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  • No point in copying a successful club's previous name...
  • It's pretty clear they like to win and what else are they going to spend their gold on? Most everyone has upgrades maxed out at this point so they could be spending gold on streaks while cycling through fan rewards to get the next legends after Boone. It's a win win
    in Cheating Comment by Ryan421 July 2016
  • I've heard that leagues are based on upgrade level, I'm not sure how accurate that is but it seems likely from the competition I've seen in 1.5K leagues
  • Start a game with me and we'll talk. Ryan421
  • Upgrades are the way to go
  • Really there are a lot of guys that could put 10 or even 20 mil on the weekend events. But at that point you're just wasting gold for no reason, the solo rewards don't help out any of these guys putting up such numbers. And most clubs aren't even putting up 10 mil combined besides the handful of top clubs so it's pointless…
  • I don't think you understood this post correctly. As for your 30 run game, 30+ runs is actually quite common for a lot of guys who play with a strong prime team and maxed upgrades
  • Well last weekend my solo leader scored over 10 million points so at least that many lol
  • Well if you save up 20K gold you'll get a 5* player as well as a prime player, which is definitely better than two 5* players if you saved up 10K twice. The more competitive you get on this game, your entire team needs to be prime if you want to compete with the top guys in the game so primes are well worth it at the…
  • Go to the notifications tab at the top of your screen and open your inbox. You can create a message to send to Redtrunk, but if his inbox is full then your best bet is to create a new thread with his name in the title to try and get his attention.
  • Pm Redtrunk or find some way to contact him. The in-game customer support is a joke, Redtrunk is your only real hope.
  • Most likely. I'm all for helping people out and giving them a chance, but those that constantly search first place clubs that are open to the public and join time and time again after being kicked or told there's no room for them get on my nerves. Then they go on a rant about how ignorant and rude you are for not letting…
  • Looks like you're now my competition because I kicked you from the club. No WeTodds allowed sorry...
  • Not sure why any clubs already in first would want to bring in a new member. You should look for clubs who are making a run at first and have a real shot in doing so. That way you're both benefiting from the situation. It makes no sense for a club who already worked hard to get into first place to bring someone in and…
  • The packs usually show up at the end of trades, so when there are like 3 days left or so.
  • This is unfortunate..
  • That picture is disgusting...
    in Robots Comment by Ryan421 June 2016
  • The higher your streak gets, the less time you have to keep your streak alive. So you have to play games almost right away after so many wins
  • Just face it, being WeToddDid has its downside. Tapping the screen and scoring runs must be substantially harder for you under such circumstances. Maybe find a game with less controls so it's easier for you? ;)
  • Except for the fact that force promotions still come your way after so many wins and upgrades. Some people have figured out ways to go back to their old level as soon as the force promotion pops up. Pretty sure you misunderstood what I meant. But thanks for the "simple strategy" I guess my brain doesn't function at that…
  • I know...I always thought about what Grantile was saying. I'm sure there are workers within Glu or people that know someone in the company there who gets them the hookup with an all legend maxed out team or something.
  • I saw guys with legends on their team a week after the game came out, not sure how exactly. I've just accepted it at this point. Along with the guys who figured out the glitch to stop force promotions so they run 300 or 1K gold leagues with overpowered teams.
  • Yeah but you're talking about Glu. Either way they'll find people dumb enough to spend money on whoever it is they make elite, it doesn't matter to them how little of an upgrade the player is. I'm hoping it isn't elite Harper or anyone that isn't much of an upgrade but who knows
  • So Mike Trout fits that description how?
  • Sounds pretty unfortunate and not very realistic. I doubt Machado would ever do that in real life...
  • I also got Rohit when I contacted customer support. After a week I finally got a reply asking for screenshots. I sent them and another week went by before he responded telling me there was nothing he could do. Even with the screenshots he specifically asked for that proved the problem I had. It seems as if they have a few…
  • Hitting and pitching are the two most important things to upgrade. Then after that is trainer and pitch calling.
  • They add new features to the game for one reason, to make money. So while you may not like the system they've set up, they're not going to change it because you didn't benefit from it. They don't want it to be easy for you to get the best players in the game. They want to reel you in and make you spend money. They're a…
  • You guys are right, I'm an idiot lol. I guess the 3 control is the reason why I've rarely seen him on anyone's team. Does anyone use him and if you do, what are his stats like for you?
    in Legends? Comment by Ryan421 May 2016
  • It isn't for most people, unless they found a great club early on, built up a strong team, then won gold leagues. You could easily win enough gold to score several million points on your own in a good club with accolades

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