
General Complaints Thread



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    HollySiskHollySisk Registered Users 3,445 Posts
    Nebula is dead on with her complaint about the cost of items in the nursery and the baby's wardrobe. Most hair styles for our KKH doll are 30 K stars but the baby has hairstyles that cost 100 and 150 K stars. That's insane. Most of the baby's clothes are boring and overpriced too.
    I play on iOS
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    Danielle_ModelsDanielle_Models Banned Users 870 Posts
    HollySisk wrote: »
    Nebula is dead on with her complaint about the cost of items in the nursery and the baby's wardrobe. Most hair styles for our KKH doll are 30 K stars but the baby has hairstyles that cost 100 and 150 K stars. That's insane. Most of the baby's clothes are boring and overpriced too.

    I agree I really wish that when you level up you get more clothes for your baby but I guess not��
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    Danielle_ModelsDanielle_Models Banned Users 870 Posts
    I really hope that one day they have a Black Friday where everything is half or 75% off
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    twofangstwofangs Registered Users 75 Posts
    Sorry to interrupt, I just need a minute to vent.

    I updated my game tonight and got the NeNe quest.

    But no VIP clothing event.

    I have never cheated in this game, I earned all my K-Stars and cash honestly (been playing since day one) and my device is not jail-broken.

    It sounds stupid...but I kinda feel hurt that I've been flagged.

    I submitted a ticket to Glu, hope they answer sooner rather than later.

    Thank you all for listening, it really helps.

    Now I will fade back into yesterday before tomorrow comes.
    *what scares you most will set you free*
    ~ robyn hitchc0ck
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    Danielle_ModelsDanielle_Models Banned Users 870 Posts
    I am getting really furious right now, I really wish Glu would answer or question on the same day with their own answers instead of the same thing thing send other users. I really just might quit the game because honestly Glu isn't helping me at all, and if I can't play this weekend event that could possibly mean that I can't do the others in the future and that'll make the game have no point for me. I really am trying to keep my patience but I just can't take it anymore . Now I'm having a really bad day, and worse thing is that it' sober some stupid game that I cannot deal with stressing over anymore. I look forward to playing the Kendall&Kylie and Katy Perry and Britney Spears but not if glu's going to act the same way towards customer service, this may be a farewell but honestly I wish Glu just wasn't like this with the lack of customer service. I fit does happen to come to the point where I have to restart I will be done with the Kim kardashian game and I mean DONE�� that was a lot to get off of my chest but I'm glad that I did...
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    Ok, as far as the Weekend Event, I sent info and a link to the thread, and I just heard back from Glu. Contacting Customer Care is the best first step. Customer Care has been informed that players may be coming forward with such issues, so they will be looking out for it. Customer Care will ask them some questions to determine if they were wrongly flagged and then they can revert any wrongly flagged players.

    And Glu is reaching out to people who've posted in the thread. So, please if you're locked out wrongly, please submit a customer care ticket, AND be sure and post your issues, include the fact that you can't read the messages that come back through the game if that is an issue, right now Glu wants to get all eligible players the weekend event. Thanks for your help and post here: http://ggnbb.glu.com/showthread.php?160982-Not-Getting-Weekend-Events-Legal-Game&goto=newpost

    Glu also reads this thread, and I'm glad it's here for venting. Sometimes just getting it all out makes you feel better. :)

    Now, I'm complaining because my Android games need nice silvery white heeled sandals. Give me those shoes, and I'll be happy. Oh, and great shoes pop up but they are all giftboxes? I need shoes. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. There, I feel better too.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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    Danielle_ModelsDanielle_Models Banned Users 870 Posts
    I did post there and I submitted a ticket, nothing is happening for me right now :(I'll just have to restart... And all the items in my closet gone..
    image.jpg1_zps0kmd82ew.jpg image.jpg5_zps8v6vglax.jpg image.jpg2_zpsm8cpzyhf.jpg image.jpg3_zps4k6sjoyp.jpg image.jpg4_zps5zsnrhsc.jpg
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    Danielle_ModelsDanielle_Models Banned Users 870 Posts
    Well this is just great now I have no choice but to restart my game...thanks for nothing Glu.,Just going to delete
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    HollySiskHollySisk Registered Users 3,445 Posts
    Well this is just great now I have no choice but to restart my game...thanks for nothing Glu.,Just going to delete

    Please wait Danielle. Give Glu a chance to help you. I understand you're waiting already but a little longer may be the difference.

    IF you have to start over, i will send you gifts.

    I play on iOS
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    DMV_DollDMV_Doll Registered Users 1,470 Posts
    What r u talking abt Koko? I was agreeing / cosigning what Scartego was saying. Sorry I 4got the word "special" in restoring purchases. Either way, I was correct when I stated " it doesn't restore wardrobe or game progression"

    I haven't lost anything, I still have my original game.

    It's a good thing Glu can replenish K Stars and Kash purchases.

    However, what I was saying is that does not replace a players time, energy, exclusive items accumulated nor game progression. It has taken me playing everyday for a year to get to level 36 and if I had to start over I'd be livid even if my they gave me all my K stars and Kash back. Which is why I haven't upgraded my phone yet.

    Of all the mobile games and apps on my phone this is the only one that erases everything if u uninstall. The fact that so many players have uninstalled in an effort to troubleshoot and there are multiple threads and question abt transferring successfully demonstrates this is not the industry norm. Therefore it's not the OS or GooglePlay (in my case) it's Glu and how they choose to have their game save on devices.
    It is a "Restore SPECIAL Purchases" button that appears sometimes on the screen in the wardrobe I think, or can be restored by contacting customer care. If you spent any money at all in the game DMV Doll, that can certainly be restored. I'm sorry I forgot, you lost you game, but got it all back from an earlier save?

    Anyway, there is a paper trail, and they can trace your StarShop Purchases of Stars or KCash using actual funds through Itunes or GooglePlay Store and those purchases are able to be restored. So, it's not 'restore purchases' I've been told individual items in a game can't be restored, but a compensation provided through the tracing of receipts. Anything else is solely at the discretion of the company.

    I'm not comfortable not being able to back up my games. Maybe someday. But isn't that Apple and GooglePlay more so than Glu? There was a filesystem that worked on non rooted iOS games, till the iOS update of 7 I Think? So it was the OS update that quashed that, not Glu.

    I'm all for blaming glu on changing the times, and the energy needed, or the cost of the clothes, but they didn't change the os. ya know?
    I don't make the rules... I just follow them most of the time 😉

    Andriod player
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    LuzVariasLuzVarias Registered Users 2,707 Posts
    Pretty sure Koko was referring to the fact that IOS users previously could back up some game files with iFunBox, but with recent software updates issued by Apple, that option no longer works. So, she did have a valid point.

    I'm not sure about any changes to the Android option for saving files, but I don't think Kies <for Samsung?> is a useful option, either.

    So, although it'd be better for a Glu to provide some back up options, Apple has been part of a worsening problem, too. I was lucky that I've been able to transfer my IOS-based games around using iCloud backups I save from my devices, but I've had to be very careful to restrict the items that the devices back up. It would be very easy to exceed my iCloud backup storage and find that KKH wasn't being saved. People should check the items that are being saved each time, just to be sure that they know what they have.
    Luz GC: LuzVarias
    Stellan GC: lgordon19

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    Danielle_ModelsDanielle_Models Banned Users 870 Posts
    HollySisk wrote: »
    Please wait Danielle. Give Glu a chance to help you. I understand you're waiting already but a little longer may be the difference.

    IF you have to start over, i will send you gifts.


    I restarted and now I kind of wish I didn't.. My GC is 🎶MusicialMe🎶
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    HollySiskHollySisk Registered Users 3,445 Posts
    I restarted and now I kind of wish I didn't.. My GC is &#55356;&#57270;MusicialMe&#55356;&#57270;

    I just sent you a friend request in the GC.
    I play on iOS
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    Danielle_ModelsDanielle_Models Banned Users 870 Posts
    I didn't get your request, I'll send you one now though
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    Nisha300Nisha300 Registered Users 347 Posts
    Glu really does need a backup option I had to start all over in April because I got a new phone and I lost all my special event hair clothes and accessories from Christmas Halloween new years Thanksgiving valentines day and easter and every other regular weekend that had an event which really sucks since the clothes they've been offering in the latest events have been borderline ugly or impossible to obtain without money
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    Danielle_ModelsDanielle_Models Banned Users 870 Posts
    This probably isn't the right place to post this but can someone please send me gifts, I restarted since I hadn't got the weekend event but now I regret. Surely someone cares enough to gift me, so if your going to help pm me and I'll tell you my GC id
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    Danielle_ModelsDanielle_Models Banned Users 870 Posts
    I give up on this game I really do now, I just don't feel like trying anymore 😕😕😥
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    kokokokonutkokokokonut Moderators 29,114 Posts
    DMV_Doll wrote: »
    What r u talking abt Koko? I was agreeing / cosigning what Scartego was saying. Sorry I 4got the word "special" in restoring purchases. Either way, I was correct when I stated " it doesn't restore wardrobe or game progression"
    I haven't lost anything, I still have my original game.
    It's a good thing Glu can replenish K Stars and Kash purchases.
    However, what I was saying is that does not replace a players time, energy, exclusive items accumulated nor game progression. It has taken me playing everyday for a year to get to level 36 and if I had to start over I'd be livid even if my they gave me all my K stars and Kash back. Which is why I haven't upgraded my phone yet.

    Of all the mobile games and apps on my phone this is the only one that erases everything if u uninstall. The fact that so many players have uninstalled in an effort to troubleshoot and there are multiple threads and question abt transferring successfully demonstrates this is not the industry norm. Therefore it's not the OS or GooglePlay (in my case) it's Glu and how they choose to have their game save on devices.

    I wanted to clarify SPECIAL purchases, because people have repeatedly misunderstood and thought it could restore 'purchases' as in "I purchased the House in Calabasas." The only thing worse than losing your stuff, is to then find out you misunderstood and you can't get your pets or your homes or shoes. So, I believe in bursting bubbles right away. It was a disclaimer;
    When I say things, very often it's for clarification so others reading won't misunderstand. Another thing is, and this is very legit. While I know everyone pretty much, you know your situation, but I can't remember everything. for example, I patted myself on the back because I think I remembered a baby situation with Wolfandbutter. I'd backtrack to check, but who has time for that? I'm sure I've offended 3 people since. It's never intentional unless you are a hard core nasty butted spammer, or you pick on my friends. But that's no one here, just the fly bys.

    Anyway, While Glu could probably develop a great system for us to save our games, the fact is that 2 things that used to work have stopped after Operating Systems updates, I just can't see them taking the hit for that.

    So appologies to anyone I've offended.
    If you are having trouble DO NOT UNINSTALL THE GAME!
    🦋Purple Headed ♊+ 🥥 Chick Playing iOS & Android 🦋
    I Am NOT a Glu Employee
    🌟If you want my attention please send a dm
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    PolkaDotPolkaDot Registered Users 1,226 Posts
    Hi all;

    Computer spectacularly swan dove off a cliff and am still picking up the pieces so to speak; I've tried to peek in here but was on a browser so outdated...computer too old to update the browsers on! I finally am on a working computer and found my log in.

    I did not update last time because I read about the baby glitch and resolved to wait until they had fixed that. Once an update comes out which does not have the changeling glitch in it, I will then update...SO in a weird way, although I did not mess with my game, I have been right alongside those who 'had to restart' etc...because I have not been able to get the weekend events since the last update either. (Because I did not install it.)

    Honestly if my baby had changed into something else, or, I was falsely flagged for whatever reason, I couldn't have handled it at the time. KKH was my escape from all the other tech issues I was having elsewhere. I didn't need it freaking out on me, too.

    I am hoping I am not falsely flagged, because I don't really know what I'm doing sometimes and I believe I have turned locations on and off, changed time zones etc. I have no idea if that will flag me somehow. Glu knows I haven't done anything - remember, they have my game ID! Lol
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    Jd45313Jd45313 Registered Users 53 Posts
    I recently went through my emails and came across an old one to Glu's support team. I sent the message on the 10th of October to ask for help with something in my game, I can't recall what. They eventually sent a reply on the 29th of November which was completely unhelpful. They apologized for the delay in responding and explained the reason why they took so long and then thanked me and told me if I needed anything else to contact them. They didn't actually even answer my question. I was really disappointed with their service. I now can't get ahold of them through the in game help, everytime I send a message my app crashes. And I sent them one from the helpshift website so we'll see how long it takes them to reply this time. Maybe they redeem themselves but I was really upset they they took over 6 weeks to reply and didn't even address my query last time. I'm glad someone finally addressed our concerns about babies on the forum (was his name ston3 I think?) It would be nice if we had someone who worked at Glu that could help out more often. Although Koko you do a great job at moderating. I'm giving their customer service like a 2/10.

    While I'm complaining, doesn't anyone miss when clothing and hair used to be added every update? Now we get a few lame items and all the nice stuff is exclusive to weekend events. If we don't win them we don't really get another opportunity. (At least not yet we haven't) It broke my heart when Vats didn't get his long hair. He was probably the one who wanted it most. I'd prefer if they made items available a few weeks later even if they cost k stars (within reason) I used to love updating and seeing what was new, then I'd save up and buy some new outfits. Now we only seem to earn them on impossible weekend events that I'm sometimes too busy to complete. It saddens me.

    Sorry for the long rant lol
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    VatsVats Registered Users 4,773 Posts
    You raised a valid point about the updates Jd45313, each time we opened the wardrobe we have fewer items and we have to wait for the weekends and see if there is something that interests us and if there is we need a lot of luck, time and patience to win.

    I definitely miss being able to open the wardrobe and there be an outfit or hair that I can just look and buy!
    Viva La Vida Á La Vats!
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    SerendipitySerendipity Registered Users 253 Posts
    Hi all!

    I am so glad that Glu made the past weekend event so fun. I spent an obscene amount of Kstars, hoping to win the hair from the gift boxes, but it didn't happen. That's okay, because I did win the dress, eyes, and necklace. AND I finally finished an event, winning all four ear able prizes--which I love!

    So...I wanted to address something that I have been seeing in some of these threads.

    Just because one of us has restarted our game is not an indication of having a hacked or cheated account. I have restarted at least 5 times prior to the 3.1.1 update that targeted hacked games. I pay for my Kstars, like you do, and I sometimes want to reclaim them so that I can spend them more wisely. Some of you, I have been able to gift some of the star items because I restarted. Please try not to presume guilt when one of your friends has dropped to the E list, or is wearing the not so fabulous clothing they used to have.
    "Art...a result of the frustration with being normal..."
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    PolkaDotPolkaDot Registered Users 1,226 Posts
    So...I wanted to address something that I have been seeing in some of these threads.

    Just because one of us has restarted our game is not an indication of having a hacked or cheated account. I have restarted at least 5 times prior to the 3.1.1 update that targeted hacked games. I pay for my Kstars, like you do, and I sometimes want to reclaim them so that I can spend them more wisely. Some of you, I have been able to gift some of the star items because I restarted. Please try not to presume guilt when one of your friends has dropped to the E list, or is wearing the not so fabulous clothing they used to have.

    I don't understand the part about restarting your game to get more stars. Don't you lose everything if you delete your game?
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    NoonaluvfoodNoonaluvfood Registered Users 1,252 Posts
    PolkaDot, I think she was saying that she would gain back previously spent stars.

    Also serendipity, I wouldn't suggest restarting, whenever you do you also lose weekend event items that, for now you will not be able to get back. I think everyone agrees that they feel like they may have made some unwise choices in what they spent their in game currency on, but to restart your game solely for that reason, does not sound - in my opinion like something you may want to keep doing..
    Sometimes you just have to roll with it.:cool:
    Feel free to PM :)

    GC: Hey guys can't add any friends, I have to work out an issue I am having with accepting friend requests on GC. Thanks anyways!
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    ZoyechkaZoyechka Registered Users 1,187 Posts
    Is it that difficult for Glu to have us keep our won event items even if we restart our game? Seriously, I don't understand how they keep us hostage because of their glitches. I'm not sure it's even a glitch, it's probably more like greed, really.
    GC: Zoë Strange
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    nebula macaronnebula macaron Registered Users 239 Posts
    I honestly think that before restarting your game you should contact glu about the issue and perhaps put a little pressure on it. I've not been acquainted with the company until KKH but I think they didn't think this game would be so big and thus have problems making it as stable as possible, since this is not the first time mass glitches have been happening.
    I think the least they could do is give people who submitted tickets and who had legal games, the opportunity to get past event items through a sale, or repeat them on future events. This could also extend to other players who couldn't get those items in the past.
    I deleted all my GC friends because I am planning to do my second comeback, so if I had you added I'm really sorry!
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    SerendipitySerendipity Registered Users 253 Posts
    You are right, Noona. I have lost all of my event items up until this last one. Because I have the eyes and lips and the hair ( I think they are pretty awesome) and both dresses, I probably will not be restarting again. I hope next weekend is as awesome as this one has been.
    "Art...a result of the frustration with being normal..."
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    SerendipitySerendipity Registered Users 253 Posts
    PolkaDot wrote: »
    I don't understand the part about restarting your game to get more stars. Don't you lose everything if you delete your game?

    Noona explained it well. I restart my game to get all of my purchased stars back. Restarting just restores the k$$ and Kstars, and I just spend them again&#55357;&#56835;
    "Art...a result of the frustration with being normal..."
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    PolkaDotPolkaDot Registered Users 1,226 Posts
    Thank you Noonaluvfood and Serendipity for the replies.

    I still do not understand how spent stars and money can return. I guess I don't really understand what 'restart' means. To me spent is spent. Also what about the gifts people gave to people who restart later? What happens to those things?
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    SerendipitySerendipity Registered Users 253 Posts
    PolkaDot wrote: »
    Thank you Noonaluvfood and Serendipity for the replies.

    I still do not understand how spent stars and money can return. I guess I don't really understand what 'restart' means. To me spent is spent. Also what about the gifts people gave to people who restart later? What happens to those things?

    In the options menu, you there is a restart, or reset button which erases all of your game progress and has you start at the beginning again. Any purchased stars or game cash is restored to your account, however you lose everything else (your Contacts will stay put, if they are real life friends that you have added). The sent gifts....Are already sent, so your friends are not affected by your decision to restart. Although I have restarted in the past, I do not recommend doing it. You literally lose all of your things, and you have to go through the same tasks over again.

    I hope this helps.
    "Art...a result of the frustration with being normal..."
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