
GLOBAL 07/09/2015 and LEAGUE PVP



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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    I have no idea what you're trying to say but heavies rock and assaults suck. You're delusional if you believe assault weapons are useful. I actually tried to fool myself into believing that in the past because I had to get one to advance into new maps because I couldn't buy items for cash. Ever since I got the huggin, I've never gone back to those pieces of trash.

    ANGELS you have got one of the narrowest ways of reasoning I've ever run across in modern times *** SMILES *** what I said is NOT speculation, it is confirmed FACT through actual practice. If you can't wrap your head around it, so be it ... read it ... file it ... move to the next post. Because you're incapable of seeing the value in something doesn't automatically mean it's worthless.

    So from what you've just stated, one could infer that up until last week you actually used ASSAULT weapons ... and you've been doing so for how long now? I think you've made my point Sir.

    Maybe I'll record a battle and send it to you, if you're interested? Consider it a training video, completely free just the way you like it. LMAO
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts

    RANK #1 46,418 AP (SANDIP) ... Broadens his lead.
    RANK #2 41,232 AP (JEANNOT93) ... The newcomer is a solid runner up.
    RANK #3 36,654 AP (SAJJAD) ... ZAAZ has slipped to RANK #5 34,751 AP.
    RANK #10 30,685 AP (BRAYAN) ... ROKKY has moved up to RANK #6 33,715 AP; on the move.
    RANK #30 19,500 AP (DENIS) ... ROMAN has dropped the ball.
    RANK #221 5,638 AP (SCORPION) ... Maintaining position mode; 20 weapon parts.


    Quick Stats:
    DRONE: 20.1K
    BASE: 291.84K
    WIN STREAK (Losses): 5
    WIN STREAK (Current): 128
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    18 hours left in the Global. Here is how it looks on IOS and Amazon:

    #1 25446 Venenozo
    #2 22518 Tonyzaper22 (Tony is going to catch meon the All-Time Leaderboard for sure)
    #3 20832 Patrickpoillot
    #10 13801 Kuppu29
    #19 10782 Bradr752
    #30 8668 DW1

    Play is still pretty moderate, not much going on.

    Amazon, still boring:
    #1 15257 Ranger
    #10 8729 Thl163a
    #30 4071 Joed
    #34 3835 Toobad (closing in on 50 Gold)
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    18 hours left in the Global. Here is how it looks on IOS and Amazon:

    #1 25446 Venenozo
    #2 22518 Tonyzaper22 (Tony is going to catch meon the All-Time Leaderboard for sure)
    #3 20832 Patrickpoillot
    #10 13801 Kuppu29
    #19 10782 Bradr752
    #30 8668 DW1

    Play is still pretty moderate, not much going on.

    Amazon, still boring:
    #1 15257 Ranger
    #10 8729 Thl163a
    #30 4071 Joed
    #34 3835 Toobad (closing in on 50 Gold)

    I see you're slacking in RANK #19 ... are you feeling well today?
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    I see you're slacking in RANK #19 ... are you feeling well today?

    And it just gets worse: I have dropped to #20 since that report. LOL

    My plan is to maintain this position, 2000 AP in front of #30. It is so much easier to keep a comfortable position than it is to work your way up. Last weekend I spent the entire time working my way back into the top 30. This is better.

    Android looks brutal, as usual. So much for Android players leaving in disgust.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    And it just gets worse: I have dropped to #20 since that report. LOL

    My plan is to maintain this position, 2000 AP in front of #30. It is so much easier to keep a comfortable position than it is to work your way up. Last weekend I spent the entire time working my way back into the top 30. This is better.

    Android looks brutal, as usual. So much for Android players leaving in disgust.

    Surprisingly, other than a couple of diehards, this group is completely new. Soft of like a drug cartel, you take out a leader, someone else is always ready to step up.

    BRUTAL us a word and a half. I determined with over a day remaining that RANK #90 had already exceeded 8,500 AP rendering 35 PARTS a meaningless prize ... just as I predicted, but as usual, nobody (at GLU) listens or should I say cares.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    Surprisingly, other than a couple of diehards, this group is completely new. Soft of like a drug cartel, you take out a leader, someone else is always ready to step up.

    BRUTAL us a word and a half. I determined with over a day remaining that RANK #90 had already exceeded 8,500 AP rendering 35 PARTS a meaningless prize ... just as I predicted, but as usual, nobody (at GLU) listens or should I say cares.

    I loved your letter to them, it was great. It was carefully reasoned and well thought out. It would improve the game if they implemented it. Shame that nobody at Glu will bother to read it.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    I loved your letter to them, it was great. It was carefully reasoned and well thought out. It would improve the game if they implemented it. Shame that nobody at Glu will bother to read it.

    This also has a secondary domino effect that I didn't take into consideration. The GREAT WALL that once started to form at RANK #50 as players jockeyed for a TOP 30 finish, that moved down to RANK #100 and is now at RANK #250 as more and more players are crowding into the space between RANK #250 and the 8,500 AP barrier, without crossing into the Twilight Zone.

    I admit I never saw this coming, but if it continues it will have a disastrous effect.

    All they need to fix this is to remove the log jam that exists at 8,500 AP; everything else will follow suit.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts

    RANK #1 53,193 AP (SANDIP) ... Broadens his lead.
    RANK #2 46,257 AP (JEANNOT93) ... The newcomer is a solid runner up.
    RANK #3 39,679 AP (SAJJAD) ... ZAAZ has slipped to RANK #4 38,687 AP.
    RANK #10 30,685 AP (RAJA143) ... BRAYAN has moved up to RANK #9 35,485 AP; on the move.
    RANK #30 21,511 AP (M) ... DENIS has dropped the ball.
    RANK #228 6,013 AP (SCORPION) ... Maintaining position mode; 20 weapon parts.


    Quick Stats:
    DRONE: 20.1K
    BASE: 291.84K
    WIN STREAK (Losses): 5
    WIN STREAK (Current): 143
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    Angels HolocaustAngels Holocaust Registered Users 571 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    ANGELS you have got one of the narrowest ways of reasoning I've ever run across in modern times *** SMILES *** what I said is NOT speculation, it is confirmed FACT through actual practice. If you can't wrap your head around it, so be it ... read it ... file it ... move to the next post. Because you're incapable of seeing the value in something doesn't automatically mean it's worthless.

    So from what you've just stated, one could infer that up until last week you actually used ASSAULT weapons ... and you've been doing so for how long now? I think you've made my point Sir.

    Maybe I'll record a battle and send it to you, if you're interested? Consider it a training video, completely free just the way you like it. LMAO

    That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. I told you in the past, I experienced a glitch that prevented me from buying assault/sniper rifles for in game cash. I was forced to participate in the global events and waste my energy winning inferior weapons. I've been playing this game longer than you, and I know what each weapon is capable of. If you compare a 11.5 assault and heavy weapon, the heavy weapons stats far outweighs the assault any day of the week. The problem with assault rifles is that they have a finite amount of ammo and reloading wastes valuable time. I have used assaults and tried winning diamonds in the past and if it weren't for the glitch that gave me max diamonds for attacking smaller bases, I would have never been able to level up my base. You can use assault weapons against fully maxed out tier bases, chances are, you'll have to end up using health packs along with grenades and knives.

    I know how you feel, being forced to use an assault weapon because GLU screwed you over on the heavy weapon. I forgive you for lashing out on me and I was there when they forgot to award me my medusa parts and was forced to play for an a **** rifle. Next month, you'll be able to compete for the newest heavy and you'll be back to your joyful self. FACT is: Assaults suck and Heavies rock!
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. I told you in the past, I experienced a glitch that prevented me from buying assault/sniper rifles for in game cash. I was forced to participate in the global events and waste my energy winning inferior weapons. I've been playing this game longer than you, and I know what each weapon is capable of. If you compare a 11.5 assault and heavy weapon, the heavy weapons stats far outweighs the assault any day of the week. The problem with assault rifles is that they have a finite amount of ammo and reloading wastes valuable time. I have used assaults and tried winning diamonds in the past and if it weren't for the glitch that gave me max diamonds for attacking smaller bases, I would have never been able to level up my base. You can use assault weapons against fully maxed out tier bases, chances are, you'll have to end up using health packs along with grenades and knives.

    I know how you feel, being forced to use an assault weapon because GLU screwed you over on the heavy weapon. I forgive you for lashing out on me and I was there when they forgot to award me my medusa parts and was forced to play for an a **** rifle. Next month, you'll be able to compete for the newest heavy and you'll be back to your joyful self. FACT is: Assaults suck and Heavies rock!

    I was hoping you wouldn't go there ... now you know the same as I that the moment someone starts using phrases like "I know more than you" and "I've been doing this longer than you" or "I know better than you" ... then that person has not only lost the debate in an instant, but has run out of ideas as well; aside from appearing infantile.

    Now you never responded to my offer? Training videos including narrative explaining every tactic being employed along with detailed post mortem analysis. The very best part of this offer is that it's COMPLETELY FREE. Not even YOU ANGELS is so pigheaded as not to take advantage of this offer.

    You'll never look at your SNIPER or ASSAULT rifle in the same way again ... NEVER !!!!

    So get a leg up on the competition, never loose at PvP again !!! Sign up NOW !!!

    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, there are 9 hours remaining in the Global:

    #1 27521 Venenoza
    #10 16410 Jamnslm
    #19 12032 Bradr752
    #30 9629 Dareda

    Pretty moderate play today.

    #1 17206 Ranger
    #10 9196 Gary o694
    #30 4679 Jeddagoat
    #34 4385 Toobad still living the Free Energy Credit dream, I now have the 50 Gold milestone so I am ahead on the books
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    Meanwhile, back at the ranch, there are 9 hours remaining in the Global:

    #1 27521 Venenoza
    #10 16410 Jamnslm
    #19 12032 Bradr752
    #30 9629 Dareda

    Pretty moderate play today.

    #1 17206 Ranger
    #10 9196 Gary o694
    #30 4679 Jeddagoat
    #34 4385 Toobad still living the Free Energy Credit dream, I now have the 50 Gold milestone so I am ahead on the books

    I would love to see these RANKS/AP on Google. Soon it won't even be a decision to continue to play, it will be simply impossible. Can you image a world where one would need to score 6,000 AP just to bring home 10 PARTS? I can't so I need another outlet like producing "training videos" ** SMILES ** Of course I'm kidding about the training videos, but I am getting giddy and trying to have some fun.

    You know what the real irony is here, if it weren't for the drone program and wanting to see it to some sort of completion, I couldn't play this game anymore. I don't need any new weapons, hell I can't loose with the ones I have. If and when the TIER 13s come out I will need some new weapons ... maybe ... who knows. I really need to continue to play for diamonds and complete this drone, then we'll see what happens.

    The leader right now has 54,000+ AP and he should be good to stop playing, but he's not ... go figure.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    Crafty042Crafty042 Registered Users 255 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    Not even YOU ANGELS is so pigheaded

    Don't underestimate Angels
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    try_againtry_again Registered Users 1,302 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    I was hoping you wouldn't go there ... now you know the same as I that the moment someone starts using phrases like "I know more than you" and "I've been doing this longer than you" or "I know better than you" ... then that person has not only lost the debate in an instant, but has run out of ideas as well; aside from appearing infantile.

    Now you never responded to my offer? Training videos including narrative explaining every tactic being employed along with detailed post mortem analysis. The very best part of this offer is that it's COMPLETELY FREE. Not even YOU ANGELS is so pigheaded as not to take advantage of this offer.

    You'll never look at your SNIPER or ASSAULT rifle in the same way again ... NEVER !!!!

    So get a leg up on the competition, never loose at PvP again !!! Sign up NOW !!!


    I'd take you up on this learning experience except for two things;
    1) Angels is the most intelligent person out there (in his own mind at least.)
    2) I don't want another class of weapon I'd have to upgrade, laughing!
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    try_again wrote: »
    I'd take you up on this learning experience except for two things;
    1) Angels is the most intelligent person out there (in his own mind at least.)
    2) I don't want another class of weapon I'd have to upgrade, laughing!

    Yeah but the upgrades to these weapons are FREE ... remember that LOL
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    I would love to see these RANKS/AP on Google. Soon it won't even be a decision to continue to play, it will be simply impossible. Can you image a world where one would need to score 6,000 AP just to bring home 10 PARTS? I can't so I need another outlet like producing "training videos" ** SMILES ** Of course I'm kidding about the training videos, but I am getting giddy and trying to have some fun.

    You know what the real irony is here, if it weren't for the drone program and wanting to see it to some sort of completion, I couldn't play this game anymore. I don't need any new weapons, hell I can't loose with the ones I have. If and when the TIER 13s come out I will need some new weapons ... maybe ... who knows. I really need to continue to play for diamonds and complete this drone, then we'll see what happens.

    The leader right now has 54,000+ AP and he should be good to stop playing, but he's not ... go figure.

    These three platforms are like the Goldilocks and the Three Bears story: Android is too hot, Amazon is too cold, but IOS is just right.

    Think about Amazon: I have hardly bother to play my free energy credits this weekend, yet with 4500 AP I am in 34th place.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    These three platforms are like the Goldilocks and the Three Bears story: Android is too hot, Amazon is too cold, but IOS is just right.

    Think about Amazon: I have hardly bother to play my free energy credits this weekend, yet with 4500 AP I am in 34th place.

    I think I'm going to pick up an iPad. Now to start all over OR not ... that is the question?
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    We all attribute our success or failure in PvP, particularly in short battles, to having the latest HEAVY WEAPON at our disposal. In fact, we're so steadfast in this belief that entire battle strategies are built around securing this illusive (for me anyways) prize.

    9.5 MERCURY: a remnant from CKS 2.0 this was the foundation of my weapons collection for nearly 8 weeks. Following the great 10.5 BASTET fiasco, it's service lifetime was extended well beyond it's scheduled sunset. Coupled with a good ASSAULT rifle, it was earning victories against opponents that even surprised me at times.

    11.5 MEDUSA: my most recent HEAVY WEAPON is a good one. It earns it's cookies with carefully planned battle tactics and selecting opponents that lie well within it's wheelhouse. As with it's 9.5 MERCURY predecessor, the 11.5 MUDUSA is quickly approaching middle life; which leads me to an interesting observation ...

    With the proper battle tactics, patience and a state-of-the-art ASSAULT rifle in support, the HEAVY WEAPON can have an extended useful lifetime, which seems to fly in the face of all assumptions previously made regarding this weapon. Clearly a reevaluation is in order at the very least ...

    "Conformity" has never been one of my strong traits; particularly true when conformity is not an available or viable option.

    I notice that a couple of the Top 10 players in my Clan on IOS are looking to use the Drake Assault rifle instead of their 11.5 Heavies, even though its power is somewhat lower than the Heavy that they are using now. They prefer the precision of the Assault over the mass damage of the Heavy. Of course I will not actually get to use the Drake, but the Tarasque looks pretty good.

    The problem is that in order to give the Tarasque a fair test, I would have to upgrade it, at least through the third level, and I don't know if I am prepared to do that. Then again, the upgrade will be mostly game $. Maybe......
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    I notice that a couple of the Top 10 players in my Clan on IOS are looking to use the Drake Assault rifle instead of their 11.5 Heavies, even though its power is somewhat lower than the Heavy that they are using now. They prefer the precision of the Assault over the mass damage of the Heavy. Of course I will not actually get to use the Drake, but the Tarasque looks pretty good.

    The problem is that in order to give the Tarasque a fair test, I would have to upgrade it, at least through the third level, and I don't know if I am prepared to do that. Then again, the upgrade will be mostly game $. Maybe......

    Oh definitely use in game cash. The problem with the HEAVY is that although it has a superior fire rate, only 35-40% of the rounds actually hit the target, as opposed to the ASSAULT's superior accuracy, over 90% of the rounds hit the target. On one of my patented training missions as a test I wanted to see how fast an ASSAULT could take out a SENRTY as opposed to a HEAVY.

    The ASSAULT attack involved firing until I drew the fire of the SENTRY, this took about 2/3 of the clip. I then ducked back down and reloaded waited for a pause, and emptied the second clip and the SENTRY was done.

    The HEAVY attack was similar, firing until I drew the fire of the SENTRY, ducked down, waited for a pause, and finished him off.

    I performed this test 3 times and the ASSAULT rifle won every time and I believe the reason is quite simple ... it's far more accurate.

    The test was performed using 11.5 weapons, fully upgraded and equipped against TEIR 11 opponents. Even GLU's description of the HEAVY says it's useful for "taking out large numbers of opponents" ... and this is quite true, but one-on-one against a SENTRY of JUGG I think they're pretty much even, provided they have the same weapon power, Against MERCS, SPECIALOPS, etc. either is a capable weapon.

    I think players like the HEAVY because it reminds them of CKS 2.0 where you could just out muscle the opposition by throwing so many rounds at them until they all died from the barrage. But from a technical perspective, each has it's pros and cons; if I had a choice I would opt for the HEAVY, but even today I'll use the HEAVY to wipe out the opposition, but when it's time for the kill shot, out comes the ASSAULT.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts

    RANK #1 54,118 AP (SANDIP) ... Has finally shut down the engines; what a ride indeed.
    RANK #2 49,057 AP (JEANNOT93) ... The newcomer is looking for a 50,000+ finish; YNOT.
    RANK #3 40,507 AP (NEISON) ... Back from the dead.
    RANK #10 34,021 AP (RAJA143) ... No change.
    RANK #30 22,122 AP (M) ... No change.
    RANK #226 6,488 AP (SCORPION) ... Maintaining position mode; 20 weapon parts.


    Quick Stats:
    DRONE: 22.1K
    BASE: 291.84K
    WIN STREAK (Losses): 5
    WIN STREAK (Current): 162
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    With 4 hours left to go:

    #1 27596 Venenozo
    #10 216721 Jamnslm
    #19 12607 Bradr752 2 losses, 263 current win streak
    #30 10329 Dareda

    Amazon is too boring to report. I am 34th with 4710 AP Win streak 192, no losses
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    R1gol1nR1gol1n Registered Users 157 Posts
    I miss that win streak when I used to make 400, this tournament less than 40.😊 Good luck fellas I will be on bronze league.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    Sorry but I fell asleep early and there is only one single statistic that means anything at all .....

    6,500+ AP ... RANK #247 (20 parts).

    Enough Said ... SMH
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    try_againtry_again Registered Users 1,302 Posts
    Had a great week on my Tier 11 game. Lossless at 158 games. No major glitches, but quite a few frozen points where I stared at a Jugg, release the button and waited 3 long seconds before the duck button responded. Made 30 gold,1 med kit and 35 parts. (spent 20 gold to hit the sack early last night.)

    Tier 5 game which was great last event when I just got to that level, and the Tier 11 had all the loses, didn't fare as well. Lost 6 times, a couple blind sided sniper shots, a couple time outs, also no major glitches. Got 20 parts.

    Noticing that even though the 3 high powered weapons remain uncrafted, I'm getting many Tier 7-8 base matchups. Fortunatley, have a lot of revenge matches waiting, so no more than 3 spins, then get one from the log. And with short win streaks, didn't think this would happen so frequently. Doesn't sound like GLU's M.O. is working.

    What is interesting is the Galaxy Tab S (octa-core and 3GB of memory) is starting to show freezing issues as well. Something about more than one turret going at a time really messes this game up. As soon as you can take out a Drone - it's a completely different game, smooth as can be.
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    NK14NK14 Registered Users 300 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    Yasu NK ... where are you hiding out these days?

    YASU buddy!!!
    Ever heard of summer in Greece?
    Yep, I was right in the middle of it!
    As you always like to say, I was cruising my way in the Global, ending up 450th or something, playing just for the free 50.

    You will go where you look at...
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    NK14 wrote: »
    YASU buddy!!!
    Ever heard of summer in Greece?
    Yep, I was right in the middle of it!
    As you always like to say, I was cruising my way in the Global, ending up 450th or something, playing just for the free 50.


    Great to know you're OK and that you're back. Now we have a major problem and apparently the GLUTONS refuse to even acknowledge it existence, let alone remedy the situation.

    I am organizing my thoughts, but there really is only one phrase that comes to mind ... THIS GAME IS BUSTED, SNAFU, FUBAR, BROKEN, etc. etc. and will NOT be fixed by the GLUTONS until we collectively STOP PLAYING INDEFINITELY UNTIL THEY FIX THIS .... this ... software ...

    I feel so strongly about this, that after winning 20 parts from the global, I am boycotting the Silver League that has just started AND where I am RANKED 3rd and doing something I have never done in the history of PvP.


    I am nominating NK14 to lead this charge. I just don't have the passion to see this to it's conclusion. Whatever you need, I will support this the best I can.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    Scorpion I am, as always, interested in your thoughts. I am particularly interested in knowing how much of your frustration is connected to the Android platform. As you know, I have abandoned active play on Amazon, but the game on IOS is running great and many of the major frustrations have disappeared. As always, awaiting your thoughts.
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    NK14NK14 Registered Users 300 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    Great to know you're OK and that you're back. Now we have a major problem and apparently the GLUTONS refuse to even acknowledge it existence, let alone remedy the situation.

    I am organizing my thoughts, but there really is only one phrase that comes to mind ... THIS GAME IS BUSTED, SNAFU, FUBAR, BROKEN, etc. etc. and will NOT be fixed by the GLUTONS until we collectively STOP PLAYING INDEFINITELY UNTIL THEY FIX THIS .... this ... software ...

    I feel so strongly about this, that after winning 20 parts from the global, I am boycotting the Silver League that has just started AND where I am RANKED 3rd and doing something I have never done in the history of PvP.


    I am nominating NK14 to lead this charge. I just don't have the passion to see this to it's conclusion. Whatever you need, I will support this the best I can.

    Scorpion, if you could please dig a bit deeper, it would be of great help.
    Let me know what you have in mind exactly.
    I suggest that you start a new thread as we might need all players attention here.

    PS. Thank you for the nomination! It really is a pleasant surprise and if we hadn't been talking about a game, I'd say it's an honor.
    You will go where you look at...
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    I know that I will take abuse as a defender of Glu, but let me list the things that have gotten better in this game in the last few weeks:

    1) The Drone upgrade issue has been fixed.

    2) The video (at least for me) has improved dramatically.

    3) No more "Opponent Not Found" messages

    4) I have gone two Globals without a single "New Content Update" restart ending my streak.

    5) At least for me, glitches during play have radically reduced

    6) Short weapons now are in better balance with Short defenses.

    I have a long list of things that still need fixing, but to me the game is working much better that a month ago.
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