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If i give you my best, what more can you ask me to give?


  • Mine was replaced today. Pretty cool of them to do. Thanks GLU!
  • You made my point. I realize that the aluggers stay the same rank as what my team was able to advance too. I dont realize why my completely unrelated sluggers are also leveled up automatically with my team when they (my sluggers) did nothing to achieve the automatic promotion. Upgrades dont help them, pennants dont help…
  • Didnt accept the offer, lol. And it was a match me game mid pitch to be exact. So not technically a prime event, but still... How can a swing if a pop up offer engulfs my screen? Only happened to me once ever, but seemed outrageous. 
  • Not able to beat it like that unless maybe youre gold level 1 and use a lot of gold for boost. Id just keep improving them until you can do it. 
  • Ive seen them with different max rated values. 239 on one team and 238 on another. But ive never seen them at different stars. Ive also seen 2 different guys rated the same #max but one was a 5star and the other a 4.5star. How does that happen? I forgot who but both were SR pitchers. 
  • They say "one time only", but they come about 20 times a day. I wanted cheap $5 pop up offers for gold, not 3 star draft picks. GLU, send more cheap gold offers! Stop sending $5 #1 draft offers. We want gold, not draft picks.
  • 2 weeks ago was the last one i think. I did a post about it at the time. Wasnt that long ago for sure. But wouldnt it be nice if it was 2 days a week every week. GLU underestimates how cheap people are. By lowering their prices just a little, theyd probably make way more money. 
  • I know all the tricks and used them with no luck. I also have the latest update. I have 5 teams in the house (mine and my wifes, and 3 teenage sons). 2 of our 5 glitched and lost the gift, the other 3 got them. These are all established teams that had real cash spent on them (not created just for gifts). And after reading…
  • Practice for 2019 assuming they wont do a 180° and change everything on us. 
  • Youll play mostly silver and gold teams for a long time. Slugfest and WOH your only trouble and if you dont care about them, go for it. Most platinum guys like me never get the bonus drafts to plat before the event ends anyway. Its just like playing gold so far except opponents are weaker and slugfest way harder. It takes…
  • Regular Mookie Betts is a useless .250avg hitter at gold 9 with 540 pennants in this game. Yet some guys that are unknown scrubs are 5 star studs. More then anything id like to know if GLU TSB creators even watch baseball? 
  • Triple plays are to often in tsb. And guys seemingly dont know how to tag up, even with base coach maxed. 
  • Sluggers should a huge factor in that decision too. He has a handful that id play gold and platinum, but most are just filling positions till a better player is drafted. Then having to boost the present guys only to replace them is a kick in the ding ding. 
  • Click on gold icon and the specials. There youll find the Chipper Jones box.
  • Click on gold icon and the specials. There youll find the Chipper Jones box.
  • If a minimum 4 week club membership was required to qualify for the reward, they could prevent cheaters like in CVC. I see what youre saying, but there is an easy way to fix it. Im not sure the programming required to implement it, but cant be that hard. If i join a cub at 1pm, im banned from rewards. Why not ban guys…
  • High average first, next best average second, equal and equal power guy third. Big power cleanup guy 4th. Then from 5th on, get creative and see what works best. If you cant decide, just continue to let the app make the lineup for you like nothings new. 
  • $800 and see what happens. Certainly not activity. Im in over 3,000hours and about 10,000games. I got no glu love or vip badge. Im into a couple hundred or more. But since $800 is the mark most report, id try that. Guys that say they spent zero and got it, im pretty sure they are liars. 
  • I think anyones guess is just as good as anyone else's. I have a 4.5star SS after almost 10k games. So i wish i made mine a SS. I did make mine a catcher, then drafted Gary Sanchez the next day. So i never really used my legend. Now im gonna reset him and make him my 5star SS. They game does have lots of great 1b, 2b, 3b,…
  • Since boosting my upgrades in base running, its gotten a lot better for me. Now im around 60 on the base coach upgrades. If you're not there, id try it. If you're past there, i feel for you because there's not much else you can do. 
  • Its happened to me multiple times on multiple teams. I always got them back, but some took 2 days to get back and some took 2 weeks. It will come comeback, i just hope for your sake its soon. Good luck. 
  • An assistant can do all a captain can do except when dealing with other assistants. An assistant cannot demote a fellow assistant or his captain. An assistant cannot kick a fellow assistant or his captain. 
  • Im 72k at Platinum 2 and can get on 35 game winstreaks. The game has a way of matching you up against a fair opponent no matter where you are rated. But ive learn that regular players mean very little in this game when compared to skilled bonus guys. They tell us the higher your level, the better your chance of getting…
  • Thank You! 
  • Next year when 2019 drops, im gonna $pend $1000 instantly, stack sluggers, go to silver, and buy the boxes like a mad man. I will buy that badge next year. To late for me now i guess, and all i can do is wait. 
  • Depends on how tough, and what rewards.
  • Like Thumbsters said, its just a win. The just include your current skill level in announcing your victory. Its nothing fancy, just another way of saying you won the game. Example of an alternate way of saying it: youre level 20 and have 15 wins now at this level.
  • Like Thumbsters said, its just a win. The just include your current skill level in announcing your victory. Its nothing fancy, just another way of saying you won the game. Example of an alternate way of saying it: youre level 20 and have 15 wins now at this level.
  • Shhhhh!!!!! They will change tier 7 to a whopping 80million like last year to punish us! If the rewards do get better, the events are gonna get harder. Its just the way its been, is now, and will always be.

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