
Next update...*the one after 5.0 :)



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    LantsPanceLantsPance Registered Users 998 Posts
    Have any of you gotten your daily gift box? I haven't gotten mine yet, which is strange because I know it's been over 24 hours since I opened the freebie box from yesterday.
    Daily iOS KKH player
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    Khaleesi_Khaleesi_ Registered Users 50 Posts
    LantsPance wrote: »
    Have any of you gotten your daily gift box? I haven't gotten mine yet, which is strange because I know it's been over 24 hours since I opened the freebie box from yesterday.
    I got a daily gift box today and got the "partnership" rewards.
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    LindaVBLindaVB Registered Users, Moderators 7,454 Posts
    LantsPance wrote: »
    Have any of you gotten your daily gift box? I haven't gotten mine yet, which is strange because I know it's been over 24 hours since I opened the freebie box from yesterday.

    I got mine at my regular time and there were 3 partnership rewards in them:

    Daily KKH player since 2014 ~ iOS

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    LantsPanceLantsPance Registered Users 998 Posts
    Thank you both! I ended up getting my box. I guess my timing was off.
    Daily iOS KKH player
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    CharliCharli Registered Users 1,670 Posts
    Thanks Keem!
    Yeah, I've gotten a bunch. It's a nice surprise! :)

    Cool! So out of 3 responses, which one you choose? I always get cash or energy..
    The account says Charli, but my name's Bilal.

    I play KK:H on Android! You can add me on Facebook to be friends in-game.
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    CilanCilan Registered Users 298 Posts
    Can anyone tell me how much stars that merbaby outfit cost? I bought it too fast and didnt catch the price. :(
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    KeemKeem Registered Users 357 Posts
    Cilan wrote: »
    Can anyone tell me how much stars that merbaby outfit cost? I bought it too fast and didnt catch the price. :(

    75 stars for merbabies
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    ticisssticisss Banned Users 811 Posts
    I haven't had any reality run-ins.. What's that?

    Me neither :(
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    cocofabulouscocofabulous Registered Users 442 Posts
    Charli wrote: »
    Thanks Keem!

    Cool! So out of 3 responses, which one you choose? I always get cash or energy..

    I usually go for the less aggressive option. Aka not throwing drinks or spreading Willow's nakie pics. ;) I don't think there's a set "right" answer.
    GC: Coco Fabulous
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    VatsVats Registered Users 4,773 Posts
    I totally shaded Dirk and got the k-star hihihi:rolleyes:

    I want moooooore!
    Viva La Vida Á La Vats!
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    Stardust1Stardust1 Registered Users 764 Posts
    ticisss wrote: »
    Me neither :(


    Trevoractor, you just get surrounded by the reality folks plus someone of the VIPs or characters of the game. The celebrity/VIP tells you something and they give you options to answer. You're supposed to choose the one that is most creative or funny and they give you a reward after that. I answers something like 'we're on tv!" to Crystal Fletcher they gave me 1 kstar :D on other ocassions I received money and level points.
    Xime level 30
    Let's be KKH friends!
    XIME and JAX got married! See them in their celebration Here
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    ticisssticisss Banned Users 811 Posts
    The NARS items that I didn't buy just gone. ***.
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    Livy Aha!Livy Aha! Registered Users 35 Posts
    ticisss wrote: »
    The NARS items that I didn't buy just gone. ***.

    Me too!! all gone except for the one pair of lips I purchased. I wonder what Glu is up to in the middle of the night ??? hmmm
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    NaimonsterNaimonster Registered Users 5,127 Posts
    I was so afraid they would be gone, but I just went in to check and they're there. What a scare!
    PM to add
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    NaimonsterNaimonster Registered Users 5,127 Posts
    I've had 2 reality run-ins so far.


    Gurrrrrls, don't hate me, it's fate both times it was Cassio.

    PM to add
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    plasticsunshineplasticsunshine Registered Users 40 Posts

    This made me giggle so I had to share. :D
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    Livy Aha!Livy Aha! Registered Users 35 Posts
    I'm sorry guys..I guess this is kind of a grinchy thing to ask ...but I am wondering if a separate thread for Reality Run-In screen shots could be started?...seeing them beforehand takes the surprise out of it and for me that's the fun
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    NaimonsterNaimonster Registered Users 5,127 Posts
    Woops Livy, ok I wont post anymore!
    PM to add
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    plasticsunshineplasticsunshine Registered Users 40 Posts
    Sorry Livy :( I didn't even thought about that.
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    Livy Aha!Livy Aha! Registered Users 35 Posts
    No need to apologize at all Plasticsunshine...I think it's great that everyone wants to share in the fun I was just making a suggestion
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    Livy Aha!Livy Aha! Registered Users 35 Posts
    Naimonster... you better keep posting or I would be very sad. Lol. Maybe Koko will start a thread for those funny run-ins but if not that's fine... I'm just wierd sometimes
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    plasticsunshineplasticsunshine Registered Users 40 Posts
    I would love a thread for the run-ins. I find them so funny, but nobody in RL plays KKH so this is the only place where I can share my LOLs :P

    PS. I love this forum even though I'm a new poster :cool:
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    isabeauisabeau Registered Users 1,968 Posts
    Charli wrote: »
    Oh, and only one new storyline? A photo shoot and a movie, really? Not cool! :mad:

    Agreed! It quite rather sux.
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    isabeauisabeau Registered Users 1,968 Posts
    Charli wrote: »
    Has anyone received a k-star from the reality run-ins? I got energy once, and then cash. It's fun though, love this new feature! :D

    Twice only. Someone else said they received "a bunch." I don't get that because the reality achievements mostly pay very few stars, and so you only get maybe two or three on the street, so I'm not sure what's up there. Maybe she's at the final percentage of reality gigs...?
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    VatsVats Registered Users 4,773 Posts
    OMG now Simon tweets!!!

    Viva La Vida Á La Vats!
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    FinFin Registered Users 211 Posts
    Vats wrote: »
    OMG now Simon tweets!!!


    OMG YAY! So happy for Simon ;) Now, I just hope we get to tweet :D
    Hi! Call me Fin! Daily KKH and KKG player

    Alison Jane: Level 26 A on Android
    Ali Lois: Level 55 A+++ on Android
    Katherine Pierce: Level 37 A++ on iOS
    Maidelle Queen: Level 12 C on Facebook

    Alison Jane(@ali_xoxo): Level 11 on Android
    Ali Lois(@ali_lois): Level 22 on Android

    PM me for requests.
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    LemonyLemonLemonyLemon Registered Users 31 Posts
    Hi all! I opened my game this morning and all the new NARS facial features are gone from my closet. Can someone please let me know if this is a glitch? I really wanted to buy one of the eyes.

    Thank you!
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    ticisssticisss Banned Users 811 Posts
    Hi all! I opened my game this morning and all the new NARS facial features are gone from my closet. Can someone please let me know if this is a glitch? I really wanted to buy one of the eyes.

    Thank you!

    Close your game and then open it again. The items are back!
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    LemonyLemonLemonyLemon Registered Users 31 Posts
    ticisss wrote: »
    Close your game and then open it again. The items are back!

    Omg thank you! I was having a panic attack when I saw that they were gone. Had to create an account here to find out what happened to them...thanks again :)
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Hi, and Welcome LamonyLemon. So glad you joined to find out. Now stick around and have some fun with us. Once we get you, we don't like to let you go. lol.


    When you need help, first place you should try is the FAQ & Support subforum

    Then General Discussion is the most pop section. Fun Games, advice, tips and tricks, fashion shows and game info. It's all here.

    And if you're looking for friends in the game, check out the Gfting and Friends section.

    Nice to meet you, you're my 2nd favorite flavor, after Vanilla. :)
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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