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  • There also wasn't a Bounty Hunt event this past weekend.
  • After several months of events on iOS, there was no Dungeon Keeper event on Tuesday and Wednesday.
  • They brought back the weekly events a few months ago for the iOS version, but apparently not the Android version. You can get runes and runeshards from the mystery chests, either randomly, or as a bonus for buying some number of the chests, which cost 80 Glu gold / gemstones apiece.
  • Starting on Friday, I got a Lerona Bounty Hunt event. Anyone else?
  • On Wednesday, March 26, 2015, the Dungeon Keeper event appeared on iOS. This was unexpected and welcome, because I got to play the nine dungeons, and spend some of the event tokens that I previously accumulated. (It looks like they're all there from the last time there was an event.) Was this just a one-time thing, or will…
  • I find that the difficulty of a week's Dungeon Keeper missions corresponds very roughly to the number of tokens you get for completing them. I usually do them in the order 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 1-3, 2-2, 3-1, 2-3, 3-2, 3-3. In this sequence, I start out with O'da, Kassia, Grazzak and Leogan, and as I go along, I switch in Z'dar,…
  • The free gem offers depend on who's paying Glu or Tapjoy to advertise, and they definitely seem to use geolocation to only reach the regions that the advertisers want. I've actually been getting more offers than usual for the last several days, but I'm in the U.S. You can also get some more Tapjoy offers if you go to…
  • You can get an orange Royal Espadrille (for feet) and a purple Supreme Wizard's Hat, both tier VI, from missions, as well as an orange Noble Espadrille, tier V, which is still better than any any blue tier VI mocassins. This is actually better than for tanks (no tier V or VI purple or orange armor from missions) or damage…
  • I once had Tlanac do a mine run when all of my other heroes were in training. It took a long time to wait for his tornado skill to recharge every time. I never noticed that Thea's Astral Force also causes damage. I just had her do the first mission in South Lerona solo. Of course, it also took a long time. I do often have…
  • My guess is that they get your location from your IP address, so you'd need to use a VPN to the U.S. to get all the ads here. As for using an iPad, one major benefits for HoD is being able to save your game state to iCloud and restore it when you want.
  • I suspected that there were more opportunities for free gems from Tapjoy and the videos here in the U.S, because Tapjoy seems to be based in the U.S., though I don't usually get quite as many as you did on your trip. On the other hand, since I live here, I've had far longer to collect free gems. They actually seem to do…
  • I'm using up runes and runeshards as quickly as I can get them. I'm still upgrading every blue item I get to 5, but I have lots that are unfused. I ended up with all of these items to fuse, as well as elements to upgrade them with, from getting all of my heroes to level 40 since version 2.0 came out. I've stopped upgrading…
  • Thanks for the update! I was able to complete this mission for two stars after a few tries, and even on the failed tries, it was easier to get to the last "room" (or floating platform) than before. The strange thing is that it was easier for me using Felmor, Z'dar, O'da and Thea, rather than Felmor, Z'da, Tlanac and Thea,…
  • I tried and failed to get four stars on the Ice Demon and the elite mission next to it many times before the 2.0 update. Afterwards, it seemed that the elite mission was somewhat easier, and the Ice Demon was a lot stronger, because it used to take some time for the Ice Demon to slaughter all of my heroes. I thought I had…
  • Excellent point. Fortunately, I've been collecting coins from the mines for months, and I had almost 2.8 million coins just before the 2.0 update. After paying for leveling all of my heroes to 35 or 36, I still have over 2.3 million coins left, so coins aren't a problem for me. (If Glu ever adds another equipment tier, or…
  • Since I'll never run out of amber or amethysts, and am unlikely to use up my emeralds, I'm now upgrading EVERYTHING I get to level 5 so that they'll give a bigger boost when I fuse them with runic items.
  • I was able to team of with Fel'mor once for each of the two Fel'mor missions. The "special offer" to hire him was identical to the normal offer. I haven't seen any other team up missions available.
  • On Monday, I couldn't replay the first mission immediately when the second mission unlocked, but since then, the previous days' missions have unlocked at the same time as the new day's mission, so it's not a 24 hour cooldown. It would be the last mission, that unlocks on Friday, that can't be replayed, wouldn't it, since…
  • The term that Glu uses in English is "Team Up Missions". Anyway, I was wondering how they'd show up until I read Graz73's post. Then I went to the various heroic missions, and found that the first Fel'mor mission had become a team up mission. I played that, but the special offer to hire Fel'mor was the same as the normal…
  • I played the first mission for 7 tokens yesterday, the second for 10 when it became available at the same time that I received today's daily gift, and just replayed the first for 2. I'd guess that all of these have a 24 hour cooldown.
  • @COBOK Thanks for this incredibly useful tip! My upgrades were limited by amethysts for a long time, then by amethysts and fallen stars, and now by rubies. I'm actually using 4 fighters in areas I-III, and putting in a healer or two in area IV. My heroes can't get through any missions in area V on autopilot, though it's…
  • Android app updates tend to appear on the Amazon Appstore weeks after they appear on Google Play, even for Amazon's own apps. If you have access to an Android device with access to the Google Play Store, you could try to download it to there, save the .apk, and sideload it to your Kindle Fire. You could also ask Glu to…
  • Since the Mission Finder came out, it has been pointing me to the the Fire Demon mission for the 4th star, except once when it pointed to a mine raid, in VII I think. 1. I don't think it ever pointed me to any other mine raids, including easier ones than VII. I've also found that any mine raid is far easier than getting 4…
  • I got a Finest Buckler of the Planets, a blue tier VI item, for the day 1 bonus in my first 15 day cycle, the best bonus that I've received so far. The day 10 and 15 bonuses were lower tier items. In my second 15 day cycle, the day 1 bonus is some number of coins, if I remember correctly, so there are only items for days…
    in FFS Daily BONUS Comment by alee May 2013
  • The game reset on my iPad just yesterday. I had backed it up to my PC a few hours earlier, so I tried restoring the iPad (all data for all apps, but not the apps themselves) from the backup. For some reason, iTunes said that the restore failed, and the game data wasn't restored, so I restored the backup again. This time,…
    in Game Reset Comment by alee April 2013

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