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T4underbolt · Junior Member


  • And there are almost no games that you cant play tournaments if your device is rooted.
  • Since the very start android users had worse situation about updates to ew. Even now. IOS users dont need to jailbreak to cheat in tournaments and glu does nothing, but when it comes to easy things like blocking root devices on android from playing in tournament they will do this immediately because they're so crappy…
  • no it did not help. Lorenzo.g as dario has none knowledge about rooting and android developing he is not the right person to ask.There is no fix right now.It always shows abnormalies and does not allow you to play tournament if device is rooted. As I said. I will find a way around this soon.
  • Dont worry Im working on a way to hack EW2(not using cheats in game) and make playing on rooted phone possible. Im going to ask also some android develpers for help. glu wont win this fight and they will soon delete the restriction for rooted devices.
  • the most shitty update ever existed. Cant farm gems without internet connection. cant play multiplayer even coop mode cause of shitty abnormalies.I dont care I have rooted phone. Let me play tournaments suckers. Iphone users dont need to jailbreak to cheat so checking root is stupid.
  • You can spin with mystery box, but its hard to get this stuff because a lot of additional items has been added(like hallowenset). more items to roll, lower chance to get mystery item is. :P
  • Sorry but sparring is not interesting for me. Why should I play with other players and get nothing for it. I can do buss rush on hard mode but this is only 134 glu coins per day, while in tournament I could get much more. If I wanted to cheat I would get glu points for free to make whole my eq the best or I would use…
  • Of course as I can see glu did not do anything with restriction for android users:rooted devices cannot play in tournament. Gratz. Iphone users do not even need to jailbreak to use cheats, in fact for android as well(just more work is needed).Still they're going to use stupid restrictions that do not allow fair players…
  • so nice that I cant enjoy tournament because stupid glu blocked root devices users.so intelligent really.
  • They cannot do that.Otherwise someone who has rooted device and unrooted it to get to tournament wouldnt be able to play even if there is no restrictions for him anymore.Anyway as I know many people with root still plays(because as you can see there are still cheaters in the tournament).The fact user has rooted phone…
  • This... let's say bug with using TB and not getting back GLU coins is because glu coins are mainly stored on server side. Ofc you have got glu files on your phone storage but this is only to verify your glu points. This is also the reason why do we get bug with -22245344646 glu or 0 glu. If you get some glu points online…
  • yeah thats why Its useless to making such restrictions. It makes many pro players impossible to play and show their skills
  • very good. Ive obtained all my inventory fair way, never using tricks like this. I was playing about a year. time for people to drop instead of sitting and waiting for icloud load last game save.
  • Sorry but it's pointless. I see at every step that someone is reporting other players because they're cheating.So anyway rooted or not there are cheaters in game and stoping possibility to play from rooted devices just make people less in tournaments. Why should I have to go back to shitty original android system on my…
  • excuse me but why everyone including people that inform glu about players suggestions ignoring this thread? http://ggnbb.glu.com/showthread.php?43686-unfair-treatment-for-players-with-rooted-devices This is unfair that I can't play tournament just because I wanted to have better performance. It's a unequal treatment…
  • I think root browser is needed when you want to modify or remove something in folders like system,bin,xbin. Storage folders just need file manager that has option to see hidden files.
  • As I can see many people has problems on sgs III mini. That might be wrong RAM management. I recommend you to switch back to version 3.1.0. The most stable with working MP but be aware of no mystery box there
  • blue dragon attacks with ice so you need ice resist in your armor.
  • it might be not enough free RAM problem. before you launch the game get into task menager and to RAM page and clear RAM then wait for 20 seconds and check how many MB of free RAM do you have. If its around 150 and less thats the problem if not 2x1GHZ CPU might be not enough. I had bad experiences with ST-ericsson CPUs. Try…
  • In fact its hilarous. Im not sure if I can believe that you Kush have this items. You've already lied about beating black dragon with 17 dmg dragon breaker which is impossible because it doesnt make any damage to dragon never ever. Now you show us screens of full set. The most funny thing is that you became moderator LOL.…
  • This is a fake. i dont know why you Kush still defend your statement. Its bovious for everyone who ever thought BD first time with weak weapon that its impossible to take 1px of his life. I can't even take this one pixel with normal attacks with 2,2k dmg dragon breakers so what are we talking about? For everyone who…
  • Scorching axe is a loot from a dragon if you really look closer. Killing black dragon with 17 dmg weapon would take about 2 weeks 24/7 or even more if it could do any damage but I see I cant damage BD even with 2,2k dragon breakers with normal attack so this kills with low damage weapons are fake for sure. Even 5 years of…
  • This must be a joke. I's nice we can play with our friends now but deleting normal server search engine sux. wtf?
  • Man. You shouldn't touch this button because it deletes everything. When you say now you've got xperia it is possible that my solution doesn't work because I have Samsung. Maybe your files with saves are stored somewhere else. If you were backing up your data with sync to your google account it should recover your state…
  • stew but there are people that dont want to root their android devices and lost warranty because they simply know nothing about this and are afraid of messing up something.
  • I manage to fix problem of my -214235345 glu coins. I have formatted my internal storage where all data files(also hidden) were stored. Then I Downloaded EW2 from Play Store and restored data with Titanium Backup. I've got my 65 level warrior and glu credits back. Yeaaaah :d
  • Wewehalim the best test will be: If only one go through dungeon seperate you from level up(I mean you need really not much exp to get a level)copy folder in Android/data/ to another folder. Then launch the game and level up. Next delete not the folder but this 2 folders inside com.glu.ewarriors2: cache and files. Then copy…
  • Hey man no sweat. I really didn't want to start a fight etc even if it looks so. Anyway if you know the solution for a bug. I have sometimes a bug with 0 glu coins after getting back to game next day and it all has back to normal after online playing. This time I've got -234254657575 glu coins and nothing works. I tryed to…
  • I was playing EW1 as well and finished the game.I was there as well when max lvl was 50 here.Question is if you maxed your weapons for real or using icloud trick :p.
  • I think the most important thing is to work out why game crash sometimes so players are unable to load a game or starts again with 1st lvl. Improving stability is the most important. Ofc we can backup but for some people is boring and troublesome to backup after everygame. Saving data should be fixed as files somehow…

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