
♥KK:H Weekend Event 5/11/18 - Have a Classy Mother's Day and More



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    soundsprettysoundspretty Registered Users 5,000 Posts

    Ok, I'll go tap for a bit and give everyone a break from my one song. Actually if you heard me sing it would bring tears to your eyes and not because I'm good honest to God my son's first sentence was " don't sing mama " and he put his little finger up to my lips to keep my mouth shut too he wasn't quite 2 so its like a toddler sentence but it was definitely don't sing mama. LOL

    Earlier this week I went down a dark YouTube hole and somehow started watching video after video of blind auditions for The Voice?! And then it inspired me to sing around the house. They say you sound better in your head but if that's the case then I'm really in trouble if anyone hears me for real.
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    KalindaKingKalindaKing Moderators 5,602 Posts
    Um, one quick thing: we fixed the wine today. You can check your games now and go to your fave dating spot!
    Add your platform (ex. iOS/Android) to your forum signature & save your IDs so we can help
    My posts offer a sneak peek at upcoming features and prizes. Details are subject to change in the game.
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    gentheagenthea Registered Users 308 Posts
    edited May 2018
    In my previous entry I didn't submit any personal views about the change but I want to now.

    1. The usual Kollections contain one box that has a complete set of outfits. The weekend event Kollection only has 4 items in total, which does not reflect the spirit of Kollections. And if you think creating that much of outfits for one weekend event is too hard, then don't because it's not really interesting.

    2. For this weekend, I did not like the giftbox items, they were not something I'd pay for if it wasn't for my excitement to try out a new feature. I'll never wore that shoes and the earrings are meh. Tbh, I'm glad I didn't get the dress, too. It wasn't something I'd wear. Of course, I'm not trying to disrespect anyone's opinions in this matter, I'm just saying if we must pay for it and this is a speacial occasion of Mother's Day, I'd expect something more special. They're only okay for getting bonus points, other than that, no thanks.

    3. Some friends suggested that it might be slightly easier to adjust to this system if we were getting K-stars for gigs.
    I want to add to that, I think the giftboxes shouldn't contain cash and energies for a system that only accepts K-stars. 60 K-stars are nice, but 40 k-stars makes it an endless cycle. You spend 40 to open a box and then you get 40 in return. If we won't have gift box items in gift boxes, then put some more K-stars on those boxes, reduce kash and energies, and put more DESIRABLE throwback items than a basic black choker. Because eventually I won't be opening any giftboxes. Their worth is 6 feet under for me. Already.

    That's my two cents, but I know Glu will never make it easier for us. We complained there were so many hardships with Stories, instead of fixing them, they just pulled the plug completely. Or they'll find a way to twist our wishes and we'll be have to bear this sentence: Be careful what you wish for.

    Hello! I play on iOS. Feel free to add me on Facebook or game center as msdianaprince! ❤️
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    LisylisLisylis Registered Users 931 Posts
    I actually wonder if this change is an attempt to make the weekend prizes a little less "loot box"-y by increasing certainty at the expense of increased cost. Does seem pretty timely, although I'm sure this has been underway for a while. Relevant link here: https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2018-05-10-belgian-gambling-commission-lays-out-recommendations-over-illegal-loot-boxes

    I don't spend a lot of money on this game so I'm probably not the target demographic Glu wants to hear from, but I do feel like this reduces the likelihood of getting any of the items I'd actually be interested in, as the kollections seem to deliver the worst prizes first. If they were actually random I might be more likely to pay for them.
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    LunaSinclairLunaSinclair Registered Users, Member 42 Posts
    edited May 2018

    Um, one quick thing: we fixed the wine today. You can check your games now and go to your fave dating spot!

    I am so sorry Kalinda, but you already mentioned this earlier. Repeating this statement only makes me think that the wine being fixed is indeed a cover-up for the Mother's Day Kollection fiasco - what is GLU trying to hide?
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    edited May 2018
    Just want to put this here. I couldn't date my other andreoid...so I took out a strange.r and look.

    4 energy 650$ of wine...........boom 1 hour done. Didn't even have to kiss him. I immediately deleted the poor doofus.
    But uh..it's back.

    Thank you Kalinda. <3 have a great Mothers Day Weekend.

    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
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    LisylisLisylis Registered Users 931 Posts
    @LunaSinclair I think Kalinda was just updating us that the wine fix had now been implemented (and I checked, it has!) whereas before she was just telling us that they were going to fix it shortly.

    I don't think there's any real intent to distract us from a trial change that no one really likes - I'd hope Glu thinks a little more of us than that!
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts

    Um, one quick thing: we fixed the wine today. You can check your games now and go to your fave dating spot!

    I am so sorry Kalinda, but you already mentioned this earlier. Repeating this statement only makes me think that the wine being fixed is indeed a cover-up for the Mother's Day Kollection fiasco - what is GLU trying to hide?
    Please forgive my bluntness but I don’t believe you’re sorry. You’re angry with Glu and accused them of a coverup, that’s toward Glu. That’s fine. But then you incorrectly said Kalinda was repeating herself and being deceptive. By all means be angry at the game but we don’t make it personal here. Thanks for understanding.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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    AmeliaKKHAmeliaKKH Registered Users 722 Posts
    edited May 2018
    Yes! I spent more than my usual number of K-Stars and got myself 725 K-Stars to make up for it. I have said this many times and I will always say this. Spending money on the game is something that makes me happy because this is someone’s job, work and art! So I am HAPPY to give back for sure!

    However, there needs to be a balance. There is no need to have so little payout for everything like if we get K-Stars we won’t spend any money on it. Businesses, Weekend Boxes, The Kollections. I got my energy at 50 K-Stars on the round. That means, I would have paid 40 K-Stars if I simply got the energy from the store. So that means, at least put a 100 Energy on the kollections. The cash was my fourth prize and it is a little less than a $10 buy. So, just make it more! It sucks that in the end, any changes makes us lose more and more.

    Can’t we all win? And everybody is happy in them end?

    I would expect more K-Star prizes and huge resources gain on a system that makes us get all the rounds to get the items we want. Glu wins, we win: everybody is happy! 

    I love that they’re trying new things, but I see more and more people getting hacked games and giving up playing the game fairly and I get much bem! They keep saying how hard it is to play this game fairly, which I don’t think benefits anyone in the end. It’s somethig that should always be fun and exciting, so balance is for sure, a must!  
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    Andrzej_S.Andrzej_S. Registered Users 1,194 Posts

    I'm sorry that most of you don't like how we changed the weekend event. We're also curious about your reactions to the new items and the Mother's Day quest, so keep posting your thoughts and I'll share your feedback with the team.

    If you have friends outside the forum who want to share opinions about the event, please encourage them to tweet @KKHOfficial or send an Instagram DM to @KKHOfficial.

    I feel slightly compromised commenting on this because while I'm pissed the spending of my own kstars is on me and if I want to blame someone I should find a mirror.

    Ultimately I dislike this idea that special event items from the boxes can only be obtained this way because it creates a larger disparity between people who can spend/spend on stars and those who can't. I think we all get games like this encourage us to spend but one thing that's always been great about the free box is the possibility of gaining that leg up in one way for free and doing this not only compromises not only the heart & fun loving spirit of the game but is simply unfair.

    Much like the men getting one less item and having to work that much harder by not keeping this week's bonus point items so far out of reach I'd argue this further punishes fair playing gamers since those who hack will just do so more and grab what they want. The Kollections in general I've liked because they just exist for us to go back and spend on them at our leisure but ultimately didn't detract from full participation in all the other areas and with this switch that is no longer true. We're loyal customers, true and honest gamers and I hope you listen to us and the concerns of our posts so this isn't something we have to deal with in the future.

    I might've spent to complete this weekend's kollection but rather than feeling excited to do so again I can only see it as a lesson learned and something I ultimately won't feel a need to do again.
    Add me on android here ;3

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    Ziya SwansonZiya Swanson Registered Users 56 Posts
    I would like to apologize to Kalinda for being snippy. I was (justifiably) angry at this event, and I feel like I took some of that anger out on her, when in reality, she was just the messenger. Kalinda, you have always been such a bright and positive part of this forum, and I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that it is definitely not you we're upset with, but GLU. Please forgive me 😔.
    (P.s. GLU however, is still on my s*** list!)
    iOS player
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    AmeliaKKHAmeliaKKH Registered Users 722 Posts
    edited May 2018
    Good point, @Ziya Swanson! One thing is. This is all a learning experience for all of us! And it’s important we share our opinions to improve a game we love so much! 

    I’m excited to see them trying new things. But all changes tend to turn things more difficult. More than good beautiful items, the gamebilty has to improve: better prizes, increase all the payouts on businesses! The more we love, the more we’ll play and give back money happily.

    It is an old wave that which used fear or scarcity as a mean of getting people to act. We move on inspiration and fun and love! And i’m
    sure everyone will appreciate that from both sides! 
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    HollySiskHollySisk Registered Users 3,445 Posts
    edited May 2018

    Our joy over Glu correcting the payout for vintage wine and our sadness/frustration/confusion/anger over the GB/Kollection change has overshadowed a legitimate player complaint that shows no sign of being “heard” by Glu == not giving male dolls three earnable items every weekend.

    It is disrespectful to the thousands and thousands of players who chose a male doll. It creates a disparity every weekend that makes those with male dolls feel that not only does Glu not appreciate the money & energy we’ve invested in this game but that Glu doesn’t care they’ve created an unlevel field that makes those with male dolls have a harder game to play. Can you Imagine if the genders were reversed and it was female dolls that had to earn twice as many event points in order to reach an earnable item?!? That would NEVER be acceptable because it’s sexist. Period. So why is it ok to do to the male dolls? Answer = it’s not!

    Over the last two months I’ve heard a myriad of guesses as to why Glu is only providing two earnable items for the males dolls. The most prevalent guess has been that it’s “hard” to design for the male dolls. Well this weekend Glu made the male dolls FOUR “GB/kollection” items and still just two earnable items. The beard or the hairstyle could have easily been included as an earnable item but Glu chose to once again give male dolls two earnable items. I’d love to hear Glu provide a legitimate reason why.

    I play both a male and female game. I actually love this weekend’s “GB/kollection” items for the male dolls (and like the female dolls) but I will not spend even one Kstar in either of my games this weekend. I refuse to reward bad behavior and I feel Glu is guilty of it.
    I play on iOS
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    AngelineJAngelineJ Registered Users 1,511 Posts
    edited May 2018
    I don’t like the change either, a lot of you have already addressed it so well. Just wanna add my 2 cents for the male doll’s situation.
    TBH, it didn’t bother me much when the male doll started to get two gift boxes until this weekend with this new gb system. It’s not that I don’t want three earnable items. It’s the poor quality of male doll’s earnable bothers me (same shoes/ pants with different colors). Before this weekend, at least I had two free chances of getting event items for Jon, but now unless I pay KStars to open giftboxes, I won’t have any bonus point until I reach 300 pts. 😒

    I tried the new system with Jon’s game. The first box was the vest over shirt. I thought the chance was fair and I actually like the guy’s gift box items this week so I opened more and completed Jon’s Kollection. But after seeing so many rigged palettes, I won’t risk my KStars in my girl’s game as I don’t like the girl’s gb items much. If the chance was fair and two gift boxes were kstar prizes, I would be okay with it. Also, the free gift box contained 4 event items should not be taken away. Hopefully it will be adjusted before we see this kind of event Kollection again!🤞
    🍎 iOS dolls📱  
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    klenaklena Registered Users 679 Posts
    As a player who had spend hundreds of dollars on this money - I actually forfeited a month long trip to Japan because of money spend in this game - I would like to state that I absolutely dislike the new system and hope it will not be a permanent change. There’s no need for me to reiterate all the points that have already been made previously. The only people who would benefit by this are players who play hacked games. The kollections are there and the choice to buy are up to us. In the old system the choice is still up to us to whether or not to chase the GB & open another box. This new system force us to buy if we want the GB and there’s no free chance available. If you’re lucky with your free chance pick, you could get the hair or dress or whatever item you’re after. This new system does not allow that.

    Glu, if you’re after feedback from a paying customer about this new system then my suggestion is don’t enforce it as a permanent feature. Personally after trying it out, I will not be buying anymore of this forced to buy GB kollection no matter how much I might like the items.
    iOS iPad 
    Level: 56
    List: A+++
    Doll’s name: Kate DeMille (name of 2 of my favourite heroines from my favourite urbane fantasy author Ilona Andrews)
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    RumpelstilzchenRumpelstilzchen Registered Users 1,599 Posts
    edited May 2018
    Just ignore this post, I made a mistake. So confused today.... 😕
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    Candyfloss_kkhCandyfloss_kkh Registered Users, Member 290 Posts
    This weekend box items made me annoyed I was like omg new kollections yay but it was box items 😑 @KalindaKing I didn't enjoy this weekends event because of it
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    eggegg Registered Users 414 Posts
    yo so lmao i got my free kollection box and it had NO kollection items. i got event points which meh. i'm not finishing this event. i stopped at the necklace because maybe it's due to mother's day, but the items look too matronly for my taste and tbh famalam i just don't feel like grinding for items i'll never use (and that i know i'll get in my tb boxes because i used to not complete events bc the items were ugly; that came to bamboozle me later in life lmao).

    this feature isn't bad... but it's not good either. i just don't really see the point in it.

    kollections are kind of an interesting topic for me because i am yet to complete any. what i don't like about them is that the price increases with each try, and a lot of them have really sh*tty prizes like money and energy.

    like i'm already getting f***ed over with regular daily boxes because y'all refuse to remove vip tiles from non-vip players' games and you don't really give out kstars in them anymore. i think i see a tile of kstars every 4 months, because the rest is vip tiles and energy. the value of the boxes doesn't match their price.

    when i talk about upgrades that the game desperately needs i joke about stuff like dating cassio because i like to have a laugh and keep some light banter going, but the truth is that there are things the game seriously has been needing for years now. i really don't understand the logic behind offering cash in boxes when you've rendered cash virtually useless except for dating. and then you went onto messing with the vintage wine option, which took you a while to fix.

    i personally don't agree with the mindset of "careful what you wish for", and this was discussed last time. i think it's easy to gloss over the fact that, while we're here in the forum posting our opinions, it still doesn't amount for the total of players who enjoy the game. realistically speaking the people who post here are a small amount in comparison to the total amount of players, so if glu decides to take one comment made here as the basis to change a feature of the game, that's some gnarly disparity between players we have going on here. the forum should not be the only place where people's opinions are taken into account. but y'know, it is what it is so if my opinion is heard better in here, then i'll say it.

    i have been feeling more apathetic toward the game as of lately. the new locations that'll only get used once, the pet dress up, new businesses... it's repetitive. i'd like to have an update that's more centered on story quests, and using locations we already have. don't just reserve them for events. i'd also like to have a redesign of the icons. and also less announcements (i counted them one time and i had to go through like 4 before i got to see my progress). maybe have a side bar you can tap on to display to see achievements (WHICH YOU NEED TO UPDATE) and goals as well as the updates raymond (or whatever his name is lmao) gives instead of having me wait like 3 minutes for him to stop popping up when i start the game. allow for fb sync to save our progress instead of having to rely on the cloud's backup. give male dolls a proper event with less boxes. and if this event kollection is gonna be a thing, maybe don't increase the price with each box you open but that's just my opinion as a broke college student who earns 5kstars a day through videos and the blessings of a merciful god who helps me in tb events. also maybe don't take our opinions to do the exact opposite of what we told you. that isn't tubular my good dudes.

    and kalinda girl i'm so sorry that people have taken their anger out on you. whether or not it's justified, you serving as the link between players and devs ain't easy so mad respekkkkkk for that, girl.

    ♡ doll's name: dolce
    ♡ call me egg tho
    ♡ a+++ / level 99
    ♡ iOS
    ♡ i type in lower case to keep my tubular & cool façade
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    edited May 2018
    Good Morning Dollies 😆 how is everybody? Am I the only one who tried the wine at Oak? I think it will be flowing like well, like Wine this week, remember Kalinda already dropped some news about Monday'so Event......hmmmm. I'm almost concerned, but I did see her elsewhere online, so she'should ok.Carol hasn't been here to even see her Birthday greetings. Speaking of which..... more birthdays this week I think. So, Happy Saturday.....I'm spending today having the boys get the pool ready for opening. They just don't know it yet. What are your Saturday plans? What are you doing for Mothers Day? I have so many questions. I wake up and I am a big bunch of chatters. drives the family kray kray.
    Ok, gotta tap......... but first.....

    Breakfast is served,.....instead of my pancakes from scratch........Cinnamon Roll Waffles. Dig in, hey, anyone want to pitch in and we'lll make this a whole breakfast buffet? With carving station?

    Can't wait to see what you all bring to the table.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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    TrashleyKKHTrashleyKKH Registered Users, Member 4,516 Posts
    Good Morning Dollies 😆 how is everybody? Am I the only one who tried the wine at Oak? I think it will be flowing like well, like Wine this week, remember Kalinda already dropped some news about Monday'so Event......hmmmm. I'm almost concerned, but I did see her elsewhere online, so she'should ok.Carol hasn't been here to even see her Birthday greetings. Speaking of which..... more birthdays this week I think. So, Happy Saturday.....I'm spending today having the boys get the pool ready for opening. They just don't know it yet. What are your Saturday plans? What are you doing for Mothers Day? I have so many questions. I wake up and I am a big bunch of chatters. drives the family kray kray. Ok, gotta tap......... but first..... Breakfast is served,.....instead of my pancakes from scratch........Cinnamon Roll Waffles. Dig in, hey, anyone want to pitch in and we'lll make this a whole breakfast buffet? With carving station? Can't wait to see what you all bring to the table.
    Omg. Those waffles. 😍😍 
    I am excited for Monday event , I had tried the wine option at Monstrobull Stadium and happy to announce it is working wonderfully. 

    The weekend project was okay. I think it ended very abruptly at the Vegas gig. ( Like why not make use of Iceland spa? And the gameplay involving surprising Kris with a party at the spa) 

    IOS Player 
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    HollySiskHollySisk Registered Users 3,445 Posts
    edited May 2018
    I’m now drooling over cinnamon roll waffles

    And if I’m joining Koko for a nice breakfast then I must have a side of bacon

    I play on iOS
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    edited May 2018
    BACON FOR EVERYONE! I have never seen so much bacon in one place at one time.
    Thank you @HollySisk And thanks for trying out the MonstroBull wine for us @TrashleyKKH
    Look what I brought for brunch........... watermelon basket!

    I'm only up to the 2nd event, I'll do that and then knock off the 3rd one tonight.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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    HollySiskHollySisk Registered Users 3,445 Posts
    Wait... you expect me to share?

    I play on iOS
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    HollySiskHollySisk Registered Users 3,445 Posts
    I always enjoy seeing how my Forum friends style the same item. Maybe @Naimonster will revive her awesome thread where we all styled a specific item?

    Dixie and her friends are in London to start celebrating the Royal Wedding. They must be sorority sisters with Megan and all have the same necklace.

    @Angeline & Jon Dixie @kokokokonut @haftime

    I play on iOS
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    xoluvstephiexoluvstephie Registered Users, Member 2 Posts
    I'm having technical issues with the game and i need help, for the Kollections: i can press the play button for 20 kstars but nothing ever happens i contacted the game's developper but they didn't reply if anyone knows what to do please help me !
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    haftimehaftime Registered Users 970 Posts
    edited May 2018
    I know this isn't the place to post this, so @kokokokonut, feel free to delete, but I know most folks are asleep on the East coast right now and I'm hoping for quick help-- I went in for service at Apple today after doing a full backup to the Cloud and they ended up giving me a new phone. Now the new phone is only giving me a Kustomize screen for KKH and it looks like Everly is gone. I've tried deleting it and reinstalling, but no saved data. Is there anything else I can do, or is Everly gone forever? Any tips appreciated!

    ETA: just now I got the two choices, one of which was to install saved data. I was so excited! but when i pressed the button nothing happened. I'm hopeful since I saw that. What do I do when i can choose to load saved data but nothing happens?
    My doll's name is Everly Rook, I play on iOS, and I'm on FB at facebook.com/everly.rook. 
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    NaimonsterNaimonster Registered Users 5,127 Posts
    @haftime Did you do a backup to iTunes on a computer also? I checked your doll, still there, no new doll so hopefully your save is there. Have you checked your icloud settings.
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    RumpelstilzchenRumpelstilzchen Registered Users 1,599 Posts
    OMG @haftime! And you worry about posting in the wrong thread?! 
    What's with your old phone ??
    Nononono, we are not losing you, too!!!
    Somebody please help!! 
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    SeptemberSeptember Registered Users 552 Posts
    Unpopular opinion, but I don't really mind the new system. I remember chasing the wine glass and spending around 700 kstars. It was horrible. Now, if I want a specific item, I'll only spend 374 or something like that. In the old system, in the most lucky situation where all the picked boxes contain event items you'll still pay 40*4=160 kstars. And that doesn't happen often.

    I'd actually like this system if they didn't get the boxes, just the kollektion. So your free 'box' would be a free spin in the kollektion. 
    And if the kollektions weren't rigged. If there actually was a change to get the dress or hair at the first go, then I'd be more inclined to give it a go. But now: I'm not interested in the shoes/jewelry and of course kash and energy, so I'm not using it.

    So just my two cents. Remove the gift boxes, give a free spin, make it random like the boxes and done. Good system. 
    Add me on Facebook! Username is September Ray, I play on android.

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    Stefan001Stefan001 Registered Users 453 Posts
    To all the amazing mothers here in the forum ❤️ You're loved and appreciated! 

    K&K: Level 21
    KKH: 1+++

    Hayley's FB

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