited August 2019
    Think I'm going to do it today. I'm only short evo to go to diamond right now but plat is more than doable, plus with 3 bonus players I would probably fare pretty well.
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    BlackFang4BlackFang4 Registered Users, Member 515 Posts
    I've been chilling at platinum for two months, and I think platinum is just fine to sit at. I would definitely go diamond if it weren't for the Android lag, but there's nothing inherently bad about platinum.
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    mwilson829mwilson829 Registered Users, Member 364 Posts
    @dustyhunks How many BXP bats will you immediately be able to cap at P10?  I traded in a few of the more useless guys in my inactive list and now nearly have enough to immediately upgrade 2 BXP bats (one L and one R) to P10, but no more until I grind more BXP.  Trying to decide whether to make the jump myself so all of today's bonus game wins aren't wasted.
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    dustyhunksdustyhunks Registered Users, Member 1,672 Posts
    I can cap 8 bxp players and 1 prime out of the gate and have around 200k bxp left.
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    mwilson829mwilson829 Registered Users, Member 364 Posts
    Yeah, I'm nowhere near that (because I wasn't planning to jump to platinum this quickly).  I just need to be patient and stop trying to talk myself into an impromptu jump before I've at least horded more substantial resources.
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    Base15Base15 Registered Users 504 Posts
    I think I’m going to wait until Monday so I can take full advantage of the field pass. Don’t want to play bonus games all weekend. I’ve changed my mind about 20 times already. Lol. 
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    dustyhunksdustyhunks Registered Users, Member 1,672 Posts
    Working out ok. 9bxp players capped (8 bats, 1 pitcher) and 1 prime. Still have a fair amount of resources left and bumped some skills up. 154-1 since going plat.
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    MattattackMattattack Registered Users 1,971 Posts
    Biggest Pro is Walk off will be easier once your team is capped.   Also since its a game that goes for a year, its nice to have it done and out of the way if its ever something you think about doing.

    Biggest Con is unless you have the resources saved up or able to grind hard it will be a process.  Also your CVC sims will likely be worse.
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    dustyhunksdustyhunks Registered Users, Member 1,672 Posts

    Bumped best rhb and lhb skills to 9. Feels weird looking at this mostly bxp lineup. Hope it’s enough for Monday. 
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    JTPASTORJTPASTOR Registered Users, Member 456 Posts
    edited August 2019
    @dustyhunks I only have one prime bat at Platinum 10 (Vlad Jr.). The rest of my bats are bxp all at platinum 10 and classic WOH has been very easy. You’ll like the bump in how much bxp you can get per cycle.
    And I seemed to fly through Platinum 1-6. I am hoping to build enough resources to plunge to diamond on Monday. 
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    dustyhunksdustyhunks Registered Users, Member 1,672 Posts

    I like this.

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    EbiggzEbiggz Registered Users, Member 282 Posts
    edited August 2019
    I'm in the process of banking resources to go Plat. I've only been gold for a couple weeks and still have like 80% of my team upgrades to max first. I'm HOPING to be able to jump in the next couple weeks. 
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    bayoubengalbayoubengal Registered Users, Member 981 Posts
    WTF do I do now. Was hoping to bring 1 player in my lineup and 1 bxp bonus player to p10 this weekend.  I have the inclination to not do anything but I still have that urge.  I have two righty's at P10 ( Ramirez and Peraza) and 1 Lefty (Eaton) at P10 with Wolters prime at G10.  Should I bring 1 lefty up to P10 that being Heyward probably.  I did pretty well with the current set up this past WOH.  

    First, congrats on not being the 1st person to ask this question.
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    dustyhunksdustyhunks Registered Users, Member 1,672 Posts
    I'm not doing shit until Monday.
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    EbiggzEbiggz Registered Users, Member 282 Posts

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    mwilson829mwilson829 Registered Users, Member 364 Posts
    It took all the self-control I possessed not to jump up to platinum yesterday with only 2 BXP guys (one righty and one lefty) hoping to level a few more this weekend through a bonus club.  Boy am I glad I didn't do that.  Now I'm wondering if there is any point in moving up past gold.  I'm out of PXP and thus can't reasonably level bonus players anyway, so what good will it serve to move to platinum?  Especially if, as it seems, BXP guys may be getting phased out in the first place.
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    bayoubengalbayoubengal Registered Users, Member 981 Posts
    @mwilson829 if I could drop back down to silver or gold I would.  Right now my current state with what happened I would pay to be able to do that. If this is the direction that glu is taking.  I may feel better or differently about it Monday but …..
    First, congrats on not being the 1st person to ask this question.
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    mwilson829mwilson829 Registered Users, Member 364 Posts
    @bayoubengal Yeah, I was planning to essentially just abandon primes for the foreseeable future when I jumped to platinum.  Now I'm wondering if it would even be possible to abandon primes at this point.  I guess we'll know a lot more once we see the WOH rewards on Monday.
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    Base15Base15 Registered Users 504 Posts
    Does my pitching need to be any better than this to go platinum?  I have invested nothing into skills. 
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