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  • I read posts like this and don’t even bother trying. Seems like there’s a lot more opportunity to get gold and rss this year though. Doesn’t feel like I’m missing anything. 
  • Intentional misinformation. The reality is, the server hacked Alex. 
    in Game down? Comment by Cooz19 April 2023
  • I think that’s just the canned message. They aren’t going to publicly acknowledge a problem so severe the game that’s bringing in something like $50 million in annual revenue during the peak playing time of the year is unplayable. 
    in Game down? Comment by Cooz19 April 2023
  • At the time I wrote this, I’d say it’s been down for about five hours. We’re talking about 10s of thousands of dollars in lost revenue at this point. Maybe it’s more, but it’s only increasing, while future expenditures will only continue decreasing. Weekend is pretty much shot now. 
    in Game down? Comment by Cooz19 April 2023
  • Well, this can’t be topped 😂😂
    in Game down? Comment by Cooz19 April 2023
  • I have this problem too. Instead of seeing a player, I see a useless amount of bxp. 
  • Having two MLs, despite the cost, seems like a fun addition for future versions. 
  • Looks like my stay will be even more brief this year. Then again, if silver/gold players get auto-leveled, then the next levels become the old silver and gold. It would just push more users overall into the top buckets instead of having them sporadically scattered across all buckets. One might then suggest that only…
  • Get the other 900 bars named Barrel House across the country and have them file jointly. 
  • Their deal is with the retired players union. They can negotiate rates for certain players, with those players having control over the cost. You're also not dealing with Koufax, you're dealing with his estate, and they have no reason to give a flying F about a mobile game or anything else. I remember in 2019 they released…
  • The resource run is ok. I hate slow-playing (this is for fun, after all). I can beat woh once or twice, usually more dependent on my availability. Skills definitely matter, whether it's logical or not. The game doesn't let you really run through it, but it's beatable if you know how to pick the right matchups (there are…
  • As a fellow Silverian, I came along the same line of thinking. It almost seems like it's more designed to force early levels upward. The main appeal for me at silver is I get to level most players I get (though many are very similar). Definitely can't do that now. This also coincides with what appears to be a Biblical…
  • I dropped 40k pxp boosting guys from 8 to 9 literally minutes before this was announced. I mean, I'm not gonna cry about it, but that's pretty brutal. 
  • None of this affects what is in the box, it's just the ritual I have for myself: I tap and try to catch if the counter increased or went to zero. If it increased, I just tap immediately and close in disgust. If it went to zero, I wait one rotation, then tap (then usually close in disgust). If I didn't see it, I just open…
  • For a casual but involved player, the bottom line is your team just got better, and by and large, getting current and new players better now costs a little less. Odds are you have guys who have some of the skills that got boosted. I think the strategy is going to match your style of play naturally. If you're all-in,…
  • Because it goes to 11...
  • Looks like these skills (hitter and pitcher) all have at least 0.1 percent boost added per level, plus an added increase to advance new levels: Late Close (1.2%) Vs. L RISP 2-out (1.2%) Cost to level is much lower too at least 1-9. Glad I just dropped a bunch of pxp boosting guys from 8 to 9. 🤬
  • It happened to me a few times. 
  • I DMed @TyroneEastwood when this happened to me. He opened a ticket and got it straightened out. Even got a 1k pxp gift as an apology. 
  • It’s like WOH on HGH. I like the strategy, and not sure about anyone else but I saw way more fastballs than a typical woh round — 104 mph fastballs, not that Lester BS. 
  • I want this box to go away...forever...
  • I did notice that. The light isn't on either. Not sure if it matters, cuz I didn't put anything into my pitchers' skills, and lost maybe 7-8 times in 10 cycles. 
  • OK I'm at the top of the pity timer for the Pitcher Predicament box. Someone please speak sense to me that there's no way that next box is anyone other than useless Kevin Newman. That's the only reason he's there; to be that terrible prize for opening 13 straight bxp boxes. 
  • Or, @RainOnMyParade, you'll get him when there's 4 hours left in the event. I just assume I'm not getting a top player, spend enough to get the 3 free boxes and go from there. As @Thunderstormer said, sometimes I'm the bug, sometimes I'm the windshield. Or sometimes I'm the dog, sometimes I'm the fire hydrant. The…
  • I'd agree if I didn't pull a player with less than 1% odds three times on the first or only free box I received. 
  • This is more evidence to show the boxes aren't any more random than the pitch sequence you're going to see in WOH are random.It's how the game simultaneously keeps us chasing the white dragon and maintains a certain level of balance. The odds are the results of the distribution they've already established before the boxes…
  • Did anyone get Yaz? He was clearly a player non-spenders like myself aren't allowed to have, but the box was a reasonable deal if you want bxp at a discount. I got Hernandez, and 15 bxps on 16 boxes. 
  • You are looking at the bonus points for CVC, not bonus games. 
    in Bonus points Comment by Cooz19 June 2021
  • You were warned...
  • It's the mild bait-and-switch the game always pulls. Whenever you reach whatever threshold, you either get an odds-defying run of top-end players, or you pull only the bare minimum to satisfy the pity timer (remember when there wasn't even that?). At least you scored big this weekend. It allowed me to get DeGrom at like 8…

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