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Crazy Kells


  • When you loose a car it shows a ghost, that ghost will still show as an available car in the garage from someone looking in the garage, so if he passed it to a friend and the friend sent it back it will show 2 in 1 account and 1 in the other, after the 24 hr buy back period is over it will more than likely only show 1
  • Oh well there loss I'm sure im like most people and not willing to drop significant amounts of money just to get crates that are at least 50% rims, ugly at that
  • I don't understand what people getting wwe tokens has to do with no bmw crate sale, even though game message came up this weekend saying they are buy 6 get 3 free. No sale yet. No way am I dropping more money on crappy bmw at full price that are mainly filled with boring wheels that all look the same.
  • You have 3 different game centers? None of them take you to correct account? I know you can only link 1 account to 1 Game Center at a time, and they can't merge accounts. Forgive me if you already know that just trying to understand so we can put our heads together, I too have been playing this game way too long and I know…
  • Thank you, it seems to be resolved, have a feeling it had something to do with the tournament I was in the day prior,as soon as the repairs complete note came up I clicked it and opened my garage back up, I rebooted and it took me through a bracket as soon as I logged on
  • Gordocochino, my question is how do you know who hacked your account, seems like coincidence you just happen to find the account with your cars in it
  • When the problem is resolved, you will get a notification to load user or keep playing, click load user and it will take you to account that's linked to game center
  • They can't help here, you have to click the ? In the game include your ign and Game Center name and they will be able to re sync your account with your Google play
  • If your still not in the game there's a few things you can try on your own, 1. Make sure you are logged into GP on your main device( I'm iOS so not sure how Google play works) 2. Delete the new acct again and you should get an option to load user pop up. If that still dosnt work, and your account is still loaded on your…
  • I have made the same mistake, by accidently hitting the repair button when the game froze, when it got unstuck I had apparently hit sell and rushed through the confirm button without paying attention, I sent a ticket to support, and recieved a response saying it can not be undone. Your best bet is to try contacting them…
  • This game puts a toll on these batteries, same risk applies when you receive an in comming call during a race, talk about being pissed at the person who called lmao!
  • Patientce is key here, I've been where your at before just hoping my account wasn't gone for good, if it's any piece of mind they will get you back in, with time.
  • This is just a place for information, you have to submit a ticket by hitting the ? In the game. After doing so it will take around 2 weeks
  • I lost a nismo in the race I believe Xturbox is referring to and never raced the final race, my car was just gone, I figured it was a hack, then someone from my Facebook group showed me the screen shot of him stuck in the same bracket I lost the car in, these brackets need improvement still it seems. I sent in a ticket, I…
  • I'm assuming there servers are down its everyone,
  • How about instead of rewarding the normal turf car the ones that point swapped they recieve a specially wraped Datsun that says I CHEAT
  • I'm on iPhone 4s ign is crazy Kells, little to no issues have been fixed on my end as of yet, I'm experiencing almost all of the issues as already listed, additionally when I write in team chat or pm, my messages are not seen or "go through", that is of corse If I can stay on the game without crashing long enough to type…
  • Lmao, you guys are killin me
  • How did you loose them? If you have them linked to Game Center you should be able to get them back, if not you will need two diffrent Game Center accounts, and contact customer service and let them know your Game Center Id and ign you want associated with that particular game center
  • Yup I'm trying hard not to sound negative, but yesterday I was able to go a few races without crashing and today I can't even stay on long enough to race, luckily I'm on a team of good understanding people, it's just hard watching the team falling and not being able to do anything to contribute.
  • Yup garbage! Just as you think they are getting things fixed. They equivalent is updating a rubber tire with a wheel made of stone!
  • Was cie hacked? I just can't believe they would do this to there own product. In less than an hour the game crashed 14 times, the light tree freezes at launch, can't use apple features such as emoji, and all around everything is choppy. But hey at least we have a new back ground and some new rims, if they were smart they…
  • I don't run for pinks in regular lobbies anymore, use turf. Also a red flag that they are sandbagging is when you beat them by a long shot and pink you on the next run. Sorry to to hear this happened to you, truth is people who can't win in their own lobbies are going to cheat.
  • Ok, personally I prefer the focus it's a cash car and I hit 9.7 boosted, my best time with ctr is only 9.8, it's all in the tune civic SI when tuned correctly hit 10.0 easy when boosted. However if we are talking about campaign cars, the dodge dart is the fastest at 9.8.
  • Just wanted to say the evo 8 is the best b class no questions asked, capable of 8.6 on boost. It will smoke the sti any day of the week.
  • I would like to see screen shots on this I have done several deals with mwgoon, and I will probably do more in the future. If people are not in fact scammers and your unhappy with them, don't drag their name through the dirt.
  • Thanks jdm, anyone else also why does it say the 29th when turf should be starting the 28th
  • Additionally, you guys should consider lowering replacement car cost, I mean who pays that crazy price. Especially when I can re but the car and instant build every cost for less.
  • Yea this is pretty rediculous, everyone I know is having connection problems and constant dnf I have had 4 in a row. If this is an indication of what the game will be as a cross platform I'm done!
  • Well, I hear you shin. Truth is if they give everyone 2000 gems, it seems like it's just as insignificant as a free car and 100 gems, don't get me wrong I do appreciate the give backs, but it does bother me that every one gets the same giveback weather or not they have spent a dime. Why should everyone get rewarded for our…

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