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  • I'm going out on a limb here but it might be that Torii Hunter is retired and they only offer active players as franchise players as far as I know. Probably an issue with MLBPA not covering retired players or something. Not sure why it took GLU so long to figure out he was retired. They probably got a cease and desist…
  • I suppose if they put feelers out in this forum and then booted people, the forum backlash would be pretty immediate. My point was that there is no safeguard against guys booting you after you put up points for their club. Then they can have friends swoop in or make the club private and invite teams that spent zero gold…
  • What's everyone so worried about? It's all good, in 2 to 3 weeks, Glu may or may not compensate some of the people who complained to them on this forum.
  • Oddly enough, here's what my club event screen looks like: My point contribution: 423,335 ---> Club Points: 95,480 Anyone else see a problem? Jeez.
  • My team is still there but club progress is wiped out from before the restart. Spent about 1,000 gold on the event and almost no points to show for it. This is, once again, really bad. I'm not even holding out to be compensated. I'm done...
  • The simple answer is hitting, because a good hitter, like Gordon or Revere will hit at any level of competition. As you advance further in the game, guys with 3 and 4 hitting can't hit a lick so it doesn't really matter what their power rating is. But it's true, you have to have some power or you just end up with a bunch…
  • That doesn't work. I just called and they are "unable to provide customer assistance over the phone." Or, for that matter, online, through the app, email, forums, etc... We might have to show up to their office with pitchforks.
  • Why is anyone playing events right now? Come on, solidarity people!
  • This is bad, Glu. Really don't know what so say except class action lawsuit might be the next step. People are spending gold and real money on these events. This is really getting ridiculous.
  • Still no word from GLU. I sent them screen shots of my message board with the most recent batting boost purchases. I can't believe they would push an update that would wipe out people's boosts and then not respond. It was clearly the update that was responsible because they updated the batting boost icon but not the bonus…
  • It does show a fair share of 40 boost purchases on my message board, but there's no record of any boosts being used. I suppose the burden of proof lies with GLU there. I have my proof that they were purchased. Thanks!
  • I also had this problem. I have sort of a one man club and I buy club boosts in bulk because they are cheaper than paying for them individually. Anyway, I had about 500-600 batting boosts in my club store and now I have 0. I don't have to tell you that's a lot of gold, over 30,000 I spent by the most conservative…

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